God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 648: Raiders sick prince 20

Ningmeng was seriously injured.

The dagger passed directly through her thigh.

Although the doctor bandaged her wound and prescribed medicine, he was not sure that the injured leg of Ning Meng would be able to return to normal afterwards.

But for Ningmeng, this is nothing at all.

It is for her to have a breath, as long as she can still cultivate the demon power, it can be cured.

Ningmeng stayed in bed for two days before getting out of bed and walking.

Shangsu originally refused to let her get out of bed for fear that her wound would open again.

But when he called the doctor over to take a look, he found that the **** wound before Ningmeng was almost healed at this moment.

As long as you don't do strenuous exercise, there will be no problem.

Ningmeng's injury healed so quickly that the doctor also had a big eye on her.

The doctor knew that the medicine he prescribed would definitely not have such a big effect, and finally attributed it all to the physique of Ning Meng.

Maybe the Xuehu clan is born with strong healing power...

All in all, Ningmeng's injury recovered so quickly, whether it is for Ningmeng or for Shangdu, it is a happy thing to make people feel.

Ever since Ningmeng helped Shangsu to survive the catastrophe, Ningmeng's position in the Yu Prince's Mansion has suddenly risen.

Shangsu would rather stay with Ningmeng at home instead of going to court every day. Although he did not give Ningmeng a status in front of others, the scene of Shangsu coming in from outside holding Ningmeng was seen by many people that day.

Not only Prince Yu’s Mansion, but even the entire capital city knew that Shangsu was assassinated and was rescued by a snow fox.

At the moment, Shangsu has done everything he does to Ningmeng. From his attitude towards Ningmeng, these people in the Yu Prince's Mansion, who were still a little wait-and-see about Ningmeng’s identity, directly put Ningmeng in the position of a little master. on.

Once the injury healed, Ningmeng couldn't help but go out for a stroll.

Shangsu hugged her and agreed to go out, but only allowed her to move around in the mansion.

Shangsu's favorability seems to have reached a critical point these days, no matter how well-behaved Ning Meng is in front of him, his favorability has not changed.

Ningmeng was not able to brush up on her favorability, so Ningmeng put her mind on her practice.

Otherwise, judging from the scars on Shangsu's back, it should be commonplace for him to go out and be assassinated.

Although Ningmeng didn't know why Shangsu was always reluctant to take her entourage when she went out, she secretly made up her mind that she must work hard to cultivate and strengthen her strength.

When he is assassinated again in the future, let Shangsu not get hurt, and let himself not get hurt.

Ningmeng went to the back garden, found a shady location, and curled up in the flower garden to absorb the aura in the air.

Shangsu already knew from the housekeeper that Xiao Xuehu likes to sleep in the flowerbed, so he didn't bother her.

In addition, news came from the dark guard that the person behind the scenes who assassinated him last time had already been raised.

Shangsu changed his clothes and walked out of the house.

However, after Shangsu left the mansion, some people entered the Yuwang Mansion on the back foot.

Shang Mingyu, the five most beloved princess, came to the Palace of Yu.

Although Shang Mingyu is only a princess, she is now the most noble princess and the most favored by the emperor.

Her brother is the current prince, and her biological mother is the current queen.

Shang Mingyu has a gold medal for avoiding death given to her by the emperor. Seeing the gold medal is like seeing the saint.

With the gold medal in hand, even the guards of Prince Yu's Mansion could not stop her.

Shang Mingyu took his entourage and entered the Yuwang Palace unimpeded all the way.

The butler rushed to greet him: "The old slave has seen the five princesses."

"Get up, I heard that Brother Shangsu raised a snow fox. Where is the snow fox? This princess came to see the snow fox today." Shang Mingyu nodded slightly and asked the housekeeper directly, with a slightly proud expression. .

The housekeeper looked at Shang Mingyu's expression very quickly.

As soon as Shang Mingyu came in, he called for Xiao Xuehu, but seeing her arrogant appearance, although she didn't seem to come to find fault, she didn't necessarily really like Xiao Xuehu.

Moreover, I took advantage of the time when I was away from the hotel.

As soon as Shangsu left the house, Shang Mingyu walked in with his hind feet. How could there be such a coincidence in this matter.

The housekeeper quickly analyzed it, then smiled on his face, and said to Shang Mingyu: "The fifth princesses don't know something. This snow fox has a very lively character, and he often goes out and disappears. Sometimes he goes out for a while. It is also possible that the sky does not return, and for a while, the old slave doesn't know where it is."

"Really?" Shang Mingyu glanced at the butler with a smile but didn't attack the butler. Instead, he said: "Well, this princess will look for it by herself. Maybe you will see it when you get lucky. She's here. This princess heard that the snow fox raised by brother Shangsu is very well-behaved. Not only does it look white and flawless, but it also saved brother Shangsu's life some time ago. There are many people who keep pets, but it is the pet of the owner. This princess has never seen her before. This princess is really curious about her."

Although Shang Mingyu said so, he walked directly to the back garden of Prince Yu Mansion, with a very strong purpose.

The steward wanted to stop Shang Mingyu, but Shang Mingyu had a death-free gold medal in hand. If she blocked her, it would be disrespectful to the sage.

The housekeeper frowned, and secretly prayed that Ningmeng would be able to hide some more, so that he would not be discovered by Shang Mingyu.

The back garden of King Yu Mansion is very large, and there are a lot of rockery and water pavilions in it.

Not to mention the exotic flowers and small trees planted on both sides of the gravel road.

Shang Mingyu only knew that the snow fox was in the back garden, but she didn't know where it was in the back garden.

Shang Mingyu's dress was interested in this back garden. Under the blazing sun, he just took the palace maid who came with him and walked in this back garden for half an hour.

In order to lure the little Xuehu out, Shang Mingyu kept talking, sometimes talking to the maids he had brought, and sometimes asking the housekeeper some questions, trying to ask something out of the housekeeper's mouth.

However, the butler's vigilance was very high. He seemed to be honest and honest, but in reality he was extremely shrewd. Not only did Shang Mingyu fail to get a word out of his mouth, but he almost got it out of his mouth.

Although Shang Mingyu was grown up spoiled by the emperor and the queen, her personality was not as arrogant as she showed. She still had some scheming, but not very deep.

In order to fear that he would say something wrong later, Shang Mingyu began to have the mind to send the housekeeper away.

Shang Mingyu smiled sweetly on his face: "Housekeeper, go and do your own things. With such a maid waiting here, this princess will not prevent you from handling other things."

It is simply not obvious what Shang Mingyu meant to let the housekeeper leave.

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