After the lunch was over, while Daidel and his subordinates were still obsessed with the delicious lunch, Qiyu sent people to remove more than fifty baskets of dry food from the cellar and asked Daidel to take it back to the tribe.

Daeder looked at the fifty-odd baskets of grains that were filled with food, and asked Qi Yu, "You can rest assured that we are not afraid that we won't come to your Yueyin tribe after we go back?"

Not only did Qiyu not leave a single person as a hostage, he even took the initiative to send so much food.

If Dadel really didn't want to admit what he had said before, it would be difficult to say whether their Rock Tribe would come to Moonsilver Tribe.

You know, there are no hostages in the Yueyin tribe, even if Dadel takes everyone back and eats up all the food Qiyu gave them, but the people don't come back, Qiyu is helpless.

Not to mention that Dadel's question was heard in Qi Yu's ears, even after Ningmeng next to him heard this question, looking at him was like looking at a small mentally retarded person.

Ningmeng licked her paw: "We have saved a lot of food, and we are not at a loss."

Dadel was taken aback, and suddenly reacted.

There are nearly thousands of people in the rock tribe, and the food they consume for each meal is not a small amount.

If the rock tribes did not come, they would really save a lot of food for Qiyu.

Dai Del looked slightly embarrassed, touched his nose, and said goodbye to Qi Yu honestly.

Although they were wounded, Dadel and the others did not slow down on their return journey. After returning to the Rock Tribe, Dadel told his father and some other leaders of the tribe that he had agreed to surrender to the Moonsilver Tribe.

In the tribe, everyone reacts differently.

Even if Dadel is now the leader, but a high-level tribe must subordinate to a lower-middle-level tribe, this is something that many people in the rock tribe cannot accept.

Dadel thought he wanted to convince everyone, I am afraid it would take a lot of work, but after eating, those who originally disagreed changed their opinions.

The reason turned out to be the more than fifty baskets of dry food that Qiyu gave Dadell.

Qiyu had long known that the people of the Rock Tribe were mostly opposed to returning to the Yueyin Tribe, so they sent Daidel these dry food.

These dry foods were all exchanged by Qiyu for Ningmeng from the space, something that was delicious and easy to fill up.

Regarding the things that come out of the system mall, the taste is naturally nothing to say.

Moreover, because they are not sure what the rock tribe people like to eat, Ning Meng exchanged a lot of flavors of dry food.

It looks like a pie, but it tastes hot and spicy, pickled peppers, fresh vegetables, sweet and sour fruits, and even roasted chicken legs.

Every bite brings a different taste to everyone.

Where did the people of the Rock Tribe have eaten such a delicious thing, especially after knowing that Dadel brought it back from the Moonsilver Tribe, those who have always agreed to return to the Moonsilver Tribe can't wait. And those who did not agree to submit, at this time, they thought in their hearts: The Moon Shadow Tribe actually has such a delicious food! Simply happy! I really want to eat it every day!

However, it seems that the leader has already said that he wants to return to the Moon Silver Tribe. Since the leader agrees, then they will... agree.

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