Shi Luyue had a hard time as a child.

The person who changed Shi Luyue and Liu Ningmeng's identities back then was Liu Hongwei's enemies in the mall.

He couldn't do Liu Hongwei in the market, so he thought about it.

Since it is an enemy, then the family he chose for Shi Luyue must be bad.

Not to mention the poor family conditions of the husband and wife, and both of them are idle and lazy.

Moreover, the two of them have some problems with their bodies. It took so many years for them to finally get pregnant. Both of them wanted a big fat boy.

As a result, I didn't expect to be born as a little girl.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

When Shi Luyue was very young, she had to do housework at home and did a lot of work, but she had a luxury to eat.

After the man and the woman came back, they beat and scolded her every day, not treating her as a human being.

At a young age, Shi Luyue experienced the suffering that ordinary people have never experienced.

In order to fill up her stomach, she can only go to the garbage dump to dig through things to eat.

It was in the garbage dump that she encountered the gray scale insect.

Shi Luyue was dirty every day, and there was another lazy father and mother, and the children nearby refused to play with her.

Shi Luyue has no friends, but Gray Scale Worm is her friend.

One day the gray scale insect was injured, and Shi Luyue was worried that it would be found, so she took it home.

Shi Luyue hid the Gray Scale Worm in the room and bandaged its wounds.

The gray scale worm lay obediently on the floor, Shi Luyue let it not move, it didn't move, if it didn't get out of the room, it really didn't get out of the room.

Until the evening, after Shi Luyue's parents came back, the two lost money and were in a bad mood, and went home noisy all the way. After returning home, when she saw Shi Luyue, she grabbed her by the arm and beat her fiercely.

Shi Luyue was sobbed so loudly that she even forgot the gray scale worm in her room.

The Gray Scale Worm didn't listen to Shi Luyue's words for the first time. After hearing Shi Luyue's cry, it rushed out of the room and stabbed Shi Luyue's parents to death with its horns.

Shi Luyue widened her eyes in a panic, and then let the Gray Scale Worm run quickly.

Shi Luyue, who lost her parents, was sent to a nearby orphanage.

After she was admitted to the orphanage, she was often bullied by other children. But even so, her life is much better than when she was at home.

She doesn't have to go to the garbage dump to eat, because the orphanage will provide her with food every day.

Probably the only dissatisfaction is that after she was sent to the orphanage, she had no freedom of access.

Until Shi Luyue found a weedy dog ​​hole in the orphanage, she would often get out of the dog hole and go to the garbage dump to look for gray scale insects.

The children in the orphanage particularly dislike Shi Luyue, and Shi Luyue is often teased by them.

They are also very good at pretending to be garlic, and they went to the dean in groups to file a complaint. It was obviously their own work, but they smeared Shi Luyue.

The dean originally liked Shi Luyue very much, but after being disappointed with Shi Luyue again and again, he stopped paying attention to her.

Without the special asylum of the dean, Shi Luyue's situation in the orphanage became even more difficult.

It's just that Luyue didn't care about all this.

On the smelly garbage dump, she held a small dirty face and said to the gray scale worm: "One day, I will make these people pay the price."

Until she gradually grew up, S's spiritual potential was manifested.

She had only been beaten every time, but slowly she was able to knock down all the thorns in the orphanage.

Shi Luyue often finds their faults, as if they had bullied Shi Luyue.

Those thorns were suppressed by Shi Luyue, and she never dared to trouble Shi Luyue anymore, and even regarded Shi Luyue as the boss.

They stopped bullying Shi Luyue, and instead bullied other weaker people.

Moreover, Shi Luyue will be the first to choose the things he grabs.

Shi Luyue tasted the sweetness, allowing them to bully those weak and weak, and if they met someone they couldn't solve, Shi Luyue would even take it personally.

Shi Luyue was extremely satisfied when she was the eldest sister in the orphanage.

When it was found that the mental power level was s, even Shi Luyue was extremely happy in the eyes of many people with amazement and admiration.

She seems to have also seen her bright and bright future.

If it weren't for her to know her true identity.

When she knew her identity, Shi Luyue was already twenty years old, and she attended a top university. Even if she was born in an orphanage, her future and future are far better than ordinary people.

However, after knowing this news, Shi Luyue's mentality could no longer maintain a stable sunshine.

It turns out that she is not the biological daughter of the couple...

It turns out that she is the only daughter of the Liu family...

It turns out that the bullying she has suffered before shouldn't be hers...

It turns out that the couple who are lazy and prone to domestic violence are not her biological parents...

Then what is it that she suffered so much since she was a child!

Shi Luyue stared at the three words on the envelope: Liu Ningmeng.

She naturally heard the name.

The same school, students majoring in pharmacy.

Obviously he only has a D-level mental strength, but because of the Liu family's backing behind him, he easily entered this university.

After the age of eighteen, the orphanage no longer gave Shi Luyue any help.

Although the school waived Shi Luyue's expenses, Shi Luyue needed to earn her own living expenses.

She has to do several jobs every day.

When working part-time in school, she often heard about Liu Ningmeng.

In the past, when Luyue heard these things, she was just like everyone else in her heart. She was amazed at the good luck that this girl would reincarnate.

But now, after knowing that all Liu Ningmeng's treatment should actually be hers, Shi Luyue's anger almost broke through the sky.

She didn't rush to Liu's family to admit her relatives. She was like a stalker, hiding in the dark, peeping at Liu Ningmeng's life.

Every time I see Liu Ningmeng is clearly a D-grade waste, but enjoys the treatment sought after by everyone, the restlessness in Shi Luyue's heart slowly rolls over, those sufferings that she suffered when she was very young, and those memories that she thought she had forgotten. After many years, one after another appeared in her mind.

Shi Luyue was very uneasy. Every time she saw Liu Ningmeng being so comfortable, she would think over and over again of the abuse and beating she had suffered when she was a child, and her eyes were full of resentment when she looked at Liu Ningmeng.

I want to make Liu Ningmeng's next life miserable.

After this thought sounded in Shi Luyue's heart, it slowly became a kind of obsession in her heart.

Only by letting Liu Ningmeng fall into the mud and dust and spend the rest of her life struggling at the bottom of the society can she relieve her hatred.

It's just that Luyue hadn't waited until she was almost ready to return to Liu's house to implement all this. While having fun with Gray Scales in the suburbs, she met a man with blond hair and blue eyes.

The other party smiled evilly and had a strong aura: "Tsk tsk, this is the first time you can see people and insects in one place. Don't you humans all regard the Zerg as a deadly enemy?"

Although Shi Luyue thought it was weird for him to take a bite of ‘you human’ at the time, she didn’t think too much.

Thinking of what she had encountered since childhood, Shi Luyue proudly said: "But in my eyes, humans are much dirtier than Zergs."

The resentment in her tone was not fake, but the man with blond hair and blue eyes smiled happily: "Okay, it just so happens that I also hate humans, how about we team up?"

Although the man asked in a questioning tone, Shi Luyue heard the harshness in his tone that could not be rejected. And just so, she didn't want to refuse.


Anyway or it's not interesting anymore.

If joining hands with the man in front of her can get her what she wants, then why not agree.

What Shi Luyue didn't expect was that even if she paid the price of her life for it, she didn't drag that person into the mud and dust.

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