God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 826: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 13

Ningmeng had already been in contact with Qi Yu in this world, and no one knew Qi Yu's current physical condition better than her.

However, she can accept the Chen family sacrificing Bai Ningmeng for profit, but she can't bear to say that Qi Yu is not good at all in her own face!

Chen Yan's words, as well as her sarcasm and gloating look when she said them, all touched Ning Meng's inverse scales.

Ningmeng's expression cooled down almost instantly. She took a few steps forward, held Chen Yan's collar, raised her hand at Chen Yan's face and bowed left and right, and in a few strokes Chen Yan became a big pig head.

——Papa Papa Papa Papa!

The slap in the face was so crisp.

Standing in place, Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping didn't know how Ningmeng walked from behind them to Chen Yan in a short time.

It wasn't until the crisp slap in the face sounded and Chen Yan's sharp voice yelled, that everyone hurriedly reacted.

"Ah! Bai Ningmeng, you bitch, you dare to hit me!" Chen Yan felt that her face was hot, even if she couldn't see it, she knew her face must be swollen!

"It's you, and you still dare to talk nonsense in the future." Ningmeng ignored Chen Yan's anger, brushing her a few more slaps, and then let go of her hand holding her collar.

Chen Yan, who was the same height as Ningmeng and even fatter than Ningmeng, was like a rag doll in Ningmeng's hands, and was thrown to the side by Ningmeng directly.

The floor of the living room of the Chen's Villa is made of smooth marble. As soon as he fell to his knees, Chen Yan suddenly felt a pain in his knee. It was not swollen and definitely blue.

"Bai Ningmeng, I'm fighting with you!" Chen Yan got up from the ground angrily.

"Okay! Stop it!" Chen Jianxin finally roared.

Chen Ke and the housekeeper also stepped forward, trying to stop Chen Yan.

"What are you doing! Chen Ke, you let me go. Did she just hit me blindly? You still want to help her stop me!" Chen Yan rejected Chen Ke, without realizing that she was so big. Yelling, really looks like a lunatic.

"Don't be crazy, can't she, won't she beat you if you don't provoke her?" Chen Ke clenched Chen Yan's wrist tightly, almost furious in his heart.

After Chen Ke came back from school today, Chen Yan couldn't help but tell him about marrying Bai Ning Meng to Wen's family.

Chen Yan was still complacent, thinking that the method she was thinking of had the best of both worlds. But in Chen Ke's view, Chen Yan's method is simply unattainable!

What kind of identity is Wen Jia? It's okay for Bai Ningmeng to marry and not be discovered in the past. If it is discovered, everyone will not be able to eat.

Moreover, in Chen Ke's view, there is nothing wrong with marrying Wenjia. Even if Wen is more crippled, he is the eldest of the Wen family after all, rich and powerful.

Now in this society, especially the wealthy families, there are several couples who truly love each other. It is common for men to hide themselves in the golden house, and for women to raise small white faces.

But Chen Yan, a stupid person, not only didn't want him, but also forced such a big backing to Bai Ningmeng.

Now she still wants to die and continue to provoke Bai Ningmeng.

For the first time, Chen Ke felt that this sister, she was probably **** in her mind!

"You guys don't hurry up and drag the eldest lady back into the room!" Chen Jianxin snorted coldly, lowering his face, his cold eyes swept, and the servant standing aside immediately stepped forward, and together with the housekeeper, he pulled Chen Yan two times. floor.

Chen Yan originally wanted to continue to abuse, but Chen Ke did not give her a chance to speak again. He took the napkin on the dining table, grabbed it into a ball and stuffed it into Chen Yan’s mouth, and reached out to cover her mouth. Let her spit it out.

Chen Yan was taken upstairs by force.

In the hall, there was silence.

Chen Jianxin coughed a few times, broke the stalemate, smiled again, and said to Ningmeng: "Ningmeng, come and sit, let's eat first."

"No need for Uncle Chen, just tell me, is what Chen Yan said just now is true?" Ningmeng stared at Chen Jianxin coldly: "Do you really want me to marry someone?"

"The other party is Young Master Wen Jia, and Wen Jia is the richest man in City A. You can only enjoy happiness when you marry." Chen Jian said, and couldn't help avoiding Ningmeng's video.

Obviously he had already thought out all kinds of reasons and rhetoric before, and even thought out the miserable words, but now when facing Ningmeng's clear and bright gaze, he could not say anything.

Chen Jianxin was once again annoyed by Chen Yan's impatience just now. If she hadn't made the atmosphere so rigid, he wouldn't be so embarrassed now.

"Your Uncle Chen is right." Liu Ping, who had been silent for a long time, also suddenly said, with a soft expression on Ningmeng: "Now it's just an engagement. The Wen family has agreed to wait for you to get married after you graduate from college. You have this grade now. After the college entrance examination, you can only read a second book. But after you go to Wenjia, it will be different. Even if you get a zero score in the exam, they can still send you to Kyoto University."

Liu Ping still has some art in speaking. She doesn't talk about long-term things, but talks about what Ningmeng needs now.

"Okay, I'll marry." Ningmeng Dressed to be persuaded and agreed.

Ningmeng's answer made Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping both happy.

They thought that Ning Meng would definitely not agree so easily, and they even thought of a lot in their hearts, forcing Ning Meng to agree to the method.

"That's right, girls should listen to the elders. Everyone is a family, and your mother and I will not harm you." Chen Jianxin said happily.

"Brother Xin, let's eat first, the dishes are going to be cold." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, then eat first!"

Ningmeng sat on the stool and ran upstairs after a few bites.

Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping did not stop her either, probably because they thought she felt uncomfortable.

However, Chen Ke and Chen Yan did not come down until after Ningmeng finished eating. Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping seemed to have forgotten the existence of these two people.

The living room on the second floor was brightly lit, and after Ningmeng went up, she saw the figure standing against the wall.

As if perceiving someone coming up, Chen Ke raised his eyes and looked at Ningmeng's eyes.

"What are you doing standing at the door of my room?" Ningmeng frowned, making no secret of her disgust for Chen Ke.

Like Chen Yan, Chen Ke likes to bully and tease Bai Ningmeng.

However, Chen Yan always came here with an open mind, and when she saw Bai Ningmeng for the first time, she made no secret of her dislike for Bai Ningmeng.

But Chen Ke is different. Chen Ke is good at disguising. The front is gentle and polite, and the back is deep in mind.

Compared to Chen Yan, Chen Ke is the one who is the most difficult to fool. Every time when dealing with Chen Ke, Bai Ningmeng has to be cautious, for fear of being exposed in front of him.

However, Ningmeng is not afraid of him at all.

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