God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 868: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 13

Many people think that Liu Ningmeng, who has only d-level mental power, is not worthy of such an outstanding Feng Hang.

Now, Feng Hang is engaged to Shi Luyue, who is also an s-level mental power. Facing the terrible past tense of Liu Ningmeng, as Liu Ningmeng's former "good friends", they certainly want this "good news". Tell Liu Ningmeng, "Congratulations" to Liu Ningmeng by the way.

If it was Liu Ningmeng before, these "blessings" to her would definitely make her worse.

But now, when Ningmeng saw these, she didn't blink her brows and ignored the past.

But what made Ningmeng slightly surprised was that Shi Luyue actually contacted her.

Maybe it was found that the communication could not be connected, so Shi Luyue sent two messages, both asking where Ningmeng was.

Ningmeng looked down at these two pieces of information. After thinking about it for a moment, she immediately understood that it must be because Zhou Huo had told Shi Luyue about her escape, so Shi Luyue came to her.

Because of Liu Ningmeng's memory, Ningmeng had no affection for this Shi Luyue who hadn't met yet, so she didn't respond to her message.

Ningmeng's gaze fell on the last threatening message sent by Zhou Huo two days before her, her gaze condensed.

The reason why Zhou Huo was so aggressive in front of her was because he was holding the contract Liu Ningmeng had signed at the time.

If there are other ideas, the contract will be cancelled...

Qi Yu looked at Ningmeng's contemplative appearance, and asked, "What do you think?"

"I'm thinking about the contract. Liu Ningmeng was deceived before, and the contract signed with Zhou Huo." Ningmeng blinked, looking at Qi Yu with a look of expectation: "I don't know if there is any way, will That copy will be voided."

As soon as Ningmeng's voice fell, before Qi Yu could speak, the door of the room was knocked from outside—it was the waiter who served the dishes.

After the steaming meal was served, the waiter backed out.

"Don't worry, eat first, we'll talk about him later." Qi Yu said, putting the washed dishes in front of Ningmeng.

Although Qi Yu didn't elaborate on it, according to Ningmeng's understanding of him, Qi Yu must have already planned for this matter.

Ningmeng smiled, and her mood suddenly rose, leaving the matter behind.

The two had a full meal, and when they were sitting in their seats drinking tea and digesting food, Qi Yu said to Ningmeng: "Don’t worry about Zhou Huo’s incident. I sent someone to investigate a few days earlier. Him."

Although Qi Yu doesn't have Liu Ningmeng's memory, I don't know how miserable Liu Ningmeng's life was.

But Liu Ningmeng is the client of this mission, and Qi Yu is the host of the mission, so he also has the right to know, but it's not as detailed as Ningmeng knows.

On the first night in this world, when dealing with official duties in the study, thinking about the unequal contract between Ningmeng and Zhou Huo, Qi Yu sent someone to investigate Zhou Huo.

Since Zhou Huo can do this kind of thing, he must have done a lot of dirty things before.

It's just that the person Qi Yu sent out to investigate Zhou Huo hasn't responded so quickly.

What Qi Yu wanted was not only to terminate the contract. He also wanted to destroy Zhou Huo's whole person, so that he would never have the opportunity to do this kind of thing, and he was also responsible for the evil things he did.

Ningmeng leaned her head up and looked at Qi Yu with bright eyes. She never expected her host to settle this matter so early.

"Host, you are amazing." Ningmeng praised sincerely, and the whole person got into Qi Yu's arms to hug.

Qi Yu didn't think he was any better, it was just that his family's small system didn't know much about the world, nor did he understand the use of rights.

However, being so complimented by Ningmeng made Qi Yu also feel like...very powerful?

Qi Yu raised his hand and circled the coquettish little girl in his arms.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, feeling the heavy weight of the other person in his arms, as if he was embracing everything he had, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

After sitting in the box for a while, the two of them left the restaurant.

Then, Ningmeng stopped when she saw a man outside the restaurant.

The man standing outside the restaurant is not tall, of medium build, and over thirty. Although he is not so handsome in appearance, he is very good-looking, and he is born with a kind of good and honest. feel.

This man also used this look to deceive Liu Ningmeng.

—— Zhou Huo.

Qi Yu noticed Ningmeng's pause and looked towards Zhou Huo.

Although Qi Yu has never seen Zhou Huo, he has seen his photos.

When seeing the real person now, thinking about the scam contract between him and Ningmeng, Qi Yu's eyes suddenly sank.

Zhou Huo had been waiting outside the restaurant for half an hour, and he had already waited impatiently.

When he received the photo from Dong Liu and his party today, he immediately recognized that the person in the photo was Ningmeng and the man who was with Ningmeng, who sent him to the club that day. Take away the man.

But Zhou Huo was smarter this time. After receiving the photos, he didn't rush to the seaweed forest to find someone. Instead, he chose to send the photo to Shi Luyue and let Shi Luyue find it.

As Miss Liu's family, Shi Luyue's network is much stronger than him.

Then Zhou Huo didn't think wrong, but within ten minutes, Shi Luyue sent him the name of the restaurant, telling him that Liu Ningmeng and the man were dining here.

Zhou Huo rushed over immediately.

After Zhou Huo went into the restaurant to inspect the restaurant and did not see the two figures of Ningmeng and Qi Yu, he immediately knew that the two of them were probably eating in the box.

However, Shi Luyue only gave Zhou Huo the name of the restaurant, so he had to wait awkwardly outside.

Zhou Huo found out as soon as Ningmeng and Qi Yu came out of the restaurant.

It's just that he didn't step forward immediately, but stood still on the spot with a gloomy expression.

Now that Ningmeng finally discovered his existence, Zhou Huo stared at Ningmeng. The expression on his face and the tone of his words were not so good: "Liu Ningmeng, you can make me look for him after hiding for so many days. ."

"I didn't hide, because you can't find anyone." Ningmeng said coldly.

Her words reminded Zhou Huo that Shi Luyue called him a trash! Boss! Zhou Huo instantly lost all his patience. A few steps forward, he reached out and grabbed Ningmeng: "Follow me back to the company!"

"Go away! Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

Ningmeng's eyes widened, and she just wanted to teach Zhou Huo a lesson, but Qi Yu next to her had already made a move, oh no, it was a move.

Qi Yu's big long legs kicked Zhou Huo directly after he lifted his foot.

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