God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 268: The Young Emperor's White Moonlight 66 (recommended ticket breaks 30,000 plus mor

My daughter! How come you have become a foreigner!

Bai Jincheng sneered at the corner of his mouth, raising his hand to hit him.

But it was stopped by Ningmeng who emerged from behind Qi Yu.

"Stop, stop, say something well, don't do it." Ningmeng stepped forward, blocking between the two.

Qi Yu and Bai Jincheng looked at each other, and then quickly separated.

However, in this short second, both men understood each other's meaning in their hearts.

Qi Yu touched Ningmeng's head: "Okay, listen to you, don't fight, you go back first."

Ningmeng stood obediently, letting Qi Yu's hand fall on her head.

After hearing his words, Ningmeng's expression tightened, with her round eyes open, her eyes were extremely nervous and she looked at Qi Yu.

Qi Yu gave her a soothing smile, and Ningmeng's whole person suddenly fell.

Bai Jincheng watched the interaction between the two in the bottom of his eyes, his face was dark and black, this **** little bunny always grabbed his words.

It made him look like a villain in front of the girl.

Bai Jincheng took Ningmeng back to the princess mansion.

In Bai Jincheng's heart, there are actually many things he wants to ask Ningmeng.

Even if Ningmeng stayed in the Proton Mansion for a short time, but from the interaction between her and Qi Yu, it can be seen that the two are very familiar, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the two are happy.

Bai Jincheng wanted to know how Qi Yu abducted his baby daughter, and also wanted to know exactly how Ningmeng's feelings for Qi Yu were, whether it had reached the point where he had to be.

But looking at her clear and bright eyes, he finally did not ask.

Ningmeng separated from Bai Jincheng at the back door of the mansion.

She slipped in quietly from behind, just like when she was out of the house, without being noticed by anyone.

Bai Jincheng was in the dark, watching Ningmeng return to his yard before he walked in openly through the gate of the mansion.

As he walked, Bai Jincheng still thought to himself: When tomorrow he will rectify the guards in the mansion, especially the back door, and send more guards to stare at...

Bai Jincheng went to Wenqing, and the two spoke for a while.

Bai Jincheng talked about the place where he went out this afternoon with warmth, but he missed the fact that he went to Qiyu and had a fight with Qiyu Da. Similarly, Bai Jincheng didn't tell Wenqing either, Ningmeng was a bit unbehaved tonight, and sneaked out of the mansion.

After sitting there for a while, Bai Jincheng went to the study.

Tonight, he stayed in the study for a long time. Wenqing thought it was because he was busy today, but didn't know that Bai Jincheng was actually waiting for someone.

Until the voice of a watchman outside rang out, Qi Yu appeared in front of him silently in Bai Jincheng's study.

Bai Jincheng said with a cold face, facing Qi Yu: "There was a strong presence just now, so I didn't understand some words too well. But I think you are so smart, you should also know what I want to say. As a father , I don’t agree with my daughter marrying someone like you."

Qi Yu's expression was indifferent, unaffected by Bai Jincheng's words.

He came here tonight, but he didn't want to ask Bai Jincheng's consent.

But in certain things, Bai Jincheng had no choice.

Qi Yu sneered and threw a letter directly in front of Bai Jincheng.

Bai Jincheng opened it and saw that the letters hanging on the letter paper seemed to be some place names, but every time he read a word, Bai Jincheng's face became gloomy.

Bai Jincheng stared at Qi Yu with a cold face, "Who are you on earth?"

Qi Yu did not answer, but Bai Jincheng instantly understood his identity after seeing the very conspicuous piece of blood jade around his waist.

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