God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 885: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 31

Because of the development of technology and the sparse population, high technology has replaced labor. Now there are no security guards, only robot butlers.

When Ningmeng stopped outside the gate, Liu's robotic gatekeeper suddenly walked out and asked for Ningmeng's name and who she was looking for.

The robot has no memory, but the owner can input information to it.

When I was a member of the Liu family, the robot housekeeper had Liu Ningmeng’s information, so Liu Ningmeng was never blocked by the robot housekeeper.

But now, the Liu family deleted Liu Ningmeng's message from the robot butler.

So now the robot butler treats Ning Meng as a stranger.

"I'm Liu Ningmeng, come to visit the owner of this villa." Ningmeng said.

"Okay, the owner has been notified, please wait a moment." The robot butler standing in front of Ningmeng made a mechanical sound without any fluctuations.

In Liu's villa, Sun Yingyue was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, looking relaxed and relaxed.

Shi Luyue sat beside Sun Yingyue, enjoying the afternoon tea in the villa with her.

The light brains of the two people suddenly sounded at the same time. Whether it was Sun Yingyue or Shi Luyue, both of them saw the message sent to them by the robot butler.

"Liu Ningmeng?" Sun Yingyue was the first to speak. When she saw the name, she was taken aback for a moment, and then a trace of disgust was on her face: "What is she here for? No see!"

"Mom, don't worry." Shi Luyue hurriedly stopped and said: "After all, she grew up here. She should have missed you and dad, so she came back to take a look. You let her in."

Sun Yingyue still frowned, "Is there anything to see. She has poor mental strength and has no strengths. She didn't know how to do anything when she was at home. Now she can't stand it all by herself. She wants Liu I just came here as a shelter."

"Mom, don't say that. Let's meet. If she really has a bad time, we should help." Shi Luyue said.

When Shi Luyue spoke like this, it was not good for Sun Yingyue to bite her all the time. It was not because of Liu Ningmeng who hurt her and Shi Luyue's mother-daughter relationship that she had so hard to cultivate over time.

Sun Yingyue said: "Okay, let her come in and sit down, but if she can help Yueyue with anything later, you can't agree to it, and you can't let her stay overnight."

"I see, thank you mom." Shi Luyue smiled suddenly, but a dim light flashed across her eyes.

Ever since I met Ningmeng at the Pharmacy Guild, and knew from the man that Qi Yu's identity could not provoke him, Shi Luyue hadn't sent anyone to find Ningmeng's whereabouts.

Anyway, you can't find it.

Moreover, Shi Luyue has been very busy for the past two months, busy doing charity live broadcasts, busy attending various activities and commercial performances, and also busy doing other things, so she has no time to think about Ning Meng.

Originally, Shi Luyue had other arrangements this afternoon, but Sun Yingyue said that the two of them hadn't made tea together for a long time. That's why Shi Luyue turned away the things originally planned and accompany Sun Yingyue to have afternoon tea in the villa.

However, it seems to have a pleasant surprise?

Standing at the gate of Liu's house, Ningmeng didn't know that Shi Luyue was also inside. After getting a reply from the robot butler, the door behind the robot butler opened automatically, and Ningmeng stepped forward.

Liu's Villa is unfamiliar and familiar to Ningmeng.

No matter how many memories of Liu's villa in her mind, it was the first time for her to come.

Ningmeng walked in along the path and stood outside the gate. At a glance, she saw Shi Luyue and Sun Yingyue sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

When Shi Luyue saw Ningmeng, there was a smile on her face, which was particularly untrue at first glance, but this was also expected by Ningmeng.

However, when Sun Yingyue saw Ningmeng, no matter how much she concealed it, Ningmeng still keenly noticed her frown at that moment, as well as the flash of disgust in her eyes.

Does Sun Yingyue hate the original owner so much?

Ningmeng opened her mouth and just wanted to say hello to Sun Yingyue, but Sun Yingyue had already spoken out before her, her tone was impatient: "What are you back for? I have already told you very clearly before. You are not from our Liu family." People, you have nothing to do with our Liu family at all."

In fact, according to Ningmeng's character, when she heard Sun Yingyue's words, she should leave immediately.

However, Ningmeng's eyes fell on Sun Yingyue, and she was not affected by her words. Instead, she walked in step by step and said, ""

"Mengmeng, come and sit here. We haven't seen each other for a long time. What have you been up to lately? When you met you in the Pharmacy Guild last time, you asked you to give me an address and you didn't give it." Shi Luyue violently She opened her mouth and enthusiastically reached out to greet Ningmeng, wanting Ningmeng to sit next to her.

Moreover, listening to what she meant, it seemed that she didn't remember the last time she met, how arrogant she was with Ningmeng?

But Ningmeng doesn't care about this with her.

Shi Luyue has always been like this, two people before and after.

"I don't remember." Ningmeng said, ignoring Shi Luyue's greeting, but chose to sit in a single position, and this position happened to be very close to Sun Yingyue.

When Sun Yingyue saw that Ningmeng was so close to her, her frowning brows suddenly wrinkled even more, but due to her noblewoman education and Shi Luyue's face, she did not ask Ningmeng to sit elsewhere .

Ningmeng looked a little funny at the disgusted look on Sun Yingyue's face.

Because in Liu Ningmeng's memory, Sun Yingyue has been a motherly image since she was a child, and she loved Liu Ningmeng very much. Even after Shi Luyue came back, Sun Yingyue deliberately went to Liu Ningmeng to talk, enlighten her and comfort her.

As a result, Sun Yingyue changed the next day, and looked at Liu Ningmeng with disgust, and drove her out of Liu's house mercilessly.

People's minds are very complicated, it's hard to guess, what Ningmeng dislikes most is these twists and turns.

When she just saw Sun Yingyue's disgusting attitude towards her, Ningmeng wanted to turn her head and leave. But Ningmeng smelled a faint smell in the air.

And this stink actually came from Sun Yingyue.

This odor is different from ordinary odors, and it feels weird to Lemon Meng. It doesn't make people feel nauseous, but it carries a fishy smell.

And what Ningmeng is certain is that Sun Yingyue probably can't smell it, otherwise she wouldn't be sitting on the sofa, her expression is still so calm and composed.

Perhaps, even Shi Luyue couldn't smell it, otherwise her face wouldn't be so calm for Sun Yingyue to sit on the sofa to meet guests.

What an embarrassing thing, embarrassing and suspicious.

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