God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 927: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 8

Most of the people who came to participate in the competition were boys, and only a few girls.

Ningmeng's position is right, but I don't know if it's because she is a girl and she doesn't seem to be too old. Behind the other male players next to him stood onlookers, but behind her was empty.

But Ningmeng didn't care.

Ningmeng read the game rules silently before and knew the importance of points, so at the beginning, Ningmeng jumped directly to the airport.

The person behind the boy standing beside took a glance at the position of Ningmeng's parachuting and then moved his gaze away, and in his mind carelessly thought: Sure enough, it is a girl, and playing games is to give someone away.

But he did not see how fast Ningmeng's fingers were placed on the keyboard after the characters on the game screen landed.

Even as soon as she landed, Ningmeng controlled the character in the game and hammered the character who landed next to her with her fist.

Ningmeng took a look around, then quickly searched for equipment and weapons.

Although I haven't touched the keyboard for a long time, for Ningmeng, there is no such thing as a handjob.

Ningmeng controls the characters in the game, always remembering the rule that the head is the points, but Ningmeng never let go of anyone who appears in front of her.

Others, like Ningmeng, are good at hiding from the shadows, and want to take the lives of others.

The kill reminder in the lower left corner has never stopped, but only five minutes after the start, the game has entered a white-hot stage.


"I'm dead."

"Go away."

With the passage of time, players continue to be eliminated, some have left the Internet cafe in anger, and some have left, but instead look at the people next to them playing.

Ningmeng sat quietly on the stool, her eyes focused on the screen. The people on the screen were packed with rich oil and were hiding in a small bungalow to fight medicine.

Another kill message was refreshed in the lower left corner, and the boy sitting on the right of Ningmeng paused with his finger and released his hand holding the mouse.

Stopping at 11th, this result is not too bad.

The boy who had been standing behind him and watching him play games turned his head and wanted to see where the top ten were, and then suddenly noticed that Ningmeng was still playing!

He just took it too seriously, thinking that Ningmeng had already delivered the courier.

Take a closer look at the result, 26 kills!

Good deed, where is the great **** that popped up.

The boy's eyes widened, and he immediately moved behind Ningmeng.

The two boys who were eliminated on the left and right of Ningmeng turned their heads and stared at Ningmeng's computer screen without blinking.

This is a machine in an Internet cafe, and everyone does not suspect that Ning Meng is open.

While watching the gods in Ningmeng's hand operate a six-pointer ratio, the three of them all wanted to worship Ningmeng and knelt down as a teacher.

With the decrease in the number of people, there are more and more onlookers.

Until the end, when only Ningmeng and another boy were left, the person standing behind Ningmeng watching her play games couldn't help but sweat for Ningmeng.

Because the last safe zone was not refreshed in Ningmeng, but on the opposite player.

And Ning Meng's current position is not very good.

If Ningmeng wants to enter the circle, not only is there no cover to cover up, but the other player is still waiting for her with a gun.

Everyone is waiting to see what Ning Meng does.

The boy on the other side did not act rashly, because he is still safe now. If Ningmeng doesn't move, he won't be the one who loses.

However, under the gaze, Ningmeng took the gun, took out all the grenade in the backpack, and threw it towards the opponent's location one after another, and a "grenade rain" made the opponent nowhere to escape.

Keizettonpa used a grenade to kill RevolvingAlive

Good luck! Eat chicken tonight!

"Awesome young lady! You won't be a professional player, are you?" someone next to him couldn't help but ask Ningmeng.

"No." Ningmeng put down the mouse and got up. Everyone looked at her well-behaved and charming appearance, and then looked at the screen showing the 33 kills of the lucky chicken tonight. They all felt a little illusory.

A webmaster came over to save the screenshots of Ningmeng's results on the computer, and also recorded them in the notebook, and then asked Ningmeng's number plate to register together.

"Okay, okay, let's all spread out."

"Where is the number 202 to 303? Ready to come and find a place to start the game!"

The network manager shouted.

The people who originally surrounded Ningmeng quickly dispersed and walked out. When Ningmeng was about to go out, the webmaster asked Ningmeng to scan a WeChat account and asked Ningmeng to pay attention first, and then smiled and said to her: "Tonight At eight o’clock, we will announce the first screenshots of several games and the winners of the highest prizes. You can follow them on this public WeChat account. And we will keep your WeChat account. It will be good. contact."

Don't have to sit here and wait, this is what Ning Meng likes to see.

Ningmeng nodded, took out her mobile phone, followed the official account of this Internet cafe, and left her WeChat account by the way.

Ningmeng took a look and found that the seat where she had paid the internet fee for an hour before was already playing. Ningmeng didn't go there, and she walked out of the Internet cafe directly.

Before the competition, Ningmeng took a fancy to two part-time jobs, both women's models.

Ningmeng's body is thinner now, but she is fair and beautiful, and she is also 165 feet tall. Although it is not very high, it is within the scope of the requirements given by the other party.

Ningmeng never forgets her eyes and remembers the address given by the other party in her heart.

When I clicked on the mobile phone map to navigate aqq, Ningmeng searched the two addresses separately, and then walked towards the address that was closer.

The interview location at close range is not far from Ningmeng, near the square where Hao Qiulan set up a street stall at night.

Ningmeng walked with wind, and walked quickly under her feet, and walked to the square in a short while.

However, there are many small alleys near the square.

Ningmeng stood on the spot, bowed her head and fiddled with her phone. Before she was optimistic that she should have entered that alley, an exclamation sounded in her ear.

"Catch the thief!"

Ningmeng quickly raised her head, and saw a man in a black coat running in front with a briefcase in his hand, while an old man with white hair followed behind, panting.

Although it was Saturday today, it was early in the morning, and there were no people around the square.

The old man yelled several times, but no one came forward to help.

The thief also discovered the situation. When he reached the entrance of an alley, he deliberately stopped and turned his head to take a look at the old man who had fallen behind. He raised the briefcase in his hand, turned and ran in. In the alley.

Even if he wears a mask, Ningmeng feels that he is in control of the victory of this shot.

Ningmeng sneered, staring at the man's back, and stepped up to catch up.

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