God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 871: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 16

Ningmeng tilted her head when she heard Qi Yu's words, and she was puzzled for a moment.

If she remembers correctly, the s-level mental power is already very high and very rare, and the ss mental power is even rarer.

Now Qiyu actually said that entering the special force requires sss-level mental power.

Is the information she received wrong?

In other words, in fact, mental powers above the s level are actually not particularly rare, but the alliance has not announced it?

Ningmeng lowered his head to think deeply.

She had never doubted the authenticity of Qi Yu's words, so she always thought it was her own reason.

However, thinking about the herbs that he could buy after becoming a pharmacist master, Ningmeng nodded: "I didn't ask, you wait for me, the host."

"Okay." Qi Yu's eyes were full of smiles.

He didn't ask how Ningmeng should improve her mental power. He knew that since Ningmeng looked so sure, she must have her own way.

Thinking about what happened after Ningmeng improved his mental power, Qi Yu curled his lips and lowered his head to give Ningmeng in his arms a gentle kiss.


After Ningmeng and Qi Yu handed over the evidence of Zhou Huo's crime to the police, they walked away with ease.

But after seeing the evidence, Zhou Huo's face was as gray as death, as if his body temperature had been instantly sucked away, and his whole body was cold.

I don't know how long the time has passed. When he reacted, Ningmeng and Qi Yu were no longer there, and he was taken to another interrogation room by the police.

Facing the police officer's expressionless cold face and cold tone of interrogation, Zhou Huo, who had originally wanted to confess his guilt, suddenly reacted.

He can't just plead guilty!

He must not recognize it!

Shi Luyue...he can also ask Shi Luyue for help!

Although the light brain on Zhou Huo's wrist was confiscated by the police when he was under surveillance as a key suspect.

But as long as he gritted his teeth and pleaded not guilty, he could still delay for a while.

Moreover, the police also want to contact his relatives and friends to conduct a further investigation of these things he did.

Zhou Huo had no father or mother since he was a child, and his relatives had long since broken contact with him.

Therefore, when the police said that they could contact a person, Zhou Huo directly dialed Shi Luyue's communication and told Shi Luyue about the matter that he had been in the police station.

Of course, Zhou Huo did not truthfully tell Shi Luyue that the police had his own evidence of crime.

He was afraid that when he said so, Shi Luyue would not come.

But this was the case, Shi Luyue was also extremely angry after listening.

She thought that at this time, Zhou Huo had already captured Liu Ningmeng back, and in accordance with the constraints of the contract, had already tortured Ningmeng in various ways.

As a result, I didn't expect this waste! It even alarmed the police and entered the police station!

It's a waste!

"Which police station? I will send someone to pick you up now." Shi Luyue was expressionless.

Zhou Huo quickly told Shi Luyue the address of his police station.

After Shi Luyue hung up the communication, she thought for a while, dialed a phone of her confidant, and asked him to go to the police station to fish out Zhou Huo.

She knew that Zhou Huo must have concealed something on the phone just now, otherwise the police station would not hold him.

But Zhou Huo is still useful to her, she doesn't want to lose this chess piece for the time being.

After explaining, Shi Luyue ended the call and walked towards the living room.

When Zhou Huo called, Shi Luyue and Sun Yingyue had finished eating and were sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Seeing Zhou Huo's call, Shi Luyue went outside the living room and deliberately avoided Sun Yingyue before answering the call.

As soon as Shi Luyue entered, Sun Yingyue keenly sensed that she was in a bad mood, so she asked with concern: "Yue'er, what's the matter?"

"It's okay. Just a friend called and said that he made a little mistake, can I help him." Shi Luyue sat on the sofa and smiled at Sun Yingyue: "I used to be in the orphanage. , Being bullied, he helped me a lot. Although he is not doing his job properly, he is kind to me."

"What's the matter, which police station? I'll make a call now and let them relax." Sun Yingyue said. When she heard that Shi Luyue was bullied in the orphanage, Sun Yingyue's expression was full of distressed expressions.

Shi Luyue smiled, "Thank you mom, but I just called the assistant and asked him to help me go to the police station."

The reason she told Sun Yingyue about this was because she had to use some of the Liu family's relationship to fish out Zhou Huo from the police station.

So she got Sun Yingyue vaccinated first.

"Where are these, we are mothers and daughters, you can tell your mother what you want, don't thank your mother in the future." Sun Yingyue couldn't help but patted Shi Luyue's hand. Sun Yingyue felt even more distressed and guilty when she noticed that Shi Luyue's hands looked white on the surface, but in fact they were full of thin calluses.

"Then...Is it okay if I want to go to work in the company?" Shi Luyue looked at Sun Yingyue, "I feel a little uncomfortable at staying at home every day. And seeing my father come back so late every day, it seems that there are many things. Looking tired, can I help him."

When Shi Luyue cared about Liu Hongwei, Sun Yingyue felt very considerate, and she agreed to Shi Luyue's request without even thinking about it: "Yes. It's just that the things in your father's company are very complicated, and the interpersonal relationship is very tiring. I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt."

"It's okay, I'm willing to learn." Seeing the purpose achieved, Shi Luyue smiled brightly on her face.

Shi Luyue's confidant, Qin Fa, only learned the ins and outs of Zhou Huo's entry into the police station after he rushed to the police station, and he also deeply realized how serious Zhou Huo's crime was.

Shi Luyue looked for Zhou Huo at the time because he found that Zhou Huo had dirty hands, and it was best to torture Liu Ningmeng.

But in fact, Zhou Huo's crime was much more serious than everyone thought, otherwise Qi Yu's subordinates would not be able to finish it for several days.

Over the years, Zhou Huo has used his identity as a scout for an entertainment company to coax one after another beautiful girls into signing cheating contracts.

But in fact, this company is not an entertainment company at all, it is just a shell subsidiary that Zhou Huo has created in order to carry out his own desires.

As mentioned earlier, Zhou Huo's appearance is deceptive, so he deceives people, almost every one of them is accurate.

Moreover, Zhou Huo also specifically selects some girls who work alone outside, with no social interactions, and no family background.

As soon as the cheating contract was signed, Zhou Huo's attitude towards them changed instantly.

They are forced to accompany the drinks, compensate old men, and even cooperate with some third-rate brokerage companies to rent these girls out, forcing them to make tertiary films.

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