What is a backlash and a rake?

That's it!

The poison of the moon banquet needs to be refined before it can be obtained.

If you don’t understand medicine, you won’t.

In the entire Yueyin tribe, only Ningmeng and Yuelu can make medicine.

Ningmeng definitely had never done anything like this before, and coupled with Yuelu's strange performance when she went to her cave today, both of them knew exactly who had poisoned Axiong.

The reason why Yuelu was so confident was only because Ningmeng couldn't show evidence of her poisoning.

Ningmeng kept fantasizing about what she would look like after putting a sack on Moon Dew in her mind, and suppressed all her anger in her heart.

Ningmeng lowered her eyes and replied, "I didn't say that."

"Really?" Yue Lu smiled coldly, her tone was very irritating: "But I feel that Envoy Master seems to think so in her heart. What can we do? Only the two of us in the tribe can make medicine, and the murderer must be there. Between the two of us.

Don't think people don't know, unless you don't do it yourself.

I grew up with Axiong since childhood, and Axiong is like my brother in my heart. I definitely will never do such a frenzied thing. Your messenger, or you just hire it. Even if there are any wrongs, to be honest, we will definitely understand you. "

There was a triumphant smile on Yuelu's face.

The reason why Ningmeng called Ah Huang to watch Yuelu before was because Ningmeng wanted to check the cave of Yuelu, otherwise she would have the chance to go back to the cave and destroy the body.

But now looking at the smug look on Yuelu's face, Ningmeng suddenly felt that if all of this had been designed before Yuelu, then there would probably be no evidence in the cave.

Ningmeng did not speak, but another voice came from behind Ningmeng: "Before there is evidence, it is difficult to say who the murderer is. Since Ah Xiong was poisoned by someone, we must be able to find a clue to the murderer. "

Ningmeng's eyes lit up when she heard this voice.

Someone has already seen the person speaking and called out his identity: "The leader!"

Ningmeng turned her head, and Qi Yu, who was tall and tall, walked towards everyone step by step. He didn't know when he appeared, or how much he listened to everyone's words.

"Mo Yan, you came back just right. How to check? I have full authority to cooperate." Yue Lu looked at Qi Yu softly and quickly opened her mouth to express her thoughts.

Ningmeng also looked at him, she didn't do such a thing, and there was no guilty conscience or fear in her heart.

Qi Yu walked to Ningmeng, then paused, and looked at the two of Ningmeng and Yuelu: "You two are the most suspicious. Why don't you start the investigation from your two caves."

As soon as Qiyu's words fell, Yuelu, who was standing on the side, immediately said: "Okay, it should have been like this."

The look on Yuelu's face didn't have any worries, she was very confident, as if she had a chance to win.

Ningmeng also nodded, "Well, I agree."

Because the caves of Ningmeng and Qiyu are relatively close to here, the caves of Ningmeng and Qiyu are the first to go.

The cave between Ningmeng and Qiyu was empty, and there was not much. When everyone entered the cave, they could even see it at a glance.

Qi Yu picked a few people out to search the cave, and then walked in with Ningmeng and Yuelu.

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