God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 292: The White Moonlight of the Young Emperor 92

Qi Yu never liked to deal with this, he almost couldn't wait to go back to the palace to spend time with Ningmeng.

Even if he didn't do anything, even if he just watched her sleep quietly, or slept with her in his arms, he would feel happy.

Therefore, after Qi Yu showed up for a while, by the way, he toasted a glass of wine with his father-in-law, and after giving enough face to Bai Jincheng, he smeared the soles of his feet and slipped back to Fengqi Palace where Ningmeng lived.

The eunuchs outside the palace knelt down to salute Qi Yu as soon as they saw Qi Yu. Qi Yu ignored them, there was wind under their feet, and went straight into the inner hall.

Ningmeng was sleeping on the bed, her expression was very well-behaved, and even the sleeping posture was the same as when he left.

Qi Yu raised his hand and touched her lightly, then chuckled lightly, took off his coat, opened the quilt and went to sleep.

Ningmeng slept soundly, Qi Yu's hand went around and gently pushed her into her arms.

Ningmeng slept well. She felt that someone was making her. She originally wanted to get together, but after smelling the familiar cold scent, Ningmeng gave up all resistance and didn't need Qiyu pull at all. She went straight to it. Turning over, he rolled into Qi Yu's arms.

This is also the habit left by the two after sleeping in the same bed for so long.

Qi Yu was pleased by Ningmeng's subconscious action. He curled his lips, put his arms around Ningmeng and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Ningmeng woke up again, it was already late at night.

The palace was brightly lit, and Ningmeng was hugged in a warm arms, but the feeling after the whole body was repeatedly disassembled and reorganized was not negligible.

Ningmeng frowned, her body moved slightly, and Qi Yu, who was sleeping next to her, immediately noticed it.

Qi Yu moved her body and looked down at her: "Mengmeng, are you awake?"

The messy pictures before going to bed have all slipped in Ningmeng's mind.

Ningmeng glared at Qi Yu with a bulging face. She didn't want to talk to him. After getting up from his arms, she wanted to bypass him and get out of bed.

However, Ningmeng moved a little, and an unspeakable sensation suddenly came from a certain part between her legs. Ningmeng's body became soft, and her whole body was planted directly under the bed.

Qi Yu was taken aback by this scene, and as soon as he stretched out his long arms, he hugged Ning Meng back.

Qi Yu just wanted to scold the disobedient little girl, but when she met her aggrieved look and flushed eyes, the flames that had only appeared in Qi Yu's heart disappeared.

"Lie down well, what you want to do, I will help you." Qi Yu gently patted Ningmeng.

Ningmeng looked aggrieved: "I'm thirsty and still hungry."

Qi Yu got out of bed wearing his coat and went outside to give orders. After a while, a court lady came in with toiletries.

Qi Yu held them back and waited for Ningmeng to wash herself personally. He also wiped Ningmeng's face and hands with a wrung-out towel, taking care of her in every possible way.

After Qi Yu waited for Ningmeng to wash up, and brought her some water to drink, the maid who had gone to the kitchen to get the porridge also returned.

Qi Yu still serves Ningmeng to drink porridge personally. This is what Qi Yu had ordered long ago to let the kitchen make Ningmeng's favorite preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

The bowl of porridge was a bit big. Ningmeng only ate half of it and couldn't finish it. Qi Yu took the spoon out of her hand and took a big mouthful. After a while, he ate the remaining half of the bowl into his stomach.

After eating and drinking, Qi Yu went to bed with her arms around Ningmeng.

Ningmeng was a little unable to sleep, pulling Qi Yu's sleeves and forbidding him to sleep: "Host, why are you doing such a thing to me?"

Qi Yu's eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head, his voice was slightly dull: "Don't like Mengmeng?"

"Hi, I like it. That is, can you lighten it next time" Ningmeng's face was red and she inadvertently teased Qi Yu.

Qi Yu almost lost control, but thinking of her for the first time today, Qi Yu took his gaze away from her face and slightly nodded: "Yeah."

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