God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 643: Raiders sick prince 15

"No. The prince can rest assured that everything is in place in the mansion recently." The butler closely followed Shangsu, picking up some things that happened during this period and telling him.

Shangsu hugged Ningmeng without saying a word, and only the housekeeper was talking during the whole process. It was not until after she had finished speaking that Shangsu said, "Thank you, Uncle Wang."

The butler was taken aback, then smiled and said, "It's not hard."

But after seeing Ningmeng in Shangsu's arms, the housekeeper suddenly smiled and said: "It's this little fox who waits in front of the mansion gate every night to wait for the prince to come home. It can be seen that he is loyal."

"Really. Then what does it do during the day?" Shangsu also came with some interest when he heard the words.

His gaze fell on Ningmeng and took a few glances. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and he didn't know if it was his illusion. He felt that the fox in his arms was a little bigger and heavier. He was a sharp fox. Mao is now even more white and shiny, more beautiful and smooth than before.

"Sleeping during the day. I sleep in the flower garden all day long. When it's time to eat, I don’t have to call Xiuer at all. It will come out by itself." Speaking of Ningmeng’s life these days, the housekeeper couldn’t help laughing .

Although the intersection with Ningmeng is not deep, but the housekeeper also likes this well-behaved and quiet little snow fox, so he is also happy to help Ningmeng speak nice things in front of Shangsu.

Shangsu held the little fox in his arms, his cold eyebrows were softer than usual.

After he walked into the living room holding Ningmeng, a maid came in with food soon.

Although it was late at night, because I didn't know when the business would come back, the kitchen was always prepared to receive him hot meals.

All kinds of delicacies quickly filled a round table.

Shangsu sat down with Ningmeng in his arms, and screened all his servants. Only he and Ningmeng, sitting in the living room one by one, happily having dinner.

After the two had dinner, Shang Su held Ning Meng to take a bath in the hot spring.

This time Ningmeng was mentally prepared. When she saw Shangsu raising her hand and starting to unbutton her clothes, Ningmeng immediately turned around and faced Shangsu with her furry buttocks.

Ning Meng turned around until the sound of Xi Suo Suo taking off his clothes disappeared and the sound of water rang.

However, she didn't know if it was Ningmeng's illusion. She found that Shangsu's bath time was shorter today than last time.

Every day after the screen, people will take away the clothes and pants that the hotel has changed, and they will also bring clean clothes to put them neatly in the late afternoon.

After the hotel was soaked, he walked out of the pool.

What a picture of a beautiful boy out in the bath.

Ningmeng hurriedly lowered her head and covered her little shaggy face with her claws.

The hotel is dressed well.

Because he was going to bed soon, for convenience, he only wore a pair of innermost clothes, pants, and a robe outside.

Shangsu hugged Ningmeng, and still wiped Ningmeng's paws and mouth with the wet kerchief, and then returned to the room with her in his arms.

Shangsu didn't put Ningmeng in her den, but directly put Ningmeng on the inside of the big bed.

Ningmeng jumped off Shangsu's hand, and lay down on the pillow honestly, with joy in her heart.

She thought she had to climb the bed today.

After setting up Ningmeng, Shangsu blew out the candle in the room and went to bed in the dark.

The small nest in that corner, at this moment, seemed to be forgotten.

Ningmeng lay down on the pillow comfortably, and had no doubt about Shangsu's act of putting her directly on the bed.

However, the Shangju lying on the bed did not immediately close his eyes and fall asleep.

Shangsu opened his eyes and his eyes were deep.

After spending the night with Ningmeng that day, he thought that his insomnia had gone away.

As a result, during the five days he went out, he still couldn't sleep.

Unless his body is exhausted.

However, even so, he did not sleep well.

However, at this moment, when he lay down on this bed, he felt the deep sleepiness emerging from his body, and the fatigue that had been neglected these days also all appeared in an instant.

However, Shangsu's heart is not only not half happy, but his mind is more gloomy.

He glanced sideways at the little snow fox sleeping on the side of the pillow. Even in this dimly lit environment, her snow-white hair was particularly eye-catching and dazzling, as if it was shining.

On the way to the palace that day, Shangsu once again sent secretly to inquire about the origin of this snow fox.

The news reported by the dark guard was the same as the one found that day.

The little snow fox was caught by hunters in the deep mountain and old forest, and met him. It can be said that his family is innocent, and he has not been tamed secretly. And the genius doctor Jiang will pass through the capital next month. When that happens, I believe the genius doctor will know what is going on with his body.

At this moment, Ningmeng in her sleep didn't know, she should thank herself for being a fox. Because Shangsu's vigilance and precautions are much deeper than she thought. If she is an individual, even if Shangsu is still reluctant to kill her in the end, she will be more and more guarded and vigilant.

Most people are tolerant towards animals, even in Shangsu.

Shangsu turned his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

One person, one fox, one night dream.

Shangsu went out this time and helped the emperor solve a matter that the court, civil and military officials could not solve.

Although Shangsu had a position hanging on his body, he was different from other princes, civil and military officials.

The other princes and civil and military officials had to go to the morning court every day, except for Xiu Mu, but Shangsu did not.

Whether he can go to the morning court or not, he depends on his mood.

Going when you want to go, and not going when you don't want to go, can be described as extremely capricious.

It's not that no one played him, but all of them were suppressed by the emperor.

Moreover, even though Shangsu was self-willed, it didn't have to do anything less people.

Those things that make everyone feel headaches, or involve themselves and the interests of high officials, are all handled by the business.

Shangsu is willful and reckless, but he does have this capital.

Because last time I said it was good to take Ningmeng out to play, but because someone from the palace disrupted his plan, after having breakfast today, Shangsu simply tidied up and went out holding Ningmeng.

When Shangsu took Ningmeng out of the house, he didn't bring any other entourage.

He didn't ride a carriage or a bicycle, and walked along the avenue with Ningmeng in his arms.

Yuwang Mansion is not far from the downtown, just two blocks away.

The business hotel walked very fast, and after a while, he brought Ningmeng to the crowded street.

On the street, people come and go, crowds of people, all kinds of shouts and discussions are intertwined, and it is very lively.

Ningmeng has followed Qiyu through so many planes, and the ancient overhead world has also been there several times.

Although the dynasties are different, everyone's clothes and the things on the stall are similar.

Ningmeng is not as excited as she was when she first started the task.

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