Ningmeng's coquettish gesture made Shangsu squinted, and a touch of joy rose from the bottom of his heart.

Although he himself didn't know why he was happy.

But, undoubtedly, his current interest in this snow fox is great.

Shangsu raised his hand and patted Ningmeng’s head, and then said to the butler, who had ignored him for a long time,: “Go to the accountant to settle the ten thousand taels of gold and send it to the Qing’an Princess’s Mansion. ."

Shangsu looked careless, even if it was directly robbing a princess of a country, his tone was so natural, as if the other party was not a noble eldest princess, as if he gave it a word, not ten thousand taels of gold, but in Buying a bowl of tea from a small vendor on the road is as relaxing and leisurely.

The butler did not dare to have any doubts about Shangsu's decision, and immediately responded: "Yes, the old slave will do it now."

The housekeeper retired, and only Shangsu and Ningmeng were left in the room.

Shangsu was only comfortable at first, so he patted Ningmeng's head, but he didn't expect that the fluffy and smooth touch was unexpectedly liked by him.

Shangsu's hands can be touched all the way from Ningmeng's head to her tail. Not only is the smooth and soft touch that he likes, but even her small paws are very cute when Shangsu is in his hand.

Looking down at the snow fox lying in his arms, Shang Su said softly: "I bought you. From now on, you will be my own fox."

【Ding! The favorability of the hotel to you is +10, and the total favorability is currently 20! 】

The sound of reminders that came out of her mind made Ningmeng happy, almost subconsciously, she stretched out her pink tongue and licked on the back of Shangsu's hand.

The warm and moist little tongue licked a few times from the back of his hand, and Shangju didn't resist her touch at all.

He curled his lips, a pair of eye-catching Danfeng eyes shining brightly: "I will assume you agree to this action. If you dare to go with people in the future, I will plan your legs."

The tone of Shangsu's speech was the same as before. His voice was gentle and his expression was relaxed and happy, but for some reason, it was that Ningmeng's heart suddenly gave birth to a cold and eroded weird feeling.

Ningmeng shuddered and couldn't help shaking her body.

She raised her head and glanced at Shangsu, and saw that the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, her brows were gentle, and she was in a good mood.

Is the gloomy feeling just now her illusion?

Moreover, Shangsu's favorability for her has just increased, and it is impossible for 2001 to use the task progress to deceive her.

In the blink of an eye, Ningmeng forsook the feeling of coldness just now, then stretched out her small tongue and licked Shangsu's hand as a response to his words.

He is her host.

She will never leave him.


In fact, Shangsu cares very much about the people and things that it cares about.

It's just that few things have been favored by him over the years.

And now, there is one more lemon cute.

After he said those words, Ningmeng obviously felt that his attitude towards him had undergone an astonishing change.

Although Shangsu's attitude towards Ningmeng was not bad before, it was not very good either.

At least, it was true that he didn't have much patience with her. He pinched the nape of her neck a few times before.

But now after saying that, Shangsu's attitude towards Ningmeng has become gentle and patient.

When eating at noon, the housekeeper originally wanted to take Ningmeng to eat, but Shangsu stopped his movements and asked him to bring an extra set of bowls and chopsticks.

Shangsu actually asked Ningmeng to eat at the same table with him, and he also hand-picked chicken legs for Ningmeng to eat.

The golden and oily chicken drumsticks were put into her bowl, and Ning Meng was almost moved to cry.

She stretched out her small tongue and licked Shangsu's hand to show her gratitude. After watching Shangsu move the chopsticks, Ningmeng also ate her head.

The chicken legs were grilled so that the outside was charred and tender inside, and the taste was delicious. Lemon Meng wagged his tail happily.

Sure enough, the host is the host, even if the memory is sealed, it will still treat her well.

Ningmeng nibbled the drumsticks in the bowl, feeling happy and contented.

However, if she could look up and look around at this moment, she would be able to see the shocked and unbelievable looks of the butler and other servants.

There was always only His Royal Highness Yu Wang who was served by others, and even the current emperor did not have the privilege of letting him pick up dishes by himself.

But now, this little snow fox got it.

Everyone lifted Ningmeng's position in their hearts, and secretly told themselves that they must not let this little snow fox slack off.

The words are divided into two parts, and time returns to this morning.

Anqing Princess Mansion.

Today’s Baihua Banquet, because of the absence of Shangsu and the disappearance of Ningmeng, Princess Anqing ended the banquet ahead of schedule.

However, within half a cup of tea, almost every household among the rich and powerful knew that Princess Anqing was frightened by a snow fox and was frightened, so the Hundred Flower Banquet ended ahead of schedule.

Princess Anqing is noble, and there are reasons for it. Although the end of the Hundred Flower Banquet made many official ladies go away for nothing, no one dared to have any dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, after they return to the house, they have to ask the elders in the family to prepare gifts and send them to the princess house to show their condolences.

But everyone didn't know that this princess Qing'an, who was frightened by the rumors of Xuehu, was living in her bedroom at the moment, full of energy.

After Ningmeng ran away today, Princess An Qing immediately asked the grandmother beside her to come forward, ending the banquet ahead of schedule.

Then, Princess Anqing ordered all the guards and domestic slaves in the mansion to find the snow fox for her even if they dig three feet!

Thinking of the shameful appearance that the snow fox made her panicked in front of everyone today, Princess An Qing's eyes rose with anger.

After she catches a disobedient thing, she must be severely punished to express her resentment!

For this reason, Princess Anqing also used the few secret guards in her hand, and finally knew that the snow fox had been taken away by Shangsu.

Princess Anqing didn't know why Shangsu took the snow fox away without saying a word. Although Shangsu was notorious in the capital and everyone respected it, Princess Anqing was not afraid.

After knowing that the snow fox had been taken away by Shangsu, Princess Anqing sent someone to the Yuwangfu immediately and asked for the snow fox back.

However, after seeing her servant come back carrying ten thousand taels of gold, Princess Anqing was not only not happy, but even more angry.

This Yuwang is simply unreasonable!

Princess Anqing immediately wanted to go out in person, and went to Yuwangfu to seek an explanation.

However, before going out, she glanced at the big box of golden gold, and suddenly found that she couldn't move her feet.

Although she is a distinguished princess, she only leads her salary. Although she has an industry under her name, she doesn't make much money.

Twelve thousand gold...

It has been her income for two or three years.

Princess An Qing flicked her sleeves, turned and walked back, her face was still angered, her voice was so loud that she didn't know if she was hiding her embarrassment or was trying to shock others.

She opened the mouth and said: "Wang Yu is absolutely unreasonable! When you change the Japanese Palace to see the emperor, you must say it well!"

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