God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 910: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 56

The truth about why some people have eggs in their heads has finally been found. While everyone was relieved, they stepped up to contact those who had come to participate in the outdated Luyue charity event.

Then, I took all those people to the research institute and checked them. As expected, there were worm eggs in their heads.

Moreover, because of the long time, the worm eggs in the brain have already developed, and even the antidote developed by Limemeng is ineffective against them.

Ningmeng and Yuanli said that these people are no longer saved, because after the eggs are developed, they can read the memory of the host, and they can also manipulate the host's body. They are now a Zerg in a human shell, without medicine. Saveable.

But Yuanli and the others felt that Ningmeng's statement was a bit weird.

Although the development speed of the eggs is indeed very fast, and knows how to hide themselves.

But to say that they have the ability to read human memory, and even manipulate human bodies to pretend to live a human life. This is simply a fantasy, Yuanli and the others do not believe it.

They still want to develop an antidote.

Moreover, the Alliance is now covering this matter to the death, and there is no idea of ​​wanting to make it public.

Even the orphanage and the volunteers who participated in the orphanage and the paparazzi hiding in the dark were forced to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Therefore, the star network has been calm, and no news about that day has been leaked out.

Ningmeng frowned as she watched their actions.

I don't know what's going on, anyway, Ningmeng has an ominous premonition in her heart, as if something big will happen.

And Shi Luyue, after being brought back to the Public Security Bureau by Jin and Sui that day, every time she was interrogated, she didn't say anything, didn't know anything, and she didn't admit anything.

The milk tea everyone drank was bought from a middle-aged couple, but after the people from Jin and Sui Dynasty looked for the address, they found that the other party had gone to the building and disappeared.

Suddenly disappeared at this time, as if they had received the news ahead of time and fled, so that the police's attention was shifted to the middle-aged couple. At the same time, they became the two most suspected in this case. .

The antidote Yuanli they wanted to develop has been slow to progress.

Shi Luyue drank tea in the Public Security Bureau for a week, and then left unrestrainedly.

Because there is no evidence that the worm eggs in the milk tea are related to her, and the time for detention has expired, even the Public Security Bureau cannot restrain her personal freedom without evidence.


When Shi Luyue left the Public Security Bureau, Ningmeng was with Qi Yu.

The two sit side by side on the rocking chairs on the balcony, and there are cut fruits on the small round table next to them. Their lives are comfortable and leisurely.

Ningmeng shook her feet.

Speaking of which, she and Qi Yu already knew why Feng Hang's attitude towards Liu Ningmeng suddenly changed, and they didn't know whether this counted as the completion of the task.

Ningmeng closed her eyes and sneaked into the system space with her consciousness, only to see the task status on the big screen empty, and there was no big green tick after the task was completed.

Ningmeng opened her eyes, and her consciousness withdrew from the system space.

"It's weird." Ningmeng told Qi Yu about the doubts in her heart: "We all know why Feng Hang's attitude toward Liu Ningmeng suddenly changed, but the task status on the big screen is still unfinished. "

"It should be about not giving him revenge," Qi Yu said. Qi Yu found out in some of the previous mission planes.

In fact, the task requirements given on the big screen are not absolute.

It will follow what Qi Yu and Ningmeng encounter in the mission world, and then some minor changes will occur.

It feels like the task delegate is watching them do the task. It is not that he and Ningmeng will complete the task on the big screen.

Instead, try to figure out the client's ideas, and then follow the client's wishes to do so, the task will be completed.

However, these were just Qi Yu's thoughts for the time being, so they didn't tell Ning Meng.

Ningmeng didn't think so much either. After hearing Qi Yu said that he wanted to avenge Feng Hang, Ningmeng's first thought was: "Hey, I would have known that I wouldn't hand him over." Keep Feng Hang by her side. How good is it to be quiet every day, not noisy or noisy, and not wasting rations.

More importantly, as long as you kill him, you can complete the task.

It's like now that Feng Hang was sent to Yuanli's laboratory, it would be difficult to get him back again.

Especially after Ningmeng said that Feng Hang and the others were incurable last time, Yuanli's attitude towards Ningmeng was a little different.

Ningmeng is not a particularly enthusiastic kind of person, she even has three points of indifference and coldness in her bones. After seeing Yuanli and they don't believe what she said, Ningmeng stopped saying it, and she also reduced the number of times she went to the laboratory. .

Otherwise, her daily life would not be so easy.

Although Ningmeng can also kill Feng Hang without everyone noticing it.

But this method is a bit risky, and she doesn't want to use it as a last resort.

However, speaking of Feng Hang, Ningmeng suddenly remembered something she had accidentally forgotten.

Ningmeng asked Qi Yu, "Host, since the worm eggs in those people's bodies can be detected, why haven't the worm eggs in Feng Hang's body been detected?" .

"The doctor who examined him deliberately concealed this matter. Later when I checked him, the doctor had resigned." Qi Yu said.

At that time, after Qi Yu found out that there were worm eggs in Feng Hang's brain, he went to check with the doctor.

As a result, the doctor was a newcomer. He only stayed in the army for half a month. He left his job and left the day after Feng Hang's physical examination.

Until now, the people sent by Qi Yu have not found him.

He couldn't be found on the Star Net, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Qi Yu's light brain suddenly rang twice, which was a message sent by the person he had sent to stare at Shi Luyue.

The other party said that Shi Luyue had left the Public Security Bureau.

The expression on Qi Yu's face did not change, and he replied: Continue to follow.

There was one in a second: I received it.

Qi Yu glanced at it, but did not reply.


Shi Luyue, who had left the Public Security Bureau, was not too happy.

Because Shi Luyue clearly knew what she had to face next.

Shi Luyue did not contact her special assistance, nor did she take any transportation.

She walked slowly, and after leaving the public security bureau, she walked directly along the main street.

The location of the Public Security Bureau is in the center of the Union Capital, with a pedestrian street next to it.

Today happened to be the weekend, and the pedestrian street was crowded with people and it was very lively.

Shi Luyue walked on the street, passing by many people.

A sturdy man, wearing a sweater and trousers, a hat on his head and a mask on his face, passed by Shi Luyue.

At that moment, Shi Luyue tensed her body.

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