Yue Lu was full of thoughts about the consequences of Ning Meng's failure to save this person later, she would not really care about Ah Xiong's life and death at all.

Even in Yuelu's heart, she was still anxious for Ah Xiong to die.

Ningmeng didn't have such vicious thoughts as hers. After Ningmeng finished speaking, she squatted in front of him, frowning, her expression slightly condensed, and she looked at his wound very seriously, and then, Ningmeng took her from her pocket. He took out a bottle and poured a pill from it into the man's mouth.

"Bring him to the nearest cave here, and move lightly!" Ningmeng stood up and said to everyone.

Before Ningmeng came back, Yuelu said that Axiong was hopeless, and everyone thought there was no hope. But now, listening to the tone of the messenger, it seems that there is still a rescue!

Everyone's eyes brightened, looking at Ningmeng's gaze with Qiyi, placing the last glimmer of hope on Ningmeng's body.

After Qi Yu didn't go out hunting, Yue Qing was the captain of the hunting team. This time, Ah Huang was attacked and injured, which made him feel very guilty. Upon hearing Ningmeng say this, Yue Qing immediately bent down and called several other brawny men, several of them cautiously carried Ah Xiong nearby. In the cave.

During this period, Ningmeng did not go in with them, but went back to the cave where she and Qiyu slept. After taking out some things, Ningmeng asked everyone to go outside the cave and wait.

Several people in Yueqing thought that Ningmeng was about to cast a spell, but without a word, they took everyone out.

Yuelu originally wanted to stay to see if Ningmeng really had this ability, but she was also taken out by Yueqing.

Until everyone had gone out, Ningmeng glanced at the person who had entered a coma, exchanged needles and threads and anesthetics from the system mall.

Thanks to the last plane Qi Yu found her a genius doctor as a master, Ningmeng always remembered the genius doctors seriously.

During this time, many herbs were also found in the forest, and some of them are very rare.

Watching them there is no one picking them, this is actually a very tortured thing for a doctor.

Therefore, Ning Meng occasionally pulls some herbs back and makes pills by herself in the cave.

There are many kinds of pills made by Ningmeng, including bleeding, detoxification, trauma and internal injuries.

Most of the elixir she made were in Qiyu's place, and only a small part of the elixir Ningmeng brought her herself.

The pill that Ningmeng gave Ah Xiong just now is to stop bleeding and prolong his life, because it not only contains herbs to stop bleeding, but she also blends some ginseng in it.

The wound on Axiong's body is so big that it must be sewn up, and Ningmeng has discovered that the blood on Axiong's body is not his own.

His wounds are huge and look a little scary, but they are actually very easy to deal with.

Yuelu felt that she had no way to start, it should be that she could not sew, and she did not have such a thin needle and thread.

Ningmeng stuffed another pill into his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to pinch among others. The eyes of Ah Xiong who had fainted turned a little, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep." Ningmeng said to him, then hit him with the anesthetic in her hand.

Ningmeng threaded the needle, tilted his head and glanced at Ah Xiong. After seeing him sober, he stretched out his hand and quickly sutured his wound.

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