God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 828: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

Ever since Ningmeng followed Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping to the Wen's house for that meeting, her contact with Qi Yu began to appear on the surface.

Every day when get out of class is over at noon, Qi Yu will send a driver to the school gate to pick up Ningmeng to his office to eat together.

Outsiders think that Qi Yu and Ningmeng are in a passionate relationship, and they can’t be separated for a day.

But in fact, every time Ningmeng comes to Qiyu's office, besides having dinner with Qiyu, the most important thing is to treat Qiyu's legs.

When Ningmeng gave Qi Yu the fifth injection, Qi Yu's legs, which had never felt anymore, finally felt.

Qi Yu could feel that her calf had a faint tingling sensation when Ningmeng got the needle.

Qi Yu told Ningmeng how he felt.

Ningmeng felt very happy when she listened.

Although Qiyu's thighs still don't feel, but this one needs a little recovery, since the calves have a reaction, then within a few days, Qiyu's thighs will also feel.

Probably because of the good news, Ning Meng's wonderful mood remained the same until she went back to school in the afternoon.

However, during the second class in the afternoon, the head teacher asked her classmates to pass a message to Ningmeng and asked her to go to the office.

Ningmeng walked towards the office with a dazed expression, wondering why the head teacher suddenly called her.

After I went to the office, as soon as I walked in, Ningmeng saw Liu Ping sitting in the office with an anxious look.

When Liu Ping saw her, she immediately stepped forward and let Ningmeng follow her.

The head teacher also said to Ningmeng: "You follow your mother. I will let the class leader send the homework to the group."

Ningmeng doesn't like Liu Ping very much, and doesn't know what she is doing with herself. With so many teachers watching in the office, she slowly followed Liu Ping.

However, Liu Ping's words made her quicken her pace: "Hurry up! Wen Yue just had a car accident. Now I'm in the People's Hospital, I will take you to see it."

For a moment, Ningmeng didn't react to who the more it was.

But after reacting, there seemed to be a loud bang in Ningmeng's head, her ears were distorted, and she couldn't hear anything.

But anyway, Ningmeng's reason is still there. She still remembers that she and Qi Yu are telepathic.

Ningmeng felt a little bit, and she could feel Qi Yu's aura is strong, not life-threatening.

Ningmeng followed Liu Ping closely, and at the same time took out the phone from his pocket and turned it on.

The school prohibits students from bringing mobile phones during class, so after Ning Meng enters the school, the mobile phones are turned off.

At this time, Ningmeng saw the unread text messages sent to her by Qi Yu an hour ago.

The content is very short, only six words:

Mengmeng, I'm fine.

Just six words are not enough to let Ning Meng feel relieved.

Ningmeng had followed Liu Ping to the side of the car at this time. Liu Ping was sitting in the driver's seat. Today, she drove to find Ningmeng by herself.

Ningmeng opened the door and sat in the back seat.

After sitting in the car, the first thing Ningmeng did was to call Qi Yu.

The phone rang only for a short time, and Qi Yu over there felt like Ningmeng's worry and fear, and he answered it almost in seconds.

"Mengmeng?" Qi Yu's deep voice came from the phone, even through the screen, Ningmeng could feel his tenderness.

"Well, it's me. Are you hurt?" Ningmeng directly asked her one of the most concerned questions.

Liu Ping, who hadn't noticed what she was doing, suddenly raised her eyes and glanced at Ningmeng in the rearview mirror.

"Suffering a little bit of a minor injury is not a big problem. How do you know that I am injured? Where are you now?" Qi Yu threw several questions in a row.

Today, Qi Yu was out to negotiate a contract when he was hit by a runaway car that suddenly rushed out of the side.

There happened to be a police station where the accident happened. After the accident, the police rescued Qi Yu and others immediately.

Qi Yu's shoulder was crushed by the deformed car. He was afraid that after he fainted, Ningmeng was worried when Ningmeng couldn't contact him, so he resisted the pain and sent a text message to Ningmeng.

However, Qi Yu's resistance is very strong. After entering the hospital, he woke up within an hour, and because Ningmeng was still in school at this time, he didn't call Ningmeng.

Listening to Qi Yu saying that it was okay, Ningmeng was completely relieved. She told Qi Yu about Liu Ping's going to school to find her, and then said: "We are already on the way to the hospital."

"Okay, don't worry, come slowly." Qi Yu told Ningmeng the floor and ward number of his ward.

It wasn't until Ningmeng hung up the phone that Liu Ping spoke: "It seems that you have been getting along well with Young Master Wen Jia during the past two days."

"Yeah." Ningmeng responded, lowered her head and opened the navigation app on her phone, entered the name of the hospital where Qi Yu was located, and saw how far it was from him.

Liu Ping was a little displeased by Ningmeng's indifferent attitude.

Because Chen Jianxin has recently made a lot of money by cooperating with Wen's family, in addition to the Chen family's siblings who have recently received double pocket money, Liu Ping has also made a lot of money.

In the past few days, Liu Ping and several other ladies went abroad to watch catwalks, but they were not in China, nor did they contact Ningmeng.

Until today, when she came back from abroad, she received a call from Chen Jianxin when she returned home, saying that Wenyue had a car accident, and asked her to go to school to find Ningmeng, take Ningmeng to the hospital to see Wenyue, and let Ningmeng go to Wenyue. Brush a wave of favorability.

But now it seems that Ningmeng has obviously been tempted by Master Wen Jia.

Liu Ping didn't know why she only went abroad for just a few days, and Ningmeng seemed to have changed herself. The former Bai Ningmeng was in front of her, and she would never be so perfunctory.

Even though the former Bai Ningmeng was silent and introverted, and could not say a word for a long time, his attitude was not as arrogant as it is now.

Liu Ping frowned and couldn't help but speak: "We have already driven to the hospital, why do you want to call Wen Yue? You are a girl, so you must have the reservedness that a girl should have, don't catch up. Go and post it upside down and lose your identity, so that the man will soon lose interest."

Ningmeng stretched out her voice.

Her indifferent attitude made Liu Ping feel aggrieved like a punch in cotton.

Ningmeng looked down at the phone. Seeing that the little green dot and the little red dot were about to overlap, she held the phone directly in her arms, looked out the window, and then opened the door and got out of the car.

Liu Ping has now drove into the hospital. Because there are many people outside the hospital, Liu Ping was driving towards the parking lot at a slow speed, but was frightened by Ningmeng's sudden opening of the door.

Liu Ping hurriedly braked after reacting, but Ningmeng had gotten out of the car and closed the car door smoothly.

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