God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 929: Inferiority girl's counterattack road 10

Ningmeng has never been a Taobao model before, but when she and Qi Yu were doing missions in the entertainment industry, she had been a star and learned how to move.

So even if Ningmeng doesn't understand the business of modeling, she is not unfamiliar with the camera. Almost every outfit of Ningmeng is done once, and a set of clothes can be taken in a few minutes.

With such a high efficiency, the people in Taobao Studio were busy picking up clothes for her to make up, and at the same time, they were happy that they could leave work early today.

The photographer who shot Ningmeng was also very surprised. When shooting for newcomers before, which time hasn't been furious by the newcomers.

But this time...

Click! Click! The effect of a random shot is after the restoration of other models.

The clothes that were originally planned to be filmed in one day have now been filmed in one morning.

Until the shooting, the photographer was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Ningmeng performed well and worked very efficiently. Before half a day had finished filming, she had agreed on the number of films to be filmed in a day, so she would naturally have to settle her salary in advance.

This is a young team. It is a woman in her twenties who pays Ningmeng's salary, and is also the boss of this team, Wang Hong.

It was originally said that it was five hundred, but after getting it, Ningmeng realized that he had given it one hundred more.

She looked up at Wang Hong, but Wang Hong smiled and said, "How about a hundred more rewards? Are you interested in signing a contract? Become a long-term model in our studio."

"I'm afraid not, I'm still a student." Ningmeng declined.

"Eh, okay." Wang Hong's tone was with a hint of regret, because the photographer just asked her to keep people behind, but now, it's not a matter of money, but a matter of time.

Wang Hong thought for a while, and then said: "Then do you have time this afternoon? I have dozens of sets."

Ningmeng: "Yes."

Then, Ningmeng didn't go back at noon, but ate the box lunch that Wang Hong had ordered for her.

At noon, it may have been found that Ningmeng was not at home, and Bai Zemin also called Ningmeng and asked her where she was.

Ningmeng said that she would play outside and would not go back to eat at noon.

Bai Zemin was silent for a long time before he asked Ningmeng to be more careful. If he got lost, he could call him.

Ningmeng happily responded.

After hanging up the phone, everyone rested for a while. After all the outfits to be filmed in the afternoon were brought, everyone started to work again.

With the morning experience, Ningmeng’s lens feels better. There is no need for the photographer to say, Ningmeng has already set up a pose, making the photographer's capture more smooth.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, work finally ended.

Ningmeng took hundreds of sets of clothes today, and went home with her one thousand and one salary a little tired.

When Ningmeng returned home, Bai Zemin had already returned and was washing vegetables in the kitchen.

"Dad, I'm back." Ningmeng walked into the kitchen cheerfully, "I'll cook the dishes tonight, you take a break."

"I'm coming. Do you eat custard?" Bai Zemin wiped his hands, his tone blunt.

Just listen to his tough tone. People who don't understand him must think he is very harsh and fierce.

In fact, after Bai Zemin got off work this afternoon, he hurried back. Seeing Ningmeng was not at home, fearing that she would come back hungry, he deliberately steamed a bowl of custard for Ningmeng.

"Okay, I haven't eaten it for a long time." Ningmeng smiled happily, looking forward to it.

Bai Zemin immediately took out the custard.

Seeing Ningmeng sitting down at the table eating custard, Bai Zemin's face was gentle.

Bai Zemin cooked the food tonight. Until the meal was over, when Ningmeng was about to go out to deliver food to Hao Qiulan, she suddenly remembered the money in her pocket, and Ningmeng reached out and put the money on the table.

One thousand and one is not much, it is eleven grandpa Mao.

It was a thin pile, but Bai Zemin was still taken aback.

He looked at Ningmeng with a harsh tone: "Where does this money come from?"

"I earned it." Ningmeng, as if not aware of Bai Zemin's stern tone, shared the results of her labor today with Bai Zemin: "Dad, in fact, I lied to you today. I went out today instead of playing, but Went to work part-time.

Isn’t online shopping popular now? Then many online shop sellers need someone to wear their clothes, take photos and post them online, so that someone can buy them.

I behaved very well. I finished the workload of two days in one day, so my salary was twice that of others.

Originally, the boss wanted to sign a contract for me so that I could work for a long time, and the salary was higher than it is now. But I did not agree.

Although I want to make money, I don't want you and mom to be so tired. But I also know that my goal now is to study hard and get into a good university so that I can have a good job in the future. Right, dad? "

Ningmeng looked at Bai Zemin, her eyes full of admiration.

The serious look on Bai Zemin's face has long since disappeared, and his nose is sour because of Ning Meng's heart-warming remarks.

"Good boy, it's because my father has no abilities and can't give you a better life." Bai Zemin sighed. Although he was moved by Ningmeng's sensibility, he was also worried about the current situation of poverty in the family.

"No. I feel very happy to be with my parents. I like the life I am now." Ningmeng said sincerely.

And these words are what Bai Ningmeng has always wanted to say.

"You save the money yourself, and Dad doesn't want you." Bai Zemin pushed the money to Ningmeng. He originally wanted to tell Ningmeng not to spend it, but after remembering what Ningmeng just said, he I feel that my daughter is far more sensible than he thought.

"Then I will give it to mom at night." Ningmeng put the money into her little room.

When Ningmeng came out of the room again, he clearly felt that the atmosphere between him and Bai Zemin was different. After Ningmeng's heart-to-heart remarks, the relationship between the two father and daughter became closer.

Ningmeng carried the insulated lunch box and said to Bai Zemin, "Dad, then I'll go to deliver food to my mother first."

"Well, did you bring the key?"

"Take it."

Ningmeng went to the square carrying the insulated lunch box, and saw Hao Qiulan at the same location last night.

Today Saturday, there were more people in the square than yesterday, and Hao Qiulan’s small stall was surrounded by several adults with children.

Ningmeng walked over, put the lunch box aside, and then helped Hao Qiulan deal with the guests.

Ningmeng helped to sell them yesterday, and all the prices of these products were kept in mind.

Hao Qiulan glanced at Ningmeng, but didn't say anything.

After the guests had bought good things and left, Hao Qiulan said to Ningmeng: "Come and sit down."

Ningmeng walked over and watched Hao Qiulan pull out a small folding stool and unfold it on the ground.

Obviously there was only one stool yesterday, but today there are two.

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