"Ruxue, you're here."

Looking at the approaching woman, a gentle look appeared on the face of the Third Ice Holy God.

It seems that he is trying his best to prevent his worries from infecting the woman.

"Lord Dongxue."

"You have worked hard."

Ruanxue said softly.

There are some words that seem to want to be asked.

But he hesitated to speak.

"I didn't do anything."

Dongxue shook her head.

"Lord Dongxue."


"Can we really drive away these evil things?"

Ruanxue was silent for a while and couldn't help but ask.

Now, they and Xie Hui are in a stalemate.

But such a stalemate is extremely dangerous and fatal for Ruanxue and the others.

The erosion of evil power is like a nightmare for ordinary people.

If you are not careful, you will be completely contaminated by the power of evil.

Being obsessed may be just a small thing, but once it is swallowed up by the power of evil, it will control you.

It will cause all kinds of killings.

Hurt the loved ones around you.

during this time.

Although evil, there was no large-scale invasion.

But the casualties caused by the erosion of evil power.

It can be described as shocking.

However, you Ruanxue and the others can't find any solution.

She had just become the Ice God herself.

With her strength, there is no way she can lead the people on the Ice Planet to counterattack Xie Hui.

At this moment.

Ruanxue was very confused.

I originally thought that after I became a god.

Can handle this crisis easily.

But she found that she was wrong.

She couldn't resist evil at all.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Third Ice Holy God, this would be the last line of defense.

It has also been broken.

Ruanxue's only hope now lies in the Third Ice Holy God.


Dongxue looked at Ruanxue and whispered back.

The silence lasted for a while, and Dongxue spoke again.

"The entire original spiritual world is at war with evil everywhere."

"However, the evil in many places has been driven away."

"In many places, the peace of the past has been restored."

"I also believe that it won't be long."

"We will be here to drive away the evil."

"The seventeen star regions will eventually restore peace."

Dongxue said with a smile.

"Hopefully, we can really get back to the peace we had before."

Ruanxue nodded.

But at this moment.

A beast roar caused the entire planet to start shaking.

"War gluttony."

Feeling this roar, Dongxue's expression changed in shock.

And in the direction within the sight of the two gods.

External line of defense.

It was directly shattered by a terrifying sound wave.

If not for winter snow and soft snow, timely action would be taken.

I'm just afraid that everyone on the defensive line will die miserably.

"Xie Hui, attacked."

"Lord Dongxue."

Ruanxue felt very bad, a little worried, and even looked at Dongxue at a loss.

At the scene, Dongxue was the strongest.

He is also the only one who can resist those powerful beings among the evil.

Rouxue alone is completely powerless.

Now, she doesn't know if she can resist the perpetrator of such a terrorist attack.

"Soft snow."

"If you lose, you follow my plan."

"Go to the fourteenth star field."

"Leave this to me."

Winter snow, facing the soft snow road.

"Lord Dongxue, how could I leave you behind?"

"I want to fight with you."

Ruanxue shook her head quickly.

Dongxue asked her to leave, let her go.

Of course Rouxue doesn't want to.

This is her hometown after all.


She is the god and patron saint of the ice and snow planet.

As the patron saint here, how could he escape?

"Listen, the evil battle is long and cruel."

"The most important thing is not to make worthless sacrifices."

"You have good potential."

“There are endless opportunities for advancement in the future.”

"Once your strength improves, you will be able to face those powerful evil spirits."

"Now, your inheritance has not even been completed, and you have not yet reached that level of strength and realm."

"There is no shame in leaving without defeating those evil things."

"Follow my orders."

"In case of any accident."

"You must protect yourself and leave."

Dongxue said with a serious face.

The god of ice, the God of Ice, once frightened countless evil spirits during the war between evil and evil.

Although the former Ice God has fallen.

But the new Ice God has inherited the throne after all.

This divine position has infinite possibilities.

Dongxue also believes that Ruanxue will also have that kind of strength in the future.

But now, Ruanxue's strength is too weak and she cannot be allowed to die here.

We can't let her sacrifice be in vain.

But for Ruanxue herself.

She evacuated from planet after planet.

Witnessed the death of one person after another.

Sometimes, she felt very tired inside.

I even think, if I can't protect the people around me, what's the point of living like this?

It's better to settle it once and for all.

The final battle with Xie Hui.

End everything.

Isn't this okay?

In Ruanxue's heart, there was actually no planet left to live on.

She is willing to die with evil.

As long as we can deal with those evil things,

When Ruanxue was in inner confusion.

The two gods have appeared on the front line of defense.

A large defensive line on the front line.

The evil and filth that covered the sky and the sun appeared densely in the field of vision.

Those evil and filthy things are wrapped in evil and filthy air.

The distorted face shows that these evil things are corrupted by ordinary people.

Even among those faces, there were some acquaintances that Ruanxue knew.

And on top of the defensive line.

Many soldiers were shouting and yelling in pain.

Because they also saw familiar faces.

Those faces include their friends, their loved ones, and their relatives.

Evil takes advantage of human nature almost to the fullest.

Everyone's hearts were suffering from pain at this moment.

Even Ruanxue, who has become a god, is still suffering beyond measure.

"Green Rui Evil Emperor."

"These phantom flowers are really boring."

"If you want to attack, just do it."

"Is it fun to use such disgusting methods?"

The Third Ice Holy God said with cold eyes.

She saw through Evil Emperor Lurui's tricks at a glance.

"The Third Ice Holy God."

"These little tricks are really of no use to you."

"However, it is very useful to the ants behind you."

"Seeing the painful expressions of these ants, I feel very comfortable."


Green Rui Evil Emperor let out a perverted laugh.

He loved torturing people like this.

Let people express their inner pain, madness, and fear.

The more pain, madness, fear...the more negative emotions there are.

The Green Rui Evil Emperor is even happier.


Seeing Lu Rui Evil Emperor so proud and happy.

The Third Ice Holy God snorted coldly.

The surrounding space began to freeze instantly.

The phantom flower of the Green Rui Evil Emperor was immediately frozen.

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