at the same time.

A meeting of the elders group was being held in the Ye Family's deliberative hall.

Ye Wenyun's face was indifferent, and he sat grandiosely at the top of the conference table-the position that originally belonged to the head of the Ye family.

However, when the old man is temporarily'retiring', the Ye family's power is in the elders. As the senior elder of the elders, Ye Wenyun does have enough qualifications, strength and status to sit in the first place.

Regarding this, none of the twenty-something elders present at the scene said anything.

"Everyone, the third item of the conference process is also a more important one, and that is about my marriage between the Ye family and the Shui family. Do you have any comments or suggestions?"

At this time, Ye Wenyun was leaning against the old chair, his right finger tapping rhythmically on the back of the chair, while looking around the elders and said.

The voice fell.

The elder agreed.

"What the elder said should be my marriage between Miss Ye Family and Young Master Shui Family, this old man raised his hands in favor.

After all, the Shui family is also one of the three superpowers in the Southern Territory, and the power of resources is not much worse than that of my Ye family.

Moreover, the talents of the Shui family are handsome, and they are also very talented. They are right in line with the eldest! "

"Yes! I also agree to the marriage."

The other middle-aged elder nodded and said, "The doorman said to the other that as long as the Ye family and the Shui family marry, then my Ye family's reputation and power will increase to a level again, which is very good for improving the family's strength!"

"The Six Elders are right! The prosperity of the family power is the root of the Ye Family's standing in the Southern Territory for hundreds of thousands of years. This marriage is reliable!"


Obviously, there are many of Ye Wenyun's party members in the elders.

After a few breathing hours were left from Ye Wenyun's proposal, the elders of more than seven elder groups responded.

At this moment, the middle-aged man sitting in the first position on the left side of the conference table frowned slightly, looking at Ye Wenyun and said solemnly.

"Elder, regarding the marriage, did Yumei agree to it? There is also such a big thing as the marriage of two big families, does the old man know about it?!"

The middle-aged person is Ye Yumei's second uncle and the second elder of the Ye family.

It is also one of the three early powerhouses in the sage realm in the elders.

Ye Hu just came back from a trip outside, and he ran into this matter before he could figure out anything.

"Elder, I heard that Yumei was forbidden by you? And what is the situation with the old man?!"

Ye Hu's continuous questioning calmed the atmosphere a bit.

Many elders' eyes flickered secretly, and a few elders shook their heads inaudibly. As for the other elders, they looked at Ye Wenyun.

Ok? !

Ye Hu raised his brows, feeling something was wrong, and was about to say something.

Ye Wenyun smiled faintly and said.

"Second elders, don't be impatient, since you asked, as the eldest brother, it should be the answer to your doubts.

You have been out for hundreds of years, and it is normal that you don't understand the Ye family's affairs.

Marriage has also been mentioned many times in recent years, and the old man is also supportive of this. However, a while ago, the old man had cultivated a stubbornness and almost got into trouble!

Although it was finally relieved, the injury was not light, and it is now in retreat in retreat. Without his permission, no one can bother!

As for the fact that Yumei was restrained, it was not because she often went out to make trouble in order to get the approval of the elders, stabbed a lot of people, and offended many extraordinary big family forces.

Marriage is coming soon, let Yumei stop.

Even if the Ye family can wipe her **** anymore, when the time comes, Yumei will get married, and the Shuijing family will come to welcome her, and it will be too embarrassing for Ye family to have no outsiders to join in.

Brother, do you think this is the reason? "

Ye Wenyun looked at Ye Hu with a smile.

In this passage, Ye Wenyun's words are reasonable, well-defined, and true. Even if Ye Hu thinks something is wrong, he can't find any doubts.

"Since the old man can't bother, OK, when the meeting is over, I'll go see Yumei."

Ye Hu nodded, then smiled and shook his head, "As the second uncle Yumei, I haven't seen him for hundreds of years. I don't know what happened to this little Nizi. It's true that I often go out to stab Louzi, how can I get the recognition of the elders. "

However, as soon as Ye Hu dialect was finished, Ye Wenyun said lightly.

"Second elder, I am very sorry. During the confinement of Yumei Pass, other people are prohibited from inquiring. Give her a long memory!"

Ok? !

Ye Hu frowned, his expression a little unhappy, "As the second uncle Yumei, and the second elder of the Ye family, I have no power? Who made this?!"


Ye Wenyun said calmly.


Ye Hu's slightly sturdy eyes narrowed, combined with the sufferings of the previous elders, and the flashing eyes of the elders, Ye Hu seemed to have caught something!

"Yes, it's me."

Ye Wenyun stood up slightly, looked at Ye Hu condescendingly, and said lightly.

"The old man is embarrassed, all matters of the Ye family are solely responsible for the elders. As the senior elder, I have the power to make decisions and formulate new regulations on the development of the Ye family. Do the second elders have any objections?!"

Although Ye Hu's sudden return made Ye Wenyun a little surprised, he didn't care.

Because the senior Ye Family has been corroded by him a long time ago, even if you don't want to be in the same way, under his coercion and temptation, he dare not make a mistake!

Ye Hu is the second strongest in the Ye family, the general trend is in his hands, Ye Hu can't make any waves at all.

If he is acquainted, he will also think of a little brotherly kindness, if not...

Ye Wenyun was thinking gloomily, Ye Hu said blankly.

"Elder, if I don't remember badly, let's not talk about the issue of voting for decision-making by the elders. If you want to make rules and issue important instructions, you must be led by the contemporary patriarch of the Ye family.

No matter how bad it is, I need a proof of the long emblem of the Ye family!

Since the great elder is not the patriarch, there must be the Ye Clan's long emblem? "

Ye Hu's words made Ye Wenyun's face sinking!

This sentence hurt his heart very accurately!

It made Ye Wenyun think of it, and the corners of his mouth twitched faintly!

He had never thought of seizing power so early!

After all, the Ye family has a single pass, but in this generation, Ye Yumei's parents only gave birth to Ye Yumei, but unfortunately they fell!

According to the rules, there are no males in the direct blood of the family, and the collateral uncles and others have the right to inherit!

With his prestige, there is no doubt that the opportunity is greatest!

However, the old man of the Ye family didn't know what to draw, he seemed to be interested in cultivating Ye Yumei, let Ye Yumei prove himself, get the approval of the elders, and become the new elder successor of the Ye family!

This made Ye Wenyun felt a serious threat, and after accelerating the corrosion of the Ye Family's senior management to a certain extent, he directly adopted tough measures to put the Ye Family under house arrest!

Then, no matter how he pressed the Ye Family's father, the Ye Family's father just didn't say where the Ye Family's patriarch's emblem was printed.

The angry Ye Wenyun wanted to kill the Ye family father on the spot!

However, he can't do this!

After all, the long emblem of the Ye family is a very important thing!

This is just like the jade seal of the emperor of the mortal world, but if there is no jade seal of the Kingdom of Vandens, it is equivalent to the "white emperor" and will not be recognized by the world and may even be laughed at.

Therefore, it is said that the jade seal of the country represents the symbol of imperial power, then the patriarchal emblem of the Ye family represents the supreme power of the Ye family!

Even if Ye Wenyun is now in the Ye family, he has become the spokesperson of the patriarch, and he can become the new patriarch of the Ye family by just announcing it to the outside world!

But without the patriarch's emblem, the name is not righteous!

He is a person who cares very much about his reputation, but he doesn't want to be criticized, and secretly laughs at him that Ye Wenyun is a ‘white patriarch’.

Therefore, he did not announce that the Ye Family's old man would retire, and he would be in charge of the Ye Family's news.

Recently, he was annoyed that the Ye family's old man didn't know good and bad, and he vowed not to hand over the patriarch's emblem. At this moment, when Ye Hu mentioned it, it was strange that his complexion could get better!


On the spot, Ye Wenyun snorted coldly, and he was not so polite to Ye Hu, saying coldly.

"Second elder, brother, I remind you to be self-aware, otherwise..."


Ye Hu's eyes also cooled, "Ye Wenyun, do you know if you are seeking rebellion? What happened to the father?!"

"This doesn't require you to worry about it!"

Ye Wenyun stood up with a sneer!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!


Around the conference hall, all the elders also stood up, all the Qi machines locked Ye Hu!

Ye Hu was surprised!

He dismissed the other elders, but looked at the majestic middle-aged man opposite him, incredible.

"Fourth brother, do you even want to help Zhou be abused?!"

These four younger brothers are Ye Quan, the fourth elder of the Ye Family, and the third strongest in the early sage stage of the elders!

In Ye Hu's impression, Ye Quan is a simple and honest person, and he is dedicated to martial arts, and when Yumei was growing up, he often enthusiastically pointed Yumei.

Ye Quan did not speak yet, Ye Wenyun smiled faintly.

"I'm sorry, the second and fourth brothers still have a good relationship with my eldest brother. How can he not support what the eldest brother is going to do."

"Big Brother is right!"

Ye Quan's urn said angrily.

Ye Hu's expression turned ugly.

No wonder Ye Wenyun is so confident, half of the elders group expresses support, and the remaining half...

Ye Hu looked at the seven or eight elders who were still sitting, and when they looked at their expressions of misery, he knew that he was definitely ‘drinking tea’ by Ye Wenyun in private.


Ye Wenyun is in power.

Even if they don't support it, they can't oppose it. Otherwise, after Ye Wenyun really seizes power, it will be the beginning of liquidation of them!

at this time.

Ye Hu can be said to be difficult to sing alone!

In terms of strength, he is not Ye Wenyun's opponent, and in terms of influence, he is used to idle clouds and wild cranes. How can Ye Wenyun have such authority in the Ye family!

"Ye Wenyun, people are doing it, the sky is watching! You dare to do such a rebellious thing. Retribution may be late, but you will never be absent!"

Ye Hushen took a breath and gave Ye Wenyun a cold look!


Ye Wenyun didn't take it seriously, "I am invincible in the Southern Territory, retribution?! Ha, I smashed it with one punch!

The second brother, the second brother, times have changed. Father Ye has been in charge of the Ye family for tens of thousands of years. It's time for me, hahaha! "

Ye Wenyun laughed wildly!

At this moment, Ye Wenyun did not have the slightest disguise, revealing his wolf ambition!

Ye Hu didn't say anything any more, suddenly got up with a gloomy face, and was about to leave!

Ye Wenyun did not stop either.

After all, if you really want to keep Ye Hu, it won't be so simple. If you are anxious about Ye Hu, he will be fine, and the others may not be so.

at this time!

"Great Elder! Great Elder! Great news! Great news!"

Outside the conference hall, a guard from the Ye family hurriedly yelled and ran over.

"What's the big news?!"

Ye Wenyun frowned and looked at the Ye Family Guard.

"Return to the great elder, that Su Ba appeared! Just in Jinyou Street, he also injured a lot of people!"

The Ye Family guard didn't dare to neglect, and quickly said loudly.

what? !

Su Ba? ! Is he on Jinyou Street? !

Ye Wenyun raised his brows and said in surprise, "Are you sure, you didn't read the wrong person?! Su Ba, that Su Ba who I wanted?!"

Ye Wenyun couldn't believe it and confirmed it again.

It stands to reason that in his impression, this Su Ba should have been tortured to death by the Bone Etching Heart Pill.

At the beginning, he still admired Su Baning's unyielding death, but after three months, he appeared again, still on Jinyou Street, which leads directly to the gate of Ye Family.

"Yes, it's him!"

The Ye Family guard resolutely said, and then a trace of hesitation appeared on his face, as if he was wondering whether to continue talking.

"What else?! Say it!"

Ye Wenyun looked unhappy, and shouted coldly!

"Yes Yes!"

The Ye Family's guard was shocked and quickly said, "Return to the Great Elder, that Su Ba not only appeared on Jinyou Street, walked towards our Ye Family, and said..."

"Say what?"

"He says…"

The Ye Family's guard swallowed, and when he saw Ye Wenyun's eyes become cold, he trembling loudly, "That guy said... he wants to take the life of the great elder!"


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