God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 889: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 35

Feng Hang from the communication side hurried over after knowing Shi Luyue's address.

And on the way, Feng Hang also told Shi Luyue not to hang up the communication, but he did not ask what happened between Ningmeng and Shi Luyue.

Seeing that Feng Hang was already on the aircraft, Shi Luyue glanced at Ningmeng triumphantly.

"Give me back my light brain." Ningmeng said to Shi Luyue.

Light brain is a very important thing, just like a person's passport, you have to use it wherever you go.

There were other things in mind before, so Ningmeng didn't ask Guangnao to come back in the first time.

But now that I can't ask anything, Ningmeng doesn't waste time.

"Why is your light brain here with me?" Shi Luyue stared at Ningmeng with her eyes wide open, with an innocent look on her face.

Actually want to admit it.

Ningmeng frowned and her figure teleported. Before Shi Luyue could react, Ningmeng had moved in front of her, and the blood-stained dagger was against Shi Luyue's neck.

Ningmeng's eyes were cold, even if Shi Luyue was on the communication now, she was fearless, but she spoke to Shi Luyue in a cold tone: "Can you take it?"


Shi Luyue's eyes widened and a scream came out from her mouth with a cold and sharp dagger against her neck.

Ningmeng frowned and murmured, "Shut up."

The scream was instantly muted.

On the other side of the screen, Feng Hang, who was coming here, was also surprised by the sudden appearance of Ningmeng on the screen.

Because Ningmeng was looking directly at Shi Luyue, Feng Hang could only see Ningmeng's side face.

At this time, Feng Hang had not felt the difference between Ningmeng and Liu Ningmeng before. After seeing Ningmeng with a dagger against Shi Luyue, his brows instantly wrinkled: "Ningmeng, you are What are you doing? Your light brain is gone. I can help you find it after a while. Now I will put down the dagger in my hand."

Feng Hang's tone was stern and a hint of helplessness, as if Liu Ningmeng's expulsion from Liu's house did not exist, and he and Ningmeng were still familiar with each other.

Ningmeng suddenly turned her head and glanced at the screen, facing Feng Hang's eyes on her body on the screen.

Feng Hang was slightly taken aback.

In his memory, Liu Ningmeng had never looked so cold and unmoved.

Ningmeng laughed suddenly, and took the dagger back: "Okay, then you come here quickly and see what's going on here."

The twelve bodyguards with Chinese medicine are still lying on the ground and unconscious. Ningmeng doesn't believe it. After Feng Hang comes over, he won't know what happened here.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu's mission on this plane is to clarify the reasons for the changes before and after Feng Hang.

After Liu Ningmeng was expelled from Liu's house, he did not reply to any of the communications and text messages sent to Feng Hang.

Ningmeng was still worried before and didn't know where to find Feng Hang, but now he took the initiative to send it to the door, and also picked such a good time.

It's awesome.

Suddenly trying to understand all of this, Ningmeng curled her lips, standing aside in a good mood, waiting for Feng Hang to come.

Shi Luyue did not speak, her gaze crossed Ningmeng's face, and then fell on the bodyguards lying on the ground.

Shi Luyue seemed to have guessed Ning Meng's idea.

Shi Luyue was extremely mocking in her heart.

Ha ha, did you think Feng Hang was the one who stood behind you and supported you before?

If you think this way, you are wrong.

This silent atmosphere lasted more than ten minutes until Feng Hang arrived.

Because the communication between Feng Hang and Shi Luyue had never been interrupted, when Feng Hang was approaching this community, Shi Luyue couldn't wait to get out of the room and waited at the entrance.

Ningmeng also left the room.

After waiting out of the room, Ningmeng realized that it was actually a small suite with three bedrooms and one living room.

The living room and other rooms are gorgeously decorated, only the room with Ning Meng is out of place.

Shi Luyue opened the door to let Feng Hang in.

After Feng Hang came in, the two of them hung up and Shi Luyue locked the door behind her.

"Feng Hang, kill her!" Shi Luyue suddenly spoke to Feng Hang, her face stern and fierce, and the anger that had just been suppressed by Ningmeng revealed unabashedly on her face.

Ningmeng stood in the living room, her eyes falling on Feng Hang.

When she was on the screen, Ningmeng just glanced at him and didn't notice his clothes.

When Feng Hang appeared in front of her now, Ningmeng realized that he was wearing an Alliance uniform.

Just like Liu Ningmeng's impression, Feng Hang himself has good facial features, a handsome face, and an outstanding temperament. He has a strong sense of presence when he stops there.

But what Ningmeng hadn't expected was that she actually smelled the same stink on Feng Hang's body as Sun Yingyue's body.

Moreover, the stench on Feng Hang's body was stronger, which could almost be described as stinking.

The strong smell was mixed with a hint of decay, which was very unpleasant and even a little disgusting.

As soon as he entered the door, Ningmeng couldn't help frowning and stepped back.

When she heard Shi Luyue's voice, Ningmeng looked at Feng Hang reflexively.

Feng Hang also looked at Ningmeng, with a hint of killing intent in his cold eyes.

"You want to kill me?" Ning Meng blurted out.

Even if this is the first time she and Feng Hang have met, Feng Hang and Yuanshen have been in love for 20 years!

Because of Shi Luyue's words, he is about to kill Xiao Qingmei who grew up with him?

No matter how indifferent and ruthless, it can't be like this!

The shocked look on Ningmeng's face seemed to please Shi Luyue, and Shi Luyue triumphantly spoke to Ningmeng: "What's weird even if he kills you? You just wanted to kill me! Don't forget. , Now he is my fiance."

Ningmeng's brows frowned more tightly. She ignored Shi Luyue, her eyes were always on Feng Hang's body: "Is that so? Because I like Shi Luyue, so as long as she has a word, even if she wants You also give me my life?"

Ningmeng's question was a little weird. Although she frowned, she didn't look sad. On the contrary, she seemed to be stubbornly pursuing an answer.

However, Shi Luyue didn't pay attention to this problem carefully. She saw that Ningmeng was biting on the problem, and she thought that Ningmeng was still in love with Feng Hang.

Shi Luyue was so happy in her heart, as if she had just been humiliated by the threat of Ning Meng holding a dagger.

But Shi Luyue wanted to see Ning Meng's heart as gray as death.

A dim light flashed across Shi Luyue's eyes, and she said, "Feng Hang, what are you still trying to do. She already knows our secret, and she can't keep it."

Feng Hang, who hadn't spoken after entering the door, finally had an obvious reaction after hearing Shi Luyue's words.

He raised his hand, took out a pistol, pointed the muzzle at Ningmeng.

Feng Hang's eyes were cold, but his tone was gentle: "Ling Meng, I'm sorry."

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