God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 610: Holographic online games: autistic teenager, about? 38

No matter why Niu Sulan knew about this.

But now she took the initiative to call and ask, in fact, they were willing to help.

Su Beiheng had been scrupulous before because of what, or because the Su family's family background was average and there was no good backer.

Although Subei Heng didn't know the status of Su's family, it was better to have someone help than them alone!

Therefore, Su Beiheng didn't hesitate, and directly explained the fact that Ning Meng was slandered in the game and even exposed his identity information.

Niu Sulan didn't expect that these years, there would be people who are so insidious and act so arrogant.

However, after knowing from Subei Heng's mouth that the other party's surname was Ou, who was a prominent figure in the capital, Niu Sulan couldn't help but smile.

This is simply... it's not that the enemy doesn't get together.

Ou's family, that's the mortal enemy of Su's family.

Niu Sulan smiled and said to Subei Heng: "Bei Heng, you told Mengmeng, let her not worry, and wait for the court to open with peace of mind."

"Thank you Aunt Lan first." Su Beiheng's eyes flashed, and he was sure that the homestay family was not easy.

"No need, you help me take care of Howl, you are the great benefactor of our home. If Howl called me today, I don't know you have encountered such a thing. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can directly Call me." Niu Sulan said cheerfully.

"Mengmeng also likes to play with Su Ge, I also want to thank Aunt Lan for finding a companion for Mengmeng." Su Beiheng also smiled, and his attitude towards Qi Yu was so good.

The two hung up the phone shortly after talking.

Su Beiheng put away his phone and went directly to Ningmeng's room.

He knocked on the door.

The door was opened by Ningmeng from the inside. Looking at Subei Heng who was in a wheelchair outside the door, Ningmeng looked dazed: "Brother?"

"Well, I have something to tell you." Su Beiheng pushed his wheelchair into the door by himself.

Ningmeng waited for Subei Heng to enter the door before asking, "What's the matter?"

"I just received a call from Aunt Lan. I told her about you. She said let us wait for the court with peace of mind, and she will help us."

"Ah. Why does Aunt Lan help us..." Ningmeng still doesn't know what Qi Yu is doing.

Su Beiheng turned his head to look at Qi Yu sitting on the sofa, "You have to ask him then."

Ningmeng: "..." Well, it turned out to be the host's credit.

After Subei Heng left, Ningmeng knew from Qi Yu that Su's family background was not simple, and Niu Sulan and Su Yi were not just simple policemen.

It's just that even Qi Yu doesn't know how high their status is.

After all, the former Su Ge was a child with autism, and he was indifferent to things that he was not interested in.

Qi Yu just peeled off the cocoon from the memories he left behind, knowing that home staying was not simple.

Qi Yu's physical condition limits his mobility.

If there were no people sent by Niu Sulan, Qi Yu wouldn't have to be so careful.

However, on the first day those people came, Qi Yu discovered it, but he never said it.

They are all retired soldiers, observing subtle and keenly.

Otherwise, Qi Yu would never let the Ou family be so relaxed, even without the help of Niu Sulan, Qi Yu would have a way to make the Ou family fall.

But now it seems that Qi Yu's current status can be regarded as a golden finger.


When Ningmeng and Qi Yu guessed the identity of the Su family, the Su family was also discussed in the WeChat group.

Both Su Yi and Su Bochuan have learned about what happened to Ningmeng from Niu Sulan's voice and are expressing their opinions.

Su Yi: I didn't expect that after so many years, the behavior of the Ou family would still be so disgusting.

Niu Sulan: That's right. This time I went to privately threatened the lawyer invited by the Su family, but I had already sent someone to protect this lawyer in the afternoon.

Su Yi: The Ou family is so arrogant, I will go back to Beijing for a round tomorrow.

Su Bochuan: Messing around, take your soldiers well.

Su Bochuan: Ou's family will be solved by me and your mother.

Niu Sulan: That's right, son, don't worry, I'll call your uncle later.

Su Yi: Qi


There are three hundred-year-old families in Beijing, namely Su, Nangong, and Ou.

Although Su Jia is a rising star, his family is not as deep as the Ou and Chen. But the victory lies in the family man who is brave and good at war and also capable of literary and military skills.

The old ancestor of the Su family was by his side during the founding of the country, and played together.

Although we are in a peaceful age, there are not as many wars as before.

But where everyone can't see, there is still gunpowder, war, and death.

The men of the Su family are all engaged in the military, and have made countless great achievements on the battlefield, and the titles are also bigger than one.

Not to mention Niu Sulan and Su Bochuan, even Su Yi is now only twenty-four and five, and he is already a major.

Su Bochuan is the leader of the Su family's generation. He should be the owner of the Su family.

It’s just that, in a kidnapping incident ten years ago, Su Bochuan gave up his position as the head of the house and let his second child inherit, while he took Niu Sulan, Su Ge and Su Yi and left Beijing to come. This remote s city.

The person kidnapped ten years ago was Su Ge.

Su Bochuan and Niu Sulan were also for the safety of Su Ge, so they didn't hesitate to put everything down and leave Beijing.

Even if Su Ge is not allowed to live with them now, he is afraid of being discovered by his enemies behind the scenes and committing a murderous attack on Su Ge.

After all, Su Ge is autistic, not as good as Su Yi, who has the ability to protect himself.

The reason why Niu Sulan regards the Ou family as a mortal enemy is because the kidnapping case that year did not find out who the murderer was, but Su Jia found out that the kidnapping case had something to do with the Ou family.

It's just that they can't come up with evidence, so they endure it for so many years.

This time, the three of Niu Sulan decided not to peel off the skin of Ou's family. I'm so sorry for the opportunity God gave!

When everything was done, Niu Sulan called the sister-in-law in Beijing, who is now the wife of the house owner.

It's a coincidence.

Su Bochuan and Su Bohui are brothers of a female compatriot.

Niu Sulan and Niu Liheng are sisters of a female compatriot.

Niu Sulan married Su Bochuan.

Niu Liheng and Su Bohui fell in love at first sight at the wedding banquet of Niu Sulan and Su Bochuan, and then they followed suit into the palace of marriage.

Even though Su Bochuan and Niu Sulan's family moved out of Beijing for so many years, the relationship with Su Bohui's family has always been very good.

The two sisters Niu Sulan and Niu Liheng often make phone calls, and often express their good things to each other. The distance between them does not impress the relationship between the two sisters.

When Su Ge was kidnapped, Niu Liheng was no less worried than Niu Sulan.

For so many years, Niu Liheng has been secretly collecting Ou's handles.

Now, after knowing the incident from Niu Sulan, Niu Liheng immediately assured Niu Sulan that she would immediately send someone to investigate the incident. If it was true, the hotel would not miss such a good opportunity.

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