A warrior quickly walked to Lin Jing's side and said urgently to Lin Jing.

"The messenger of the World Temple is here?"

Lin Jing was stunned when he heard the words of the warrior, of course he didn't expect the messenger from the World Hall to come.

The messengers of the World Hall represent the giants. Under the leadership of this warrior, Lin Jing came to the World Hall messenger.

The messenger of the World Hall is a seventh-rank Primordial Primordial Battle Saint. Although his realm is not as high as Lin Jinggao, because he is sending messages to the giants in the World Hall, Lin Jing certainly does not dare to take a high posture.

"Lord Lin Jing, why aren't you in the burrow?"

The seventh-rank Primordial War Saint looked at Lin Jing in confusion. He naturally knew that Lin Jing was guarding the Wugaodong cave, but what he didn't expect was that the warriors guarding the defense line of the Wugao cave passageway were all from the cave. inside out.

Is it...

Suddenly, the seventh-rank Primordial Primordial War Saint thought of an amazing possibility. This amazing possibility is that the Wugaodong burrow was lost!

Thinking of this, the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint hurriedly looked at Lin Jing, wanting to get the answer as soon as possible from Lin Jing's mouth.

"Because, the beasts in Wugaodong Cave have been slaughtered!"

Lin Jing said to the seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint in front of him.


When the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint listened to Lin Jing's words, he froze and looked at Lin Jing in astonishment. Of course he would not have thought that Lin Jing would say such a thing.

The beasts in the Wugaodong cave were slaughtered?

how can that be?

"By the way, you came from the World Hall, looking for me...?"

Lin Jing did not continue to explain, he also wanted to know what happened to this seventh-grade Primordial War Saint who came from the World Hall to find him.

"That's it, there are eight giants in the human race, and the eighth giant is Zhan Zun Ye Nan. The purpose of my visit is to tell you this."

The meeting of the Hunyuan God of War was held in the World Hall. Some warriors guarding in the burrow did not have the strength to reach the Hunyuan God of War, so they were not qualified to participate in the meeting of the Hunyuan God of War, and naturally they did not know that the human race had an eighth A giant.


Lin Jing listened to the words of the seventh-grade Hunyuan Zhansheng, but he gasped, and he never thought that the seventh-grade Hunyuan Zhansheng would actually say such words.

Ye Nan, is he really the eighth giant?

Of course Ye Nan said this before, but of course he didn't believe it, because he thought it was too incredible.

"I am the eighth giant of the human race!"

The words Ye Nan said before suddenly appeared in Lin Jing's ears again.

"Lord Lin Jing, what's wrong with you?"

The seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint looked at the look on Lin Jing's face, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"You, do you know why I said that all the beasts in the Wugaodong burrow were slaughtered?"


The seventh-grade Hunyuan Zhansheng became even more puzzled. He was puzzled by some monks who were two feet tall. This is really a fantasy, and how the beasts in Wugaodong cave were eliminated.

"Because, Ye Nan Giant is inside."

Lin Jing said to the seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint in front of him.

When the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint heard Lin Jing's words, his pupils could not help shrinking. Of course, he did not expect Lin Jing to say such words.

A few seconds later, the seventh-rank Primordial Primordial War Saint finally returned to the country, and he looked at the forest scene in front of him in disbelief.

If Ye Nan Giant was inside, it would be easy to eliminate the beasts in Wu Gaodong burrow. You know, Ye Nan's giant, even Gao Jie, the God of War can be instantly defeated.

Just when the 7th-Rank Primordial War Saint was about to say something to Lin Jing again, a young man who seemed to be in his twenties appeared in front of him.

When Ye Nan instantly defeated Gao Jie's God of War in the World War God Field, as a seventh-rank Primordial Primordial War Saint, of course he obtained the qualification to watch the battle, and of course he knew that the young man who appeared in front of him was none other than Ye Nan. giant.

"Ye Nan Giant!"

After the seventh-rank Primordial War Saint reacted, he immediately bowed to Ye Nan.

All the warriors present heard the words, and they immediately called Ye Nan Giant.


After Ye Nan nodded to all the warriors present, he looked at Lin Jing, "I'll leave first."

He came here naturally for the beasts in the Wugaodong cave. Now that the beasts in the Wugaodong cave have been recovered, of course there is no need for him to stay in the Wugaodong cave.

After finishing speaking, Ye Nan disappeared in place before Lin Jing could speak.

The warriors present saw Lin Jing disappearing in place, and their faces showed joyful eyes. When the beasts in Wu Gao's beast city came out of their nests, they were almost desperate, just because they knew In the face of so many beasts, it is absolutely impossible to defeat.

But just when they were facing a desperate situation, the giant Ye Nan appeared and helped them kill the beast.

It was like the coming of God!

Such a scene, let them never forget!

"I'll go into the cave and have a look."

Of course, the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint has admired Ye Nan for a long time. He thought that since the giant Ye Nan was very busy, he would go into the Wugaodong burrow to see how tragic it was in the Wugaodong burrow.

The beasts in the entire burrow were slaughtered.

Must be miserable.

Immediately, the seventh-grade Hunyuan Zhansheng entered the Wugaodong burrow. When Lin Jing saw this, he followed into the burrow.

When we arrived at the burrow, after the defensive line passed the city wall, the scene in front of us was all stunned!

"What about the beast?"

Lin Jing hurriedly rubbed his eyes. He only felt that he had read it wrong. How could there be so many corpses of beasts under the defensive line?

The seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint was not bad. Apart from smelling the strong bloody smell, he didn't see the corpse of any beast, and he didn't know that the battle had just happened here.

Immediately, the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint continued to walk towards the depths of the burrow.

But every time I went to a gathering place of beasts, apart from the thick bloody aura, I still didn't see the bodies of the beasts!

"Strange, what's going on?"

The seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint was a little stunned.

He thought that since there is such a strong bloody aura, there must be many corpses of fierce beasts, but why is there not one dead beast.

Lin Jing, who was beside the seventh-grade Primordial War Saint, was also puzzled. What he would never have thought was that since there was no corpse of a beast.

"Lord Lin Jing, don't you think it's strange?"

The seventh-grade Primordial War Saint looked at Lin Jing dully.

"I think it's weird too."

Lin Jing also nodded at the seventh-grade Primordial Battle Saint.


Ye Nan is back in World City!

After arriving outside the World Hall, the guards outside the World Hall saluted Ye Nan one after another.

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