God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 666: Raiders sick prince 38

She had already thought about Shang Mingyu on the way to Wangyue Pavilion.

Since the snow fox raised by her Shangsu had disfigured, and since the snow fox had been secretly released by Shangsu, she would avenge the disfigured vengeance on the girl whom Shangsu had brought back.

She hates Shangsu, but Shangsu's martial arts is strong and cruel, she can't afford to offend it.

However, if the other party is a girl with no family background, then no matter what she does to the girl, the emperor and the queen will protect her, even if it is a business hotel, they can’t take her.

Shang Mingyu came over with a long whip angrily, just wanting to let Ningmeng experience the pain of his disfigurement.

She is not targeting Ningmeng, but she wants Shangju to experience the feeling of losing her beautiful things once.

Isn't Shangsu holding this girl in her palm as a treasure, then she will let this girl be a weed that everyone can trample on!

However, when Shang Mingyu’s gaze fell on Ningmeng, he determined that Ningmeng was the girl that Shangsu held in her palm, and she also saw clearly the appearance of Ningmeng’s pink jade, as smooth as fat. After the snow-white skin, the flames of jealousy in Shang Mingyu's eyes rose thickly.

At this moment, Shang Mingyu thought of the scar under his face towel, like a centipede crawling on his face.

So ugly.

Now, how can Ningmeng's pure and holy appearance make her willing.

Someone nearby had already recognized Shang Mingyu, and even an official lady came forward, wanting to say hello to Shang Mingyu.

But Shang Mingyu's red eyes, only Ningmeng exists at this moment.

Shang Mingyu looked at Ningmeng with hatred, and couldn't tolerate other people and other things in his eyes.

Shang Mingyu didn't say a word, and walked quickly towards Ningmeng.

She was sitting in her seat, holding a small bite of Lime Meng in the pastry, as if she felt something.

She raised her head, her cheeks bulging on both sides, as cute as a little hamster eating.

Ningmeng looked at Shang Mingyu, who was striding towards him, with a dazed expression on her face.

However, after meeting Shang Mingyu's hostile eyes, Ningmeng recognized her in an instant.

Five princesses!

Shang Mingyu!

Moreover, the other party is obviously not good!

Ningmeng swallowed the cakes in her mouth, and took another sip of tea with her teacup. She was extremely calm on the surface, but in fact she had become vigilant towards Shang Mingyu in her heart.

"Little bitch!" Shang Mingyu stood still one meter away from Ningmeng, then sneered, calling out this name, raised his hand high and raised the long whip in his hand, and directly hit Ningmeng.

Everyone knows that Shang Mingyu seems to be here to find fault, but she didn't expect that she would do it without saying a word!

Moreover, the target of the action is still the people brought by the business.

Wangyue Pavilion came to attend the palace banquet. Everyone was stunned. The cowardly official lady couldn’t help covering her face and exclaiming. It seemed that Ning Meng would be expected to be beaten by Shang Mingyu’s long whip. Picture.

The long whip in Shang Mingyu's hand was not an ordinary whip.

The long whip in her hand is made of a special material, and there are thorns hidden in the whip.

Only those who are familiar with this whip will not be hurt by it. Otherwise, others will get stabbed by the hidden barbs on the whip.

When he waved it, the damage caused by the barbs in the whip was extremely huge.

Shang Mingyu used this whip to beat many offenders to death.

Now, she stood upright, raised the whip in her hand high and then dropped it again, whipping away in the direction where Ningmeng was.

Shang Mingyu looked arrogantly at Ningmeng, who seemed to be frightened and stupefied, sitting at the desk, and a smug flashed across his eyes.

Everyone thought that Ningmeng would be beaten by Shang Mingyu's whip, even Shang Mingyu himself thought so.

After she smoked once, she rolled out Ningmeng and continued to smoke.

The best thing is to let Shangsu come over and find that this little **** has turned into a **** mud.

Let him taste the pain of losing his heart.

In the blink of an eye, Longwhip was drawn to Ningmeng's body.

Sitting in the position, Ningmeng smiled, her expression a little weird.

No one could see how she moved, as if in the blink of an eye, she got up from the stool and disappeared in place. Even the whole person moved to the front of Shang Mingyu.

The distance between her and Shang Mingyu was only a few minutes away.

The whip fell heavily on the table with a loud "pop" sound, and then all the fruits, desserts and moon cakes on the table were scattered all over the floor.

Everyone was taken aback by Ningmeng's expressive speed, but seeing that Ningmeng was not beaten, everyone felt relieved for some reason.

Shang Mingyu was also shocked by the sudden addition of people in front of him.

Ningmeng stretched out her hand and grabbed the long whip in Shang Mingyu's hand.

"Ah, what are you doing? Give it back to me quickly!" Shang Mingyu didn't notice for a while, and the whip in his hand was snatched by Ningmeng.

Moreover, when Ningmeng snatched the whip, Shang Mingyu was stabbed in his hand by the hidden barb on the whip.

Ningmeng didn't answer immediately, but stepped back a few steps and opened the distance between Shang Mingyu.

Ningmeng looked down at the whip in her hand and shook it casually on the ground.

Although Ningmeng is short, her strength is not small!

She shook the whip seemingly random, but every time the whip fell on the ground, it made a crisp sound. Just listening to this sound made people imagine the pain of the whip falling on the body.

Ningmeng bent her eyes and looked up at Shang Mingyu with a smile: "Little bitch, I ask you, is it fun to use this whip on her body?"

The girl in front of her was obviously only seven or eight years old, and she looked innocent and harmless, and her breath was clean and agile.

However, at this moment, she tilted her head to ask questions like this, her smile on her fleshy face was innocent, her round eyes were bright and clear, but somehow, after facing her eyes, she felt a chill. Suddenly he jumped up from the soles of Shang Mingyu's feet, and then filled his whole body.

Shang Mingyu stiffened, and forgot to answer Ningmeng's question and didn't notice. Ningmeng spoke and returned her the three-character title she had just given to Ningmeng.

Until Ningmeng hit the whip on the ground again, and the long whip fell to the ground, there was a crisp sound.

It was also a voice that made Shang Mingyu suddenly wake up from the turbid state just now.

Shang Mingyu opened his eyes wide, and looked at Ning Meng who was only about his waist tall in front of him in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he would be shocked by a little girl.

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