God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 813: The rise of waste materials (end)

Liu Rumei was pushed to the ground by Jiang Xinghuai's strong push.

However, Liu Rumei quickly got up from the ground again.

The two of them looked at each other vigilantly, one on the left and the other, with a distance between them.

Jiang Xinghuai was extremely angry, clutching his wound and yelling at Liu Rumei: "Liu Rumei, you dare to hurt me!"

"When the master just wanted to push me out, he was merciless, and the concubine was all learned from the master." Liu Rumei immediately replied.

It was the first time that Ningmeng saw this kind of cold look on Liu Rumei's face, which was much more pleasing to the eye than the gentleness she had deliberately pretended to be before.

Moreover, in front of Jiang Xinghuai, Liu Rumei's momentum did not fall in the slightest.

Jiang Xinghuai was choked by Liu Rumei and didn't know how to answer, and Liu Rumei wanted to make a quick fight, and the two soon fought together.

The two people who looked at each other with affection a moment ago are now fighting in one place like a crazy dog.

Although Jiang Xinghuai was strong and strong, he had just been pierced with Liu Ru's eyebrows, and his movements would inevitably be affected.

As for Liu Rumei, although physically weak, she had a hairpin blessing in her hand, so the two played equally.

Regardless of whether it was Liu Rumei or Jiang Xinghuai, both of them had a desire to kill each other, so their hands were beaten again and again.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu have been standing by and watching their dog biting the dog. Large and small wounds appeared on their bodies, and the air in the dirt was also stained with blood.

The look on Qi Yu's face did not change.

Ningmeng stopped talking until she watched both of them were exhausted, and they were really dying after the fight.

Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were lying on the ground with their hands and feet entangled with each other. Although they stopped, they did not let go of each other.

However, it was after Ningmeng stopped, the two finally saw their current appearance in each other's eyes.

The two beat you to death for a chance to go out, and they had only one thought in their hearts, that is, to kill each other.

Therefore, neither of them noticed, they were all embarrassed.

They were rolling around on the ground again, pulling their hair again. Now that they stopped, they looked like lunatics in each other's eyes.

It can be said that the two have never been so embarrassed in their lives.

"Don't fight, let go, I will save you guys out." Ningmeng said.

Liu Rumei and Jiang Xinghuai were overjoyed and immediately let go of each other and got up from the ground.

Ningmeng thought, and the small vine suddenly appeared.

Under the horrified gazes of Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei, the small palm-sized vine swelled rapidly and grew to more than two meters in the blink of an eye. The vines and branches that spread out were nowhere to be placed, and the entire cell was not enough for it to grow. of.

"Jiang Heng!" Jiang Xinghuai, who was squeezed into the corner by the small vines, roared tremblingly. He just wanted to scold Ningmeng for nothing, but only when he called out Ningmeng's Ningmeng in this world, a thick and long one. The vine branches came towards him and directly fainted Jiang Xinghuai.

Liu Rumei, who was standing next to the wall, was also not much better, especially after seeing Jiang Xinghuai being stunned, Liu Rumei was trembling with fright, and looked as if she wanted to cry or not.

Little Vine was also impatient with her, and the thick and long tentacles patted her on the head, directly stunned her.

"Okay, okay, I can finally go." Ningmeng put on the invisibility cloak and walked out with Qi Yu.

Little vine, oh no, it's a big vine now.

The cell made of black iron has no resistance to the big vine.

It stretched out a few tentacles and immediately demolished the cell door.

Then, the big vine stretched out two tentacles, rolled up Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei who had passed out, and slowly left the cell, following Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

I don't know where it pulled out, and a stealth head was placed on his head.

Then, the originally small cloak of invisibility, because of its size quickly became larger, until it completely covered her figure.

The two Yiteng flew out of the jail, and even left the capital overnight.

Under the corner of the capital, Ningmeng asked the big vine to absorb all the aura from Liu Rumei and Jiang Xinghuai.

Big Vine likes to do this kind of thing the most. After hearing Ningmeng’s words, he immediately acted quickly.

"This is not enough. The two of them know the secret of soul exchange, so they have to make it impossible for them to tell the matter again." Qi Yu stood aside and said in a deep voice.

Ningmeng gave an "Ah" and said, "Yes, I have forgotten about this. It seems that not only the two of them, but also several other elders..."

"No." Qi Yu knew what Ningmeng was about to say, he raised his hand and touched Ningmeng's head: "Although several elders have also participated in it, digging the soul root is a tricky thing, and Jiang Xinghuai has always done it himself. Yes. The other elders don't know how to dig the soul roots."

Otherwise, when he was in the sky prison, Qi Yu would also bring out the other elders.

Ningmeng breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qi Yu's words: "The host, what are we going to do next?"

Qi Yu's icy eyes fell on Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei who were in a coma, and said, "Do whatever you want."

However, in the end, Ningmeng watched Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei for a long time, and did not think of a particularly cruel way.

She still likes to go straight.

If you didn't think it would be too cheap to kill Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei. I'm afraid Ningmeng has already started it.

Ningmeng squatted at the foot of Qi Yu, thinking hard for a while, thinking of a few ways on the way, but Qi Yu shook his head and denied it.

In the end, it was Qi Yu who was in charge and abolished the spiritual roots of Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei, so that they could no longer practice. I also picked up the muscles of the two people, so that they could no longer be able to rely on themselves like ordinary people.

Then, Qi Yu also used his own blood to imprison the two of them. As long as the two of them regain the slightest idea of ​​changing soul roots and digging soul roots in the future, their brains are like thousands of silver needles It is generally uncomfortable in Zha.

In this case, the two of them can no longer do this thing themselves, nor can they tell the others about it.

In Qi Yu's words, both Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei thought about the prosperity of the Jiang family and becoming the largest family in the capital. But now, the Jiang family has been ruined in the hands of the two, and the two have to beg at the foot of the capital. Not only do they steal their lives, they can only watch other families prosper, so that the two of them are prospering day and night. Every minute and every second, he is protecting the suffering of life and the torment and suffering of the soul.

For Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei, this should be more difficult for them to accept than death.

After Qiyu finished this, Ningmeng opened the system space and took a look, and then was shocked by the big green tick on the light screen.

She didn't kill her father and mother, and she was ready for the mission to fail. As a result, the mission was still successful.

Ningmeng immediately happily told Qi Yu the good news.

Now that the mission has been completed, the two of them have no reason to continue to stagnate in this world.

After Ningmeng left a copy of the two, she took Qi Yu back to the system space.

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