God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 274: White Moonlight of the Young Emperor 72

Qi Yu was able to compete with Bai Jincheng before, so his strength is of course needless to say.

However, Ye Ye's cultivation base was not low, but he lacked experience. Unlike Qi Yu, who had survived countless assassinations, Ye Ye was significantly less sharp than Qi Yu.

If at the beginning, Ye Ye hadn't noticed it yet.

However, after the two played against each other for a while, the gap became obvious.

Ye Ye was obviously not Qi Yu's opponent.

Ye Ye didn't expect that he would be so unlucky, nor that Ningmeng would really hide her secretly.

The two previous assassination plans failed. Ye Ye still thinks that the people he sent out have a problem, but now, when he himself is blocked by Qi Yu, he can’t run, nor can he kill Qi Yu and Ningmeng, Ye Ye Ye only felt the seriousness of this incident.

In particular, Bai Mingyue had found Bai Jincheng from the Princess' Mansion to come to rescue.

"There! It's in that small alley!"

Bai Mingyue's voice came from a distance.

Although they haven't seen them yet, whether it is Ningmeng, Qi Yu and Ye Ye, they have already heard the rapid footsteps.

There are still many people called by Bai Mingyue!

Ye Ye gritted his teeth, looked at Qi Yu in front of him, and a fierce slap crossed his eyes. His internal strength suddenly rose, and the sword energy in his hand became fierce.

Ye Ye knew that if he didn't escape from Qiyu, the consequences of being caught would be unimaginable!

He was like a trapped beast that had been driven to the end, with a loud shout, he continued to attack Qiyu with his sword, and his speed was several times faster than before!

Cold light suddenly appeared, Qi Yu was forced to step back a few steps by him.

Ye Ye seized this opportunity and quickly turned around to step on the wall and leap out.

However, Ye Ye had forgotten that there were not only him and Qi Yu, but also a Ningmeng carrying a stick.

When the two were fighting, Ningmeng made no sound, and her sense of existence was close to nothing, which also made Ye Ye ignore her existence.

However, seeing Ye Ye about to fly away, Ningmeng grabbed the stick in her hand and rushed forward without even thinking about it. With a bang, she knocked **** the back of his head.

Ye Ye was unprepared, his whole body let out a scream, and then fell to the ground from mid-air.

Seeing that he was not dead, Ningmeng went up and hit him with a few sticks.

Ningmeng is so powerful, and the stick is so heavy. Although she didn't kill Ye Ye when she went down with this stick, the sound of broken bones in the air couldn't be concealed.

"Mengmeng, enough." Qi Yu spoke to Ningmeng.

Ningmeng was very obedient, and immediately put the stick into the space and stood obediently on the side.

At this time, Bai Jincheng's figure appeared at the corner.

As soon as he saw Ningmeng, Bai Jincheng looked happy and walked in front of her in the blink of an eye.

"Nongrong, are you okay?" Bai Jincheng looked anxious, looking up and down Ningmeng.

"It's okay!" Ningmeng's face raised a big smile.

After Bai Jincheng saw that she was okay, he let go of his heart.

However, when he moved his gaze to the side and looked at Qiyu, who was knocking the assassin out of sight, Bai Jincheng's expression suddenly became weird.

Should this proton be his daughter's blessing or his daughter's nemesis?

Fortunately, when Ningmeng was in danger, Qi Yu was by her side, so she didn't have much trouble.

But how come Ningmeng has an accident every time Qiyu is there?


small theater:

Violent Meng (holding a small brick): Who said I was offline?

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