God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 623: Holographic online games: autistic teenager, about? (Finish)

Song Junhua's words made Ningmeng look ignorant.

She looked at Song Junhua blankly, and did not speak for the first time.

However, her silent appearance was the default in Song Junhua's eyes.

Song Junhua bowed his head and sighed, pulled Ningmeng onto the sofa and sat down, and said with a heartfelt words: "Actually, your dad and I have already seen something is wrong with the two of you, and have been waiting for you to confess, but you are too late. He didn't speak. And he told us to see the parents together!"

"Mom, we didn't hide from you to see the parents." Ning Meng couldn't help but speak out.

"Then tell me, are you together?" Song Junhua took the opportunity to chase him.

"..." Ningmeng did not speak, but her cheeks flushed quietly.

Ningmeng's reaction has already said everything.

In fact, the appearance of Ningmeng and Qi Yu being crooked together all day long, anyone can see that something is wrong.

It was good for Qi Yu to only recognize her as a self-closing person before, but now that he is healed, the two of them are still stuck together all day.

Song Junhua and Su's father are both very enlightened people, and sooner or later their daughters will be married.

Qi Yu has always performed well in front of Song Junhua and Su's father, and Song Junhua and Su's father have always had a good impression of him.

Moreover, Song Junhua and Su's father, the other members of the Su family, have already met. They have very good personalities, and the two are close together. In fact, both Song Junhua and Su's father are very satisfied with Qiyu.

It's just that Qiyu's autism was what Song Junhua and Su's father were worried about.

But Su Beiheng’s words changed the worries of Song Junhua and Su’s father: “Mom and Dad, don’t worry, even if he relapses with autism in the future, it doesn’t matter. Only he is sticky and cute, for fear of being left behind by Mengmeng. In the same way, there is no need to worry about him bullying Mengmeng at all."

Su Beiheng's words made Song Junhua and Su's father suddenly clear.

Yes, I just watched Qi Yu's "autism" before she was not getting better, all day long, holding Ning Meng's clothes corner and following her as a small tail, Ning Meng married in the past and didn't have to worry about being bullied. .

This is also the reason why Song Junhua and Su's father didn't care about Ningmeng and Qi Yu's dating relationship without telling them.

After Ningmeng and Su's family confessed, Su's family soon learned the news of their love.

Like the Su family, the Su family members are very happy and agree.

Especially Niu Sulan, after knowing the news, she immediately called Song Junhua and started discussing the bride price, for fear that this daughter-in-law would run away.

Song Junhua was shocked by Niu Sulan's anxious attitude. Although she was a little happy that her daughter had finally given up, she never thought of marrying her daughter out so soon.

This is too hasty.

Not to mention, Ningmeng is still in her freshman year.

Song Junhua thought for a while, but turned down the issue of Ningmeng's young age now.

For Ningmeng and Qiyu, it is not important whether they will be engaged or not, because they only have each other in their hearts. The relationship between the two is far deeper than ordinary people think. Even if they are not engaged or married, they will Go to the end.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu were not interested in this, and Niu Sulan had no choice but to give up.

However, Niu Sulan is more enthusiastic about Ningmeng than before.

Because the relationship has been confessed with their family members, Ningmeng and Qi Yu don't have to worry about them. They stick together all day, like a pair of giant Siamese babies.

Throughout the summer vacation, Ningmeng and Qi Yu both soaked in the game to develop their own careers.

Ningmeng’s small shops are becoming more and more prosperous, and there is no demand for supplying goods every day.

Every day, Ningmeng earns 10,000 gold every day. After a summer vacation, she has become a veritable little rich woman.

Qi Yu is also very good. During one summer vacation, he went from an employee of Shengshi Game Company to one of the shareholders of this game company.

Although Qi Yu's career in this world is not comparable to his many mission planes before, he has built his career in this world from scratch with his own ability.

The annual revenue of seven or eight figures has allowed him to be at the forefront of his peers, and it is also enough for the replica Qiyu* replica Ningmeng to spend the rest of their lives.

Both of them had a very fulfilling summer vacation.

The only thing that surprised the two of them was that Concubine Ou Yu died.

The death of Concubine Ou Yu was reminded of Ningmeng by 001 in her mind. The two private detectives employed by Qi Yu at the time had never found the trace of Concubine Ou Yu from Nangong Yu's house.

Ningmeng asked Ningmeng about the cause of 001's death, and 001 said to Ningmeng in her mind that Concubine Ou Yu committed suicide. As for the cause of suicide, 001 did not tell Ningmeng, but only said that heaven cannot be violated.

Concubine Ou Yu is dead, although the news of her death is somewhat inexplicable. But I have to say that a string in Ningmeng's heart can finally relax.

Because Ningmeng even thought about going to work in Beijing after graduation, she must be at ease if Concubine Ou Yu will not be well in her next life.

After the summer vacation, Ningmeng went back to school again.

There is only one task left for her and Qi Yu in this world, and that is to get married.

For both Ningmeng and Qi Yu, this task is simply to send sub-questions.

When September approached, Su Xiaomeng's ID card finally turned twenty years old.

Su Ge's ID card had already reached the legal age for marriage.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng discussed it, and finally decided to leave this world.

Although life is comfortable and beautiful now, it is not their life.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu went to the Civil Affairs Bureau and spent 9.99 yuan in exchange for a small red book.

When the two got the little red book, the task status in the system board was the same as the previous tasks when they were completed, and a big green tick appeared behind the task details.

Standing at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qi Yu couldn't help but hug Ningmeng tightly, bowed his head and kissed her smooth forehead, with a pious and prudent tone: "Mengmeng, I will give you a grand wedding in the future."

"Yeah, I'm waiting." Ningmeng nodded obediently.

After the mission was completed, the two directly left the plane in a gesture of hugging each other.

People who came and went only thought that the young couple had just received their marriage certificate and were excited, but they didn't know that the master had already changed people in the body of this body.

The replicas left by Qi Yu and Ningmeng after they left will only inherit the memories of the two in the mission world, and their feelings that are so strong that they can only recognize each other.

The departure of Qi Yu and Ningmeng will not duplicate their lives in the slightest.

For example, now, after Qi Yu and Ningmeng left, the two who hugged each other on the steps opened their eyes, feeling more affectionate than Jin Jian.

He grabbed her hand and said softly and softly: "Let's go home."

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