God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 899: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 45

Shi Luyue hated Ning Meng before, and now she hates Ning Meng to death.

If Shi Luyue wanted to torture Ning Meng to death before, then she now wants to peel Ning Meng cramps.

But she was injured and couldn't do anything, not even get out of bed.

That's why Shi Luyue came up with the idea of ​​making a video, using netizens to discredit Ning Meng.

Shi Luyue said the alarm and persuading Ningmeng to surrender in the video on purpose.

Yesterday she sent someone to take Ning Meng into captivity.

If she calls the police, I'm afraid she hasn't said where Ningmeng shot her, and the police will lock her up first.

According to Shi Luyue's thoughts, it should be that after her video was sent out, netizens were arguing for her and verbally abused Ningmeng.

Then Ningmeng couldn't stand the dirty water she poured on her, and stood up to refute. But because she was outnumbered and weak, not only did no one believe her, but also Ningmeng would be scolded even worse by netizens, collapsed physically and mentally, and dishonored.

Moreover, after Ningmeng stood up, Shi Luyue was able to know her location and sent someone to rescue Feng Hang. By the way, she had to leave a bitter lesson for Ningmeng.

After Shi Luyue was shot, when she woke up, she found that not only Ningmeng had disappeared, but also Feng Hang had disappeared.

At that time, Shi Luyue knew that Feng Hang should have been taken away by Ningmeng.

Otherwise, Feng Hang would never leave her alone.

However, Feng Hang has a secret that cannot be discovered. Therefore, Shi Luyue not only couldn't call the police, but also saved Feng Hang from Ningmeng in a low-key manner.

However, Shi Luyue did not expect that everything that happened on the star network was developing in the direction she expected in the morning. But after she woke up after a nap, the wind direction and speech on the star network changed!

When Luyue woke up, all the topics about her on the original topic list were squeezed out.

Shi Luyue opened her eyes wide and stared at the good news released by the Star Online Alliance. She couldn't believe how Liu Ningmeng could develop such a top-notch formula!

Obviously, in her previous investigation, Liu Ningmeng was just an apprentice who had never practiced any medicine.

Moreover, when Liu Ningmeng was in school, her grades were mediocre, not outstanding at all, and she was even floating in the middle and lower reaches of the class, and she didn't seem like a person who could do a big business at all.

Shi Luyue stared at the good news, wishing to change the three characters Liu Ningmeng to any other name.

However, these were things Shi Luyue couldn't change.

And the direction of things is less and less under her control.

Fewer and fewer people were helping her, and more and more people apologized to Ningmeng.

Even Shi Luyue saw many netizens commenting on the video she posted yesterday:

"Although I don't want to say anything, but I just watched this video again sensibly, I feel like I was played? Shi Luyue only said that her injury was related to Liu Ningmeng, but she didn't say anything from the beginning to the end. How did human disputes happen? I used to think Shi Luyue was pure and kind, but now I think she is a little cautious in the video. Suddenly I feel very upset. I am not black because of Liu Ningmeng, I am just serious. Say my own point of view."

"The upstairs is right. I feel the same way. Because Shi Luyue had always believed in her before doing charity things, and trusted her unconditionally. So yesterday after seeing this video, I was so angry with everyone I read the comments together and said a lot of bad things about Liu Ningmeng. But now I read it overnight, and I feel that the taste has changed."

"I remain neutral. The truth about this matter hasn't come out yet, and it's not good to wrong any of them. Didn't Shi Luyue say that she has called the police? Then the police will have news soon. @联盟警hall"

"Wait for the truth to come to light@联盟警局"


There were more and more people in the AiTe Alliance Police Department, and Shi Luyue felt a little flustered when she saw these.

What if the Union Police Department saw everyone's Aite and said that she didn't report the crime?

There are too many comments to delete, so should she just delete this video?

Anyway, she originally planned to delete it after hanging up for a few days.

However, if it is deleted now, it is uncertain.

The storm has not passed yet, and now that she deletes the video, she is undoubtedly telling netizens that she has a guilty conscience.

Shi Luyue bit her lip, and sat on the bed hesitantly, very annoyed by the fighting power of these netizens.

If it wasn't that their combat effectiveness was too weak, they were still swaying like a wall of grass, because the two formulas of the medicine had turned to Ningmeng's side, how could she be caught in such a dilemma!

Shi Luyue struggled for a while, and finally chose to delete the video she posted last night.

Anyway, no matter how the netizens speculate, it is better than being replied by the Union Police Department that this incident did not come from a face slap.

After deleting the video, Shi Luyue got off the star network.

She is upset and irritable, and no longer wants to read the comments on the Internet.

Although she doesn't need to look at it, she also knows that people on the Internet will not be very good at her behavior this time.

In fact, Shi Luyue really didn't guess wrong.

After she deleted the video, she was immediately discovered by netizens.

Although Shi Luyue deleted the video, let everyone have no comments. But it doesn't matter, because Shi Luyue's account not only posted a video.

Shi Luyue also posted other content the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday.

After those netizens discovered that the video was missing, they tacitly commented on the content she posted the day before.

Moreover, because there are quite a few people who entered the Shi Luyue account homepage at this point, everyone chatted in the comments very happily:

"Ale, why did the video that Shi Luyue posted yesterday disappeared? Did she delete it?"

"I don't know, I was ignorant, I only saw half of it, and then it showed that the video has been deleted..."

"With the same ignorance, when I came in, I didn't even start watching it, so I refreshed it, and then the video disappeared. It scared me and thought that a supernatural event had happened."

"So why is the video deleted? Is it because of the achievements of the big guy Ning Meng?"

"Nonsense! The Alliance is legal and fair. If the Ning Meng boss does such a thing, the Alliance will not cover it!"

"Yes, upstairs was right. A few years ago, wasn't that the general's son? He violated the law and was sentenced to death."

"Hey, hey, the upstairs is crooked. So why did Shi Luyue delete the video?"

"...Could it be her guilty conscience? Actually, this matter is not Liu Ningmeng's fault?"


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