God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 612: Holographic online games: autistic teenager, about? 40

"Get out of here! Do you think this is the first time you drove me out! Haha, I've had enough!" Not only did Ou Yufei not be frightened by Ou Minlun's rage, she stared her eyes and furiously Refuted him.

Concubine Ou Yu directly bypassed Ou Minlun, stepping on the marble with high heels, making a pedaling sound.

Concubine Ou Yu left the Ou family with her head upright.

Outside the Ou’s family, someone from the Su’s secretly sent past was staring. When Ou Yufei left the main house of the Ou family angrily, someone immediately reported it to Niu Liheng.

The corner of Niu Liheng's lips clicked: "Isn't this looking for death? Give the reporters the photos in hand and let them play freely."

"Okay, ma'am."


The next day, the news that Concubine Ou Yu was kicked out of the house spread throughout the Internet.

"Hey, Ou Minlun's previous actions have hurt other people, but they have protected his daughter. Originally I thought he was a good father, but it turned out that I thought too much."

"Wake up upstairs, good father is not like this!"

"Ou Minlun... is really a selfish person."

"For the Ou Clan Group, I will never buy the products of their company in the future."

"Right, right, right! Boycott Euclidean, start with me! No one can make money for this kind of black-hearted people! What do they make money for? Do you want to harm others?"


Fortunately, Ou Minlun did not see these comments on the Internet, otherwise he must be furious.

However, Ou Minlun does not have time to see it now.

As rumors on the Internet are spreading more and more intense, the first crisis is the Ou Clan Group.

Especially those on the board of directors, everyone is waiting for him to see how he handles this matter.

The glorious time of the Ou Clan Group has passed.

Since the position of Patriarch and Chairman passed from the previous Patriarch to Ou Minlun, the Ou Clan Group has begun to decline in recent years.

To be honest, Ou Minlun is not as capable as his Lao Tzu.

Moreover, the brothers of Ou Clan are not as united as the homestay.

For example, now that something happened to the Ou Clan Group, Ou Minlun has become a target on the Internet, but the rest of the Ou family, not only did not feel the crisis and anger, but also gloated in their hearts.

Maybe, some of the Ou’s family members have promoted these rumors behind the scenes.

Everyone is waiting to see Ou Minlun's joke.

After all, in their eyes, the position of the Patriarch of the Ou Family was much more tempting than those thin blood ties.

Ou Minlun was so busy that he sent someone to retrieve Concubine Ou Yu, and at the same time went to the paparazzi to buy some gossip from the entertainment industry. Whether it was useful or not, he exposed them all.

The lace news of these stars is indeed something that everyone talks about. The number of people who paid attention to Ou's affairs has dropped by two-thirds.

Ou Minlun breathed a sigh of relief.

The words are divided into two ends.

After leaving the Ou family, Concubine Ou Yu actually regretted it a bit.

Although she hated the Ou family, she hated the cold-blooded and ruthless Ou Minlun treated her in her previous life.

However, no matter what Ou Jia said, it is also a strong backer.

Even if she wants to come out, she should wait until this period of time has passed before leaving.

Otherwise, now she is alone, with no backers or back-ups, what can she do.

Concubine Ou Yu drove the car, walking around the street for the purpose of strolling, and suddenly a figure of a person passed in her mind.

Her eyes brightened, as if there was a sudden hope in life, and the whole person was full of energy.

If you go to him, he will definitely accept her.


Qi Yu and Ningmeng didn't know what happened to Ou's family in Beijing.

Maybe Qi Yu felt something, but he was restricted, even if he wanted to investigate it, he couldn't do anything.

Qi Yu just hoped that the fire that Su's family had ignited could burn for longer.

The best thing is that after he has the ability to protect himself in this world, even if Su Jia doesn't take action, he can take care of Concubine Ou Yu himself.

After making the phone call with Niu Sulan, Qi Yu became a bit active in front of others.

He had never spoken in front of everyone before, and now he started to speak.

Although these words, only to Ningmeng.

However, when Song Junhua and Su Beiheng talked to him before, he had never heard him.

Although Qi Yu is still not answering, but when Song Junhua and Subeiheng are talking, his eyes will turn to them.

Song Junhua still didn't know that Qi Yu had called Niu Sulan. After noticing the changes in Qi Yu, Song Junhua immediately called Niu Sulan and told her about this good thing.

After Niu Sulan listened, her heart was excited and sour again.

If it weren't for her high position and busy affairs, she would prefer to stay with her son now and see that the person close to him is herself.

Niu Sulan and Su Yi also took the time to come and take a look at Qiyu.

Qi Yu treated the three of them no different from the Su family.

Although he didn't speak out, he responded to everyone's enthusiasm.

Although the response was small, Niu Sulan and Su Yi were still so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

The three people in the dormitory are very busy, coming and going in a hurry.

Niu Sulan and Su Bochuan had a meal at Su's house anyway, but because Su Yi had to rush back, they didn't even eat any food, just looked at Qiyu and left.

However, he was still too happy, as if he had been in the car for a few hours, but only staying here for more than ten minutes was still a happy event for him.

The two of Ningmeng entered the game again.

Since the last time, the two have actually not played the game for a while.

Ou's affairs have been raging on the Internet during this period, and there is no need for everyone to deliberately promote it. Everyone already knows that the original "sunny doll" who posted the post is Ou Yufei herself.

Especially, after Nangong Yu came to S City that day, he posted a post on the game forum that evening. Although he had a baby relationship with Concubine Ou Yu, it was just a joke of the elders and everyone didn’t take it seriously. . And when Ou Yufei was in high school and university, she also had many boyfriends, so obviously she didn't take this matter to heart. Although I don't know why Concubine Ou Yu had suddenly done this kind of thing, he and Su Xiaomeng were good friends and had a life-saving grace. If everyone dares to bully Su Xiaomeng in the future, it is to look down on him Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu himself made a post with a large size. As soon as this post came out, the direction of the wind instantly turned, and it completely fell to Ningmeng's side.

Occasionally, some people say that they will always support Ou Yufei, and they will be instantly shocked by other game players.

As a result, when Ningmeng and Qi Yu went online again, although they still attracted the attention of some gamers, they were not as sensational as before.

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