God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 375: Beast World Fanqing 90 (two more)

The sudden sound was like thunder on the ground, and everyone who was originally drowsy suddenly woke up from sleep.

Everyone ran in the direction where the person who was speaking was pointing their fingers. After a while, they saw the thin figure.

It really is a person!

And there is more than one! There are five or six people!

It's just that they all turned their backs to everyone, and everyone couldn't see them at all.

"Stop!" I don't know who yelled. Not only did the few people not stop and say, they also ran even faster.

When everyone saw this, they immediately caught up.

Those people ran fast, because they were in the tribe, and there was a vegetable field next to them, so it was not suitable to use animal shapes, so everyone did not change back to animal shapes, and kept following them closely in human form.

The noise became louder and louder, and the entire tribe was awakened.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the six people who wanted to destroy the vegetable field. Therefore, no one noticed that a petite figure quietly bypassed everyone and walked towards the cave of Qiyu and Ningmeng. .

The chaos behind her well concealed her figure. Yuelu, who was getting closer and closer to the cave, looked back and couldn't help cursing in her heart: idiot!

Even if those people who want to disadvantage the vegetable field run fast, they can't escape the palms of the tribal warriors.

Although at the beginning, everyone was helpless with these people, but when the number of people in the tribe gradually increased, in a short while, these people fell into everyone's hands one after another.

The sun is rising in the sky, the mist in front of you gradually dissipates, and the appearance of the few people is also exposed in front of everyone.

"Wolfyue! Wolfya! Why are you!"

"Red song! Why do you do this kind of thing!"


A series of shocks began to sound, and what was shocking was that these five people actually came from three different tribes.

Moreover, these three tribes only surrendered to the Moonsilver Tribe during this time.

"How can you do such a thing! The food is innocent!" someone shouted angrily.

Among these people, the one with the most disappointed look is Hezheng.

He Zheng looked at the person he was holding in his hand, his expression disappointed and a hint of shock mixed in: "Jihuang, why are you..."

Chi Huang is He Zheng's most important subordinate.

When He Zheng was still in the Cang Yue tribe, Chi Huang was his only apprentice, and He Zheng was also selected for him, the next heir.

But He Zheng never expected that Blazing Phoenix would do something like this to the Moon Silver Tribe that took them in!

Chi Huang was grasped by He Zheng, his hands clenched into fists, his head aside, he put his head aside and did not dare to look at He Zheng, and he didn't know if it was because of a guilty conscience or something else.

It wasn't until He Zheng spoke again that Chi Huang gritted his teeth and said: "A few days ago, a woman came to me and said that she could help us avenge the Cang Yue tribe. I didn't know what was going on at the time, so I suddenly agreed."

Originally, the fact that people from the Rock Tribe joined the Yueyin Tribe was a thorn in the hearts of Hezheng and the other Cangyue Tribes.

When the man found Blazing Phoenix, he not only didn't avoid this, but he said it bluntly, deliberately arousing the hatred and anger towards the rock tribe in Blazing Phoenix. Therefore, when the person said that he could help the Cang Yue tribe avenge, Blazing Phoenix agreed without hesitation.

Moreover, in order to be afraid of dragging Hezheng and others, he didn't tell anyone.

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