"trust you?"

The Broken God was stunned for the first time.

But after thinking about it, I instantly understood what Lin Fan meant.

His face immediately changed slightly.

"Well, if you trust me."

"I will continue to repair this space turbulence."

"But if you can't believe me, I can't continue to repair it."

Lin Fan nodded firmly.

"You want to control the power of my temple formation."


The Broken God looked at Lin Fandao.


"You should know that the main danger of Broken Planet is at the node of space turbulence."

"It's incredibly difficult to repair it."

"Unless it's the true Supreme God."

"Otherwise, there is only other way."

"That's the Temple Formation."

"Use the extraordinary power of the Temple Formation to temporarily shift the space turbulence nodes."

“Then fix it.”

Lin Fan explained very seriously.

Lin Fan was determined to solve these troubles.

But for the Broken God.

She still couldn't trust Lin Fan, and Lin Fan's words made her a little worried.

"The Broken God."

"The Star Realm Gods Meeting will be held the next day, so please come there."

An erratic voice came from the depths of the star field.

Hearing this voice, the Broken God's expression changed slightly.

Lin Fan and everyone else's expressions also changed slightly.

"Meeting of Star Gods?"

Lin Fan looked at the Broken God curiously.

"The fourteen temple gods from our ninety-seven star regions formed a temple meeting."

"It is rumored that Lord Kratos, the God of Destruction, established a temple meeting based on learning from the world of gods."


"Because the Ninety-Seven Star Region has been severely damaged by space turbulence."

"We have almost no contact with the outside world."

"You can only handle things within the star field by yourself."

"So, this meeting of the Star Gods is extremely important."

The Broken God explained seriously.

"Then we can go meet the God of Destruction."

Lin Fan nodded.

This broken god has never trusted himself.

Lin Fanke couldn't help it.

Dangerous issues in the Ninety-Seven Star Region.

Lin Fan knew it directly.

It's time to meet the God of Destruction.

"You guys are from other star fields."

"And with a special purpose."

"The God of Destruction, Lord Kratos, will not welcome you very much."

The God of Brokenness said coldly.

He was already wary of Lin Fan's purpose.


The Broken God was still wary of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was also a little helpless about this.

"Hey, it's okay."

"Let's take things step by step."

"The problems in the Ninety-Seven Star Region are very complicated."

"It's not just as simple as space turbulence."

"We want to accompany you to the meeting of the gods."

"I don't know, is that okay?"

"Of course, we won't interfere with your meeting."

"I won't do any sabotage."

"In this regard, you can also swear by the Soul Oath Law."

Lin Fan said to the Broken God again.

"Okay, that's no problem."

The Broken God thought for a moment and nodded.

"Plus, we go to meetings and just be spectators."

"what do you think?"

Lin Fan said again.

The main meaning of this bystander is that he does not want to reveal his identity.

As soon as these words came out, the Broken God looked at Lin Fan.

Then he nodded.

"I hope you will follow me and not affect me."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have a good attitude."

The Broken God said coldly.


"Then, what are you going to do about the space turbulence on this broken planet?"

"Shall we help solve it now?"

Lin Fan said again to the Broken God.

"The day after tomorrow is the meeting of the Star Gods."

"Of course I'm going to participate."

"To solve the problem of space turbulence on the Broken Planet, let's let it go for the time being."

The Broken God said with certainty.

"That's no problem."

Lin Fan nodded.

The Broken God is still vigilant and wary.

Lin Fan could also sense it.

However, this is not a problem.

Because there is still time later.

Now, Lin Fan had just repaired the spatial turbulence.

Sensed something new.

That was what Lin Fan originally thought was these spatial turbulences.

It was caused by the destruction of the era explosion.

But after induction, I found that this was not entirely true.

In other words, half of the cause of the destruction of space turbulence is the destruction of the third era, or even the second era, and the big explosion.

The horrific impact it caused.

But on the other hand.

Lin Fan sensed a man-made destruction of space.

To be precise, it smells like magic.

This was a scent that Lin Fan was quite familiar with.

Lin Fan was no stranger to that kind of spatial power.

The supreme power of space destruction.

Space begins to become a demon.

That is the power of law of one of the ancestral demons.

Sensing this, Lin Fan faced the ninety-seven star fields and felt an unusual atmosphere.

Suddenly there was a dangerous aura, rushing straight to his forehead.

Lin Fan directly conveyed this information to everyone.

"This is real?"

"Are you sure?"

The God of Souls on the side, Hun Qingqiu, was shocked.


"It's basically confirmed."

"This meeting of the Star Gods should be able to confirm everything."

Lin Fan nodded.

"In that case."

"Then let's get to know each other."

"This is the meeting of the gods of the star field."

Hun Qingqiu nodded.

"are you ready?"

"We're leaving now."

The Broken God said to Lin Fan and others.


Lin Fan nodded.

Lin Fan looked at the Broken God and immediately restrained his aura.

Seeing this, the God of Souls also restrained his aura.

Standing next to him, he is not as powerful as the Broken God.

As if he were a follower.

"We don't want to cause unnecessary trouble."

"In this way, it will not affect you, the God of Brokenness."

"No problem?"

Lin Fan looked at the Broken Divine Way with a smile.

"no problem."

"I hope you are sure of what you said."

"Don't have any impact on my meeting this time."

The Broken God said coldly.

No matter what, she still had some distrust towards Lin Fan and the others.

After saying this.

The figure of the Broken God flashed.

It flew directly towards the depths of the star field.

Lin Fan and others followed closely behind.

He also entered the star field.

Ninety-seven star fields are not very vast.

A normal god of the temple can fly across the entire star field in an instant.

But the Ninety-Seven Star Region is a little special.

This special feature lies in the turbulent flow of space.

Because of the particularity of space turbulence.

Two days later.

The Broken God, Lin Fan and others arrived at the designated location.

It is a blue and beautiful planet.

Similar to the original Earth.

This is the main sequence planet of the ninety-seven star fields.

It is also the first sequence of planets.

Destroy the planet.

The name sounds like it's not a good planet.

However, it is within the ninety-seven star fields.

It is not affected by space turbulence and has the best environment.

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