God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 887: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 33

Ningmeng lay on the bed and didn't move. Originally, she just wanted to squint for a while, but finally she really fell asleep.

During this time, Ningmeng had been thinking about researching out the medicine that can improve mental power as soon as possible, and it has been a long time since she had a full sleep.

In the end, he did it in this kidnapping.

When she woke up again, Ningmeng took a look at her environment.

She was still sleeping in the same bed before.

This is a small room of less than 30 square meters. There is nothing in it except the single bed under Ningmeng.

The door was closed tightly. Even if Ningmeng didn't pull it, she knew it must be locked from the outside.

This room has a small window, but there is an anti-theft net.

If Ningmeng wants to go out, the anti-theft net must be destroyed before going out.

Ningmeng got out of bed and walked to the window to take a look.

The floor of her current room is very high, a lot higher than other nearby buildings. Ningmeng’s current height is at least hundreds of floors.

This height is still somewhat difficult for Ningmeng.

But at present, Ningmeng has no idea of ​​running away.

Ningmeng came out of the Pharmacy Guild at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and went to Liu's house, and was finally kidnapped here.

Now that the sun sets on the horizon, Ningmeng has roughly inferred that the current time should be around 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

I don't know if Qiyu has gone back.

I don't even know if Yaoyao and the others are worried if they find that she has not returned.

Just when Ningmeng was standing at the window thinking about things, there was a slight noise from the door of the room. Ningmeng turned her head to look. The closed door was pushed open from the outside, and Shi Luyue appeared at the door with an expressionless face. .

Behind Shi Luyue, there were several bodyguards in black.

When she saw Ningmeng standing in front of the window, Shi Luyue curled her lips and walked in.

Ningmeng looked at her coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything." Shi Luyue looked at Ningmeng in her spare time: "Well, you are also raised by the Liu family. The Liu family can't really let you live and die outside by yourself, so I found it for you. A way to survive."

Ning Meng pursed her lips, showing no interest at all.

Even if you don't need to ask, Ningmeng knows that this is definitely not a good thing.

"You can get married now at the age of twenty, how about? Pick one?" Shi Luyue raised her hand and threw a booklet to Ningmeng.

The booklet hit Ningmeng directly, and Ningmeng raised his hand and looked down. Every page of the booklet was posted with a picture of a man.

Next to each photo, the name, age, and occupation of the other party are attached.

Shi Luyue said: "I have carefully selected these. There are various types. You can pick one."

Obviously it was a big event for marriage, but it fell in Shi Luyue's mouth, as simple as picking the vegetables and radishes I ate today.

"I don't want to marry yet. If you have nothing else to do, give Guangbrain back to me, and I'm leaving." Ningmeng dropped the booklet and threw it on the bed next to it.

The Liu Ningmeng of the previous life fell into Zhou Huo's hands, but he was tossed by Zhou Huo in five or six years so unhumanly, it can be seen who Shi Luyue is looking for her now.

Shi Luyue's gaze fell on the pamphlet on the bed, then she squinted her eyes, approaching Ningmeng, and a cold and stern meaning flashed across her eyes: "The Liu family does not lack the rations for raising an idler. When did you agree? I will let you out anytime."

The meaning of these words is actually to threaten Ning Meng.

If Ningmeng has been unwilling to marry, she will keep Ningmeng in this room?

Ningmeng colded her face, "So you asked me to come over because of this? You want me to have a hard time for the rest of my life? Shi Luyue, I have done things I'm sorry for you before, or am I going to Did you offend you when you knew it?"

"It's not enough to be offended. I just don't want to see you. I don't feel happy when I see you are comfortable." Shi Luyue stared at Ningmeng, no matter how restrained, there was still a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Obviously, Shi Luyue blamed Ningmeng for the suffering she had suffered before.

Ningmeng couldn't understand Shi Luyue's brain circuit, and she immediately coldened her face: "Okay, it doesn't matter if you think about me like this. But I won't marry any of these people. And, if you want to Do other bad things to me, I promise, I will give it back to you ten times."

With that said, Ningmeng stepped towards the door of the room.

When Ningmeng was speaking, for a moment, Shi Luyue was startled by the hostility in Ningmeng's eyes.

But she quickly reacted again, but she was just a D-class mental power person, and really thought she was amazing.

"Stop! Since you don't marry, you don't want to get out of this room!" Shi Luyue turned around, and quickly reached out to Ning Meng's back and stretched out her hand, to personally grab Ning Meng back.

Ningmeng didn't look back, but it looked like she had a pair of eyes behind her. When Shi Luyue's hand was about to touch Ningmeng's shoulder, Ningmeng suddenly moved a step aside and grabbed Shi Luyue's hand. He threw Shi Luyue directly over his shoulder.

Shi Luyue slammed to the ground.

The pain in the back made her head be stunned for a moment.

Even the bodyguards standing outside the door were dumbfounded.

What did they just see? Shi Luyue, who has S-level mental power, was actually thrown to the ground by Ningmeng?

But dumbfounded, Luyue's movements were not slow at all when a few people stepped forward to help.

After Shi Luyue stood up from the ground supported by her bodyguard, her face was blue and white.

This is simply a shame to her.

If it is spread out, it will definitely be laughed at.

But Shi Luyue didn't think that Ningmeng was great, but thought she had just taken care of it.

Shi Luyue looked gloomy, "Liu Ningmeng, you dare to do something with me, don't beg for mercy later!"

Ningmeng heard Shi Luyue's meaning of making an appointment, and did not answer, but she put on a confrontation posture and hooked Shi Luyue.

Ningmeng's action was undoubtedly provoking her in Shi Luyue's eyes.

Shi Luyue's eyes sank and rushed directly.

At this time, Shi Luyue thought that Ningmeng had only d-level mental power, but with the strength she used, she was already able to maimed a b-level mental power.

Ningmeng dodges swiftly from left to right, no matter how tricky Shi Luyue's tricks are, Ningmeng has a way to avoid it, and Shi Luyue doesn't hurt herself at all.

Shi Luyue was a little angry, and she didn't expect that Ningmeng would be able to carry it in her own hands for so long.

And he was a person, but he was as slippery as a loach and couldn't catch it.

After Shi Luyue's mood was unstable, her moves also became a little impetuous and irregular.

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