God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 756: Rescue the villain boos64

Ningmeng and Su Chu are not only celebrities from Beijing University, but also many drug companies are staring at them.

After the news that Ningmeng and Su Chu graduated early, Ningmeng and Su Chu instantly received olive branches from many companies.

The treatments and conditions proposed are more exciting than one by one.

Even the National Academy of Medicine also offered an invitation to Ningmeng and Su Chu.

Ningmeng was a little moved, but Su Chu refused without blinking.

Feeling like Su Chu had no plan, Ningmeng blinked, waiting for Su Chu's next step.

However, he didn't expect that Su Chu's next step was to pack the two of them, buy a plane ticket, and leave Beijing with Ningmeng.

Ningmeng originally thought that Su Chu was going to take her on a trip, but when she discovered that Su Chu was bringing her to an uninhabited desert island, Ningmeng didn't think so.

The isolated island is one of many small islands in the big ocean.

Although there is no one, there is a small private villa.

Moreover, everything is prepared in this villa, even the milk, vegetables, fruits and meat in the refrigerator are fresh.

Ningmeng was puzzled: "Su Chu, what are we doing here?

The two came out of the countryside. Ningmeng didn't think that Su Chu brought her here because he wanted to experience life in the wild.

"Does Mengmeng feel bad here? There are no outsiders and the equipment is complete. We don't worry about being disturbed by anything." Su Chu said softly, but his eyes were fixed on Ningmeng's face and refused to let her face go. The last bit of expression.

Of course, there is another very important reason Su Chu did not say, that is, there are no other people on this small island, so no one else will discover and peep Ning Meng.

After reading so many books, Ningmeng is not unaware of the existence of imprisonment and the little black house.

But Ningmeng did not associate this with what Su Chu is doing to herself now.

She just felt that Su Chu's approach was weird, but what was weird in the end, Ningmeng couldn't tell.

In addition, Ningmeng had another kind of blind trust in Su Chu. After realizing that she couldn't figure it out, Ningmeng simply didn't want to.

The two of them stayed in the small villa.

This small island was bought by Su Chu at a big price, and this villa was also built by him at a big price.

The decoration style of the villa is very in line with his and Ningmeng's preferences.

Moreover, because he had a plan in his heart, Su Chu planned the use of every room in the villa before he built the villa.

The daily necessities in the villa are fully prepared, and even the experimental equipment in the underground laboratory is extremely well prepared.

Moreover, the decoration style of the two people's bedroom is the same as the decoration style of the two people's previous house in Beijing, even the layout of the room is exactly the same.

Ningmeng lives here without the slightest discomfort.

Until one day, Ningmeng suddenly thought of her original intention to come to this world.

Ningmeng glanced attentively, and suddenly discovered that in the system space, her task hadn't been completed yet.

On the huge light screen in the system space, her task status actually displayed "tasking", which was not what Ningmeng thought, it had already been marked with a big green tick.

Ningmeng is ignorant.

After she came to this world, she had restored Su Chu's life journey step by step, and also prevented Su Chu from doing wrong things and turned it into Su Chu's honor.

It stands to reason that her mission in this world has already been completed, so why is she still "on mission"?

Ningmeng suddenly became a little flustered, and quickly dragged 001 out of her mind, who didn't know how many years she had been diving and lying dead.

"001, why hasn't my task in this world been completed? Haven't I already done what I should do?"

"Please wait a moment, let me check." 001's leisurely voice immediately sounded from Ning Meng's mind.

Ningmeng responded and quietly waited for 001's reply.

One afternoon, 001 didn’t speak, and her mind was quiet. Ningmeng didn’t rush to urge her. Instead, she watched as it was almost time for dinner. Ningmeng came out of the room and went to the kitchen to pick up rice and cook. Take a look. What food to cook tonight.

Su Chu came in from outside to save Ningmeng from work, and then brought Ningmeng to the rooftop.

Ningmeng knew that Su Chu planned to have an open-air barbecue for the two of them at night.

Ningmeng has always been interested in what she eats and barbecues in the open air. She has only watched it on TV and never eaten it. She has a strong interest right now.

The barbecue tools and ingredients, Su Chu quietly prepared this afternoon, just to give Ning Meng a surprise. Now that Ning Meng likes it, Su Chu can't help but feel happy.

The two ate late on the rooftop before coming down.

After eating the barbecue, both of them smelled of barbecue.

After Ningmeng went down, she yelled that she was going to take a bath in the bathroom. Su Chu looked at her slender and exquisite figure with deep eyes, and squeezed into the bathroom with Ningmeng.

In this mandarin duck bath, the two took an extra long time.

It wasn't until all the whimpering voices stopped that Su Chu walked out of the bathroom holding the already sleepy Ning Meng.

Both of them were wearing a bath towel. Su Chu hugged Ningmeng on the sofa, lowered his head and patiently wiped Ningmeng's wet hair with the towel.

Su Chu moved softly, with slender fingers running through her hair. The originally sleepy Ning Meng, lying in Su Chu's arms, became even more tired.

But just when Ningmeng was about to fall asleep, 001's voice suddenly rang in Ningmeng's mind without warning: "I'm back, I can't detect the question you asked this afternoon, so I went to the headquarters. One trip."

001 didn’t even think about asking for Ningmeng’s reply. After detecting that Ningmeng was not asleep and could hear and understand the content of his words, 001 continued: "I want to tell you bad news, maybe Because the technical department is not proficient in such advanced tasks, a bug (loophole) appeared in your task world. The Su Chu you are facing now has memories of two lives, although you have changed his life in this life. The ending, but this kind of ending is only temporary. His heart has not been redeemed and liberated.

It can be said that as long as he wants to, he can do the same things as in his previous life at any time.

Because it was detected that Su Chu's current anti-social personality tendency data value is very high, it has not shown the completion of this task for a long time. "

With 001, Ningmeng's sleepiness immediately slapped on the face and opened those bright eyes.

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