God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 912: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 58

Shi Luyue posted five pictures behind the long text:

The first picture shows a group of young men and women wearing volunteer costumes squatting, holding their belly, bowing their heads and vomiting.

The second picture is what they vomit. Although it is dirty and disgusting, it seems to smell some kind of peculiar smell across the screen, but the vomit is circled, and it is carefully noted that it is an unidentified object of insect eggs. That is the focus of the picture.

The third picture is obviously an ultrasound report sheet after a person has examined the brain, which clearly shows the internal structure of a person's brain. On one of the X-rays, the circled part is the part next to the brain, which is a pea-shaped object. As if afraid that netizens would not understand it, Shi Luyue still noted two words for the circled part-worm eggs.

The fourth picture is a report of a person's physical examination. It not only says that there are worm eggs in this person's brain, but it also clearly marked the cycle of the eggs' development.

The fifth picture is a non-disclosure agreement, something that the alliance requires all insiders to sign.

Shi Luyue has all the evidence, even several pictures with anti-counterfeiting seals, which can better prove the authenticity of these pictures.

Netizens came in with various moods, but after reading it, everyone's mood became the same: anger! panic! Scared!

They are angry at why the league keeps such a big thing from everyone

Panic Yu According to Shi Luyue's statement, the Alliance seems to have not found a solution now.

What's more scary is that they don't know if there are worm eggs in their brains.

Even if Starnet’s administrators found out this long post picture of Shi Luyue, they reported the matter to the Alliance as soon as possible, but they have not waited for the alliance to make a good decision. The Starnet Alliance’s official account has been certified by netizens Aite has done countless times, and countless netizens have commented below, asking the alliance whether what Shi Luyue said is true?

Moreover, the manual service communication numbers of the various organizations of the alliance were blown up by the people of the alliance, and there were even many people sitting downstairs in the alliance execution building, waiting for the people inside to come out and give a certain statement.

The large hospitals are even more crowded. Everyone checks their brains. Even the Pharmacy Association has been implicated.

When Ningmeng knew about this, Shi Luyue's long picture had been sent out for more than an hour.

Seeing the unfavorable situation on the Star Network, Ningmeng frowned deeply.

Her previous ominous hunch is now working.

Although at noon, the league finally sent a message, wanting to stabilize everyone's emotions.

But the fear and panic that was provoked in everyone's heart, how can they be soothed.

Even though the Alliance has issued a statement admitting that part of what Shi Luyue said is true, all the people with eggs in their heads have been detained.

There are still many people who go to the hospital to line up for registration and pass by, all with sad and solemn faces.

In a remote place, when Shi Luyue saw the comments made by netizens on the Star Network that were either panicked or frightened, or angrily questioned, her mood couldn't be more beautiful.

If it wasn't for the alliance that had cancelled her account and banned her permission, she would like to send a few more messages out to stir up the muddy waters.


A voice rang from behind Shi Luyue, and the sound of footsteps went from far to near.

Shi Luyue turned her head, and it was a Zerg who walked towards her.

It is huge, round and round. It is two meters tall when straightened up. It is covered with a layer of gray scales, small mung bean eyes, and it walks on all fours. It has two black horns on its head, and one grows to the back. Mopping the tail.

This is the lowest level gray scale insect, not good-looking, and low attack power.

When encountering danger, the only place that can be used as an attack weapon is the horns on their heads.

But the scales on their bodies are very resistant to cutting, and their defenses are strong.

When Shi Luyue turned her head to see the gray scale insect, she squinted happily, and after approaching it, she raised her hand and gently touched the gray scale insect.

This Grey Scale Worm was also good. When Shi Luyue touched it, not only did it not resist, but it lay down in front of Shi Luyue gently, rubbing Shi Luyue with its head.

"Stay for a few more days, and it won't take long before we can return to the Alliance Capital." Shi Luyue caressed the Gray Scale Worm, her face was incredibly gentle.


On the third day when Shi Luyue released the long picture, the alliance was still in chaos.

Although many people have been in the hospital for physical examination, it has been shown that there are no worm eggs in their brains, but this incident has not passed away.

Everyone is very concerned about those who have eggs in their heads, and don't know what the Alliance intends to do with them.

Everyone is waiting for the alliance to give you an explanation.

In order to stabilize the situation and the hearts of the people, the president of the alliance had to stand up personally and convened a conference on this matter on the Star Network.

And this time the conference was broadcast live throughout.

During the conference, the president first stood up, stood on the podium, bowed and apologized to the hundreds of millions of people on the Star Network, confessing his mistake this time, but also explained why he decided to conceal it at the time. The reason and original intention of the matter.

The president's sincere attitude of apologizing instantly counteracted everyone's anger over the past few days.

Moreover, after apologizing, the president even asked the senior management of the National Medical Laboratory, the Pharmaceutical Research Institute and other related institutions to take turns to talk about their solutions to this matter and the current progress.

Although this live broadcast cannot offset everyone's dissatisfaction with the league's approach this time, it at least calmed everyone out.

Only when Ningmeng heard their solution to this matter and actually wanted to force the worm eggs out of the human brain, her expression was a little angry and a little helpless.

She had already told Yuanli and the others before that the worm eggs in these people's brains had been fully developed, and there was no possibility of treatment.

But it seems that they didn't believe Ning Meng's words before, and they still don't believe it now.

Even Zhang Ming of the Pharmacy Association called a few days ago to ask Ningmeng if there is a way to solve the worm eggs in the human head. Ningmeng was also telling the truth to him, and even showed the results of Ningmeng's physical examinations of Feng Hang's trio at that time. Some of their data is higher than that of ordinary people, and even their mental power has changed greatly. It is obviously a human body. During the struggle between consciousness and the worm egg, the worm egg won. This is the basis for Ningmeng's conclusion.

But Zhang Ming was not seen in today's live broadcast, so Ningmeng doesn't know if he believes.

If Ningmeng is allowed to deal with this matter, Ningmeng will definitely kill these people, leaving no one behind to avoid future troubles.

This is not because she is indifferent and ruthless, but in Ningmeng's eyes, they are no longer human.

Killing them and burying them well is to give them the last dignity when they are human.

Besides, there are worm eggs in their brains, it is not so easy to kill them...

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