God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 388: Re-enter the entertainment circle 10 (eight more)

The next day, Qi Yu and Ningmeng got up early, and after exercising in the gym for half an hour, they simply ate breakfast, and then Qi Yu drove Ningmeng to school.

Ningmeng is still an ordinary senior in his life.

Although Ningmeng doesn't think going to school is very important, she still needs to read this book.

Ningmeng entered the school gate carrying her schoolbag, and then went to her class along the memory in her mind.

Su Li is introverted and has very bad popularity in the class, and there is hardly a friend who can talk about it.

When Ningmeng left, some people in the class were already sitting in their seats.

When she entered the classroom, only a few of them looked up at her, and then quickly lowered their heads.

Ningmeng sat in the center of the third row.

The indifferent attitude of everyone not only did not make Ningmeng feel depressed, but it also made Ningmeng's intentions more smooth.

Anyway, after the mission was completed, she was destined to leave with the host, and Ningmeng didn't want to have any intersection with these people.

In the previous mission plane, Ningmeng has played a student, so she is no stranger to the identity of a student.

Moreover, there are memories left by Su Li floating in her mind. When the teacher was teaching on it, Ningmeng not only didn't look stunned, she even understood everything.

At the end of get out of class, the class leader brought a stack of forms from the office about the division of arts and sciences.

The forms were posted one by one, and Ningmeng got one too.

Ningmeng lowered his head and read the form once, and then he wrote quickly while holding a pen. Only when he chose liberal arts and sciences, Ningmeng paused slightly, thinking that the boy in his mind smiled and said that he would choose science. Ningmeng lowered his head and did not hesitate to type in the box of the word liberal arts. Made a tick.

Although I haven't been in contact with Bai Yan, Ningmeng still doesn't like him just because he looks good.

This kind of cute school grass is left to those overlord flowers to snatch, she just wants to be by her host's side.

The fact that Su Li confessed to Bai Yan yesterday was spread all over the campus, and almost everyone in the class knew about it.

At the same time, many people also learned that after school yesterday afternoon, Yang Lili took people to block Su Li in the alley.

This morning, everyone was surprised when they saw Ningmeng walk in from outside the classroom safe and sound.

Because, in their imagination, Ning Meng should have been beaten like a pig head by Yang Lili and others even if she was not disfigured yesterday afternoon.

This is how Yang Lili dealt with other girls who confessed like Bai Yan.

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with Ning Meng, which is really strange.

Moreover, what makes everyone even more strange is that everyone thinks that Ning Meng will choose science.

After all, her liberal arts and science grades are as good, and Bai Yan chooses science.

However, when everyone got the Ning Meng form, the results shocked everyone.

Ningmeng actually chose liberal arts?

The liberal arts that runs counter to Bai Yan?

Everyone looked at Ningmeng with a trace of sympathy, she was really bullied by Yang Lili and others.

Ningmeng didn't know that she had been sympathized by the whole class, and would even be sympathized by the whole school soon.

If she knew that she had unknowingly turned into an ugly duckling that everyone sympathized with, then Ning Meng would definitely blow up the heads of these people without saying a word, so that they would not study hard and think about things all day long!

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