God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 539: Doom: Revenge of the Zombie King 21

Nie Jiao's space is still level one, and the space is not large. Before Nie Qiqi and the others have been installed, the space is full.

Xue Xian and Nie Jiao looked distressed at the suitcases that hadn't been packed in.

But Nie Nan and the big men don’t take these things seriously. Instead, they protested against Nie Qiqi and Xue Xian’s behavior: “These clothes, pants, skirts, and skirts can’t be eaten. Take some things out, put the food in, and leave some space for us to collect supplies on the road."

Nie Nan spoke with a firm tone.

No matter how unhappy Xue Xian and Nie Jiao were, they could still tell the difference between them.

After Nie Jiao took some things out and put some food in, everyone drove out of the villa.

There are three in Nie Luping's family, four in Nie Qihua's family, Qi Yu and Ningmeng, as well as a chef Zhang Dan bold.

There are nine of them in total.

Although there are 9 commercial vehicles in the parking lot, everyone did not take one, but separated two vehicles.

Zhang Daudao followed Nie Qihua's family in a car, and Qi Yu and Ningmeng followed Nie Luping in a car.

Everyone drove and left the villa one after another.

In just a few days, the outside scene has completely changed.

The bustling and noisy streets were completely silent, with corpses and blood everywhere, and there were zombies wandering around the road, and the whole city revealed a lifeless breath.

Qiyu and the others were driven by Qiyu, and Nie Qihua and his car followed Qiyu and others.

Before setting off, everyone has customized the route.

R city is not far from city s, but now at the end of the day, landslides and cracks, although the high speed is convenient, but the risk factor is high, not as safe as the national highway.

So Qiyu and the others decided to drive along the national highway to R city.

When leaving the city, everyone occasionally encounters people standing on the side of the road and begging for them, but everyone is in danger at the end of the day, and it is good to be able to protect themselves.

Occasionally, Qiyu will encounter zombies wandering on the street. Qiyu that can be avoided will avoid it, and Qiyu that can't be avoided will directly hit it and knock the zombies into flight.

Everyone went out of the city smoothly.

Qi Yu drove, Ningmeng sat in the passenger seat, and Nie Luping's family in the back.

Everyone didn't speak, it was quiet, and the atmosphere in the car was a little dull.

Nie Luping had nothing to do, so he went to Qiyu to chat, but Qiyu's attitude was neither cold nor hot. After a few awkward conversations between the two, they couldn't talk anymore.

Nie Luping also wanted to chat with Ningmeng. Because Ningmeng has been with Qi Yu before, and it feels cold, he is a little unsure whether the person in front of him is the silent and introverted girl in his memory, so after coming to the villa, he hasn’t been with Ningmeng. Meng talked so much that they didn't know Ning Meng's ability now.

But after getting into the car, Ningmeng pulled out a panda blindfold from her backpack and put it on, closing her eyes for a false sleep, which directly eliminated the possibility of talking with them.

At noon, everyone casually found a safe and spacious place to rest.

Nie Nan asked Nie Jiao and Xue Xian to distribute food for everyone, each with a bucket of instant noodles, a braised egg and a ham sausage.

The hot water for the instant noodles came quickly, and he took out a pot directly from Nie Jiao's space. Nie Qiqi poured water into it. Nie Qihua used the fire power. Within a few minutes, the water in the pot bubbled.

Qiyu's space is larger than Nie Jiao's space, and the materials inside are countless times more than Nie Jiao's space.

While disassembling the instant noodles between herself and Ningmeng, Qi Yu thought: It seems that I have to find a time to leave with Mengmeng in the afternoon and give Mengmeng an extra meal in private.

Otherwise, with Ningmeng's big appetite, eating such a bucket of instant noodles is afraid to starve.

Just when Qi Yu was holding instant noodles and was going to fill hot water, Nie Jiao suddenly walked in front of him, her brows were crooked, her smile was calm, she reached out and handed her bitten egg and ham in front of Qi Yu, with a soft voice. Said: "Uncle San, you had a hard drive this morning. I have a small appetite. I will give you these to eat."

"No need." Qi Yu's eyebrows drooped, his expression cold, and he walked straight by Nie Jiao.

In the previous life, the person who sold the news that Nie Han was the emperor of the zombie to the base was not only the Nie Qihua family, but also the Nie Luping family.

If it weren't for the rules on the task board to let them pay back their blood debts and reap the consequences, Qi Yu would have thrown these people into the pile of zombies when the doomsday came.

After Qi Yu added hot water to the instant noodles, he brought it to Ningmeng.

Nie Jiao's act of courting Qi Yu just now is seen by everyone. After Qi Yu left, Nie Jiao's expression was not changed, and she turned and returned to her original position.

Holding her instant noodles, Nie Qiqi deliberately walked to Nie Jiao, looking at her arrogantly, with a hint of malice in her eyes: "If you want to please others, don't look in the mirror, how can Nie Han see you!"

"He doesn't like me, can he see you?" Nie Jiao is not a delicate little white lotus. Faced with Nie Qiqi's ridicule, she looked up and went back: "I heard that my cousin recommended herself a pillow seat twice. , Was kicked out of the room by my uncle."

This incident should be Nie Qiqi's greatest shame in her life.

Especially when Nie Jiao said so bluntly, for Nie Qiqi, it was no less than Nie Jiao directly slapped her in the face.

Nie Qiqi's eyes sank, and even her left hand was raised, but after all, it did not fall.

The look on Nie Jiao’s flowery face was even more triumphant: "Cousin, you hit it, if you dare to hit it, believe it or not, I’ll just use the suitcase in the space to kill you. And, in case I get hit by you. , I can’t take out the things in the space and I can’t blame it.

"You threaten me!" Nie Qiqi's expression became gloomy.

Nie Jiao is not afraid: "Where and where, I'm just telling the truth."

"Nie Jiao, you are so good! Let's wait and see!" Nie Qiqi raised her hand and turned to leave.

Nie Jiao looked at her back and sneered disdainfully. She hadn't seen her for half a year. Her cousin was still stupid for ten years.

After Nie Qiqi left, Cheng Huijun walked to Nie Jiao and said: "What are you arguing with her? It's not good to have such a lot of trouble."

"Then, do I have to bear it!" Cheng Huijun's words were like poking an inverse scale in Nie Jiao's heart. Nie Jiao raised her voice and looked slightly angry.

Because of Cheng Huijun's honest and fearful character, every time she was bullied by Nie Qiqi when she was a child, Cheng Huijun didn't say a word, but only told her to endure it, saying that suffering is a blessing.

After growing up, Nie Jiao hated Cheng Huijun's honest and cowardly character. Only those who were incapable would make her children wronged.

Cheng Huijun's sentence just now was just a casual remark. Nie Jiao never expected that Nie Jiao would react so much.

She shook her lips and stopped continuing the topic. She just divided the instant noodles in her bowl into half of Nie Jiao, lowered her tone, and lowered her head to compromise: "Hurry up, mother just said the wrong thing."

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