Silafi looked at Ye Nan in astonishment. Naturally, he didn't expect Ye Nan to know his name.

"When I was in the Chaowanghai burrow, a ninth-grade Hunyuan war god-level beast told me."

Ye Nan said to Silafi who was in front of him.

In terms of strength, Silafi's strength is not bad, and it must be stronger than the nine-rank Hunyuan war god-level beast. As for the realm above the nine-rank Hunyuan war god-level beast, Ye Nan does not know.

"That ninth-grade Primordial War God-level beast, you killed it?"

Silafi looked directly at Ye Nan. It knows that since Ye Nan dares to say such a thing, it proves that Ye Nan's strength is very strong, and he subdues the ninth-grade Hunyuan war god-level beast, otherwise why would the ninth-grade Hunyuan war god-level beast tell Ye Nan these Woolen cloth.


Ye Nan listened to Silafi's words, and he nodded at Silafi.

Silafi smiled coldly when he heard the words, and looked at Ye Nan in front of him with great disdain, "I never imagined that there is a powerful existence like you on this weak planet!"

Silafi of course knew that Ye Nan was a powerful human warrior, because he was able to kill the ninth-rank Primordial War God-level beast.

"Tell me, some things I want to know, in this case," Ye Nan looked at Silafi in front of him indifferently, "I can make you die more comfortable."

Ye Nan naturally knew that Silafi's strength was stronger than that of the ninth-rank Primordial War God-level beast, but Silafi would never be his opponent.

As long as he wants to kill Silafi, then Silafi will surely die!

"What did you say!?"

Silafi gritted her teeth for a while, her face was cloudy, and she stared at Ye Nan.

Everyone in the world city watched such a scene, and they all held their breaths, just because they all knew that the big battle between Ye Nan and this powerful humanoid beast was about to start.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, Silafi sneered at Ye Nan, "You don't think you will really be my opponent, do you? Your reliance is nothing more than beheading a ninth-grade Hunyuan war god-level beast, you thought you killed one. Will the ninth-grade Primordial War God-level beast be my opponent?"

In Silafi's eyes, Ye Nan was a little too ridiculous. But it feels normal. After all, Ye Nan lives in such a weak planet and has limited vision!

It thought that if Ye Nan knew his strength, he would be so frightened!

"Do you really believe your eyes?"

Suddenly, Ye Nan spoke slowly to Silafi who was in front of him.

Silafi was stunned when he heard the words, and naturally he didn't understand what Ye Nan meant.

Immediately, Silafi stared at Ye Nan, "What do you mean!?"

"bring it on."

Ye Nan didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Silafi. He knew that if he wanted to know what he wanted to know from Silafi, he had to subdue Silafi.

He hooked his finger at Silafi!


Seeing that Ye Nan dared to do such a thing to it, Silafi couldn't help but let out the anger of thunder, and was extremely angry!

"Human, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

The sound fell, Silafi raised his fist, and the monstrous dark magic energy condensed on the fist, and the entire space was covered by the dark magic energy.

Immediately, a fist shadow formed by a huge dark magic energy condensed into everyone's field of vision.

Everyone in the World City looked at such a scene, and they were all terrified and terrified to the extreme!

Such a scene is too terrifying for them!

"Human, how should you take my punch!"

When the sound fell, Silafi punched Ye Nan's position.

The entire space was suddenly shaken, the space was shattered, the airflow began to regress madly, and the earth began to vibrate.

This punch is like the end of the world!

Everyone in the world city was terrified, but only Ye Nan, his face did not fluctuate.

Sila Fei is stronger than the Nine-Rank Primordial War God-level beast, and it was completely within Ye Nan's expectation that it could strike such an attack.

But if Silafi can mobilize such an attack, will he be afraid?

Just when Silafi's world-destroying punch was thrown, Ye Nan raised his fist, and at the same time, he also motivated the tenth-floor giant body!

Ten layers of giant body!

A thick cyan gas appeared on Ye Nan's body, and the power of the stars stretched for dozens of miles!


Suddenly, the fist fell!

Ye Nan's punch also slammed towards the monstrous fist formed by the dark magic energy.

A loud noise suddenly appeared!

In the sky, there is darkness, two colors of stars, and two kinds of gases are fighting fiercely!

But after only a few seconds, the dark magic energy was swept away by the power of the stars, and Yu Wei continued to move towards Silafi's position.

how is this possible! ! !

Seeing such a scene, Silafi's pupils shrank violently. He would never have dreamed that Ye Nan was so powerful. Think so much lower.

Just when the fist gang formed by the power of the stars was not far from Silafi, Silafi dodged the attack.

At the same time, Silafi saw the blue gas floating up and down Ye Nanzhou's body, looking at such blue gas.

The color gas, but Silafi's pupils shrank rapidly, as if seeing something that could never be seen.

"Yellow rank... giant body!"

Silafi screamed in horror, it never dreamed that there would be such a physique on Blue Star!

Ye Nan was not too surprised when he listened to Silafi's words, he had already guessed before.

However, the giant power body is just a yellow rank. In the planets of higher-level civilization, the yellow rank giant power body is too garbage.

But it's more than enough to deal with a beast like Silafi!

"Human, how could you...!"

Just when Silafi was about to say something to Ye Nan, Ye Nan was already flying towards Silafi on the air.

Ye Nan's speed is so fast that no one in the world city can capture Ye Nan's speed!

Just when Ye Nan was about to reach Silafi, Silafi caught Ye Nan's speed.

At this time, Silafi has been frightened!


Ye Nan punched Silafi's body hard!

Silafi's soul fell in horror, to the extreme!

At the critical moment, Silafi raised his fist and greeted him with a punch!

But how can Silafi's strength be compared to Ye Nan who has a giant body?


what! ! !

After a loud noise, Silafi screamed, and its arms all day had turned into powder!

Everyone in the world city heard Silafi's scream, which was enough to make the scalp feel numb.

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