God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 383: Re-enter the entertainment circle 5 (three shifts)

Zhang Tian looked a little ignorant.

Originally, he just came to see Fu Zheng's situation. If he was still drunk all day long as before, Zhang Tian had already planned to give him up.

As a result, he hadn't finished speaking yet, he actually listened to Fu Zheng's words and waited here obediently?

Zhang Tian didn't know that Qi Yu was taking a bath in it. He sat on the sofa and waited for a long time, but after no one came out, the flame that had disappeared before slammed up again.

Why do you want him to wait in the living room is actually playing with him, right?

I haven't been out for a long time, even if it's a girl, she should have finished her makeup, right?

Although he only has Fu Zheng as an artist, his time is not so cheap!

Zhang Tian was furious and wanted to leave when he got up from the sofa.

However, at this time, the closed door of the private house clicked and was opened from the inside.

Zhang Tian glanced sideways, and was immediately stunned.

The young man who came out of the room was slender and had a cold expression.

He was like a piece of jade, and his whole body exuded a warm light, although his expression was cold and his temperament was alienated. But it is not the alienation that makes people feel inaccessible, but with a kind of pure natural nobleness.

Obviously, he was simply wearing a dark suit, but he squeezed those well-dressed male celebrities.

Zhang Tian even feels that it is not a problem for him to directly shoot the cover of the magazine like this.

Fu Zheng knew that his appearance was a bit serious and too mature, so his dressing style always liked lighter colors. For this kind of dark clothes, Zhang Tian, ​​as his agent, rarely looked at him. Through.

As a result, Zhang Tian never knew that Fu Zheng actually looked so good when he wore dark series of clothes!

Regardless of appearance or temperament, they are much higher than before!

Zhang Tian didn't know that this was the reason for the change of a core in the other party's body. Amidst a blunder, Qi Yu's changes before and after were directly judged by his sudden change of dress.

However, Zhang Tian still had some doubts. He asked, "This suit suits you well, why have I never seen you wear it?"

"Sponsored it." Qi Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he said concisely.

Thanks to this high-end brand, the clothes are expensive, the fabrics are good, and the workmanship is fine. So even if the original owner didn't like this type of clothing, he was not willing to throw it away.

Of course, Qi Yu did not miss the transient look of Zhang Tian just now.

It's just that Qi Yu doesn't care anymore.

"Brother Zhang, let's sit down and talk." Qi Yu walked aside, took two cups of warm water with a disposable paper cup, took one cup by himself, and placed one on the small table in front of Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian was going to leave originally, but now watching Qi Yu's changes, he sat down again.

I do not know how it is.

At this moment, in Zhang Tian's heart, a strong intuition suddenly came into being.

Intuition tells him that the person in front of him will definitely bring him more surprises in the future.

Zhang Tian has always believed in his instincts, so he decided to give Qi Yu another chance.

Qi Yu sat on the sofa holding the water. After all, this was the only person who cared about the original owner after his accident.

Qi Yu's attitude towards Zhang Tian is naturally not too bad.

Qi Yu asked, "I don't know if Brother Zhang is here today, what's the matter?"

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