God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1308: Here comes the magic sea sect!

Su Ba suddenly fell into a dilemma!

Abandoning the game means that without fighting the champion of the King of Tianjiao, he will give up!

If you don't get the number one, you won't be able to get in touch with the high-level of the Phantom Sea Sect, and you won't be able to get the specific position of Zhuxianjian, which will bring great trouble to the implementation of future plans.

But once this super-titanium-grade A-grade metal room is smashed and the space storm triggered, it will naturally be fine to resist the space storm in the holy ruins world with your current physique, but it will spread out to the large number of innocent passers-by on the street outside. Caused great casualties!

Su Ba is not an unprincipled bottom line of tolerance and forgiveness. In the face of enemies and gangsters, he has always been merciless and decisive!

But facing innocent people... Su Ba slowly clenched his fists.

He is still cruel!

But at this moment, if you are not ruthless, it will greatly affect your own interests!

It can be said that this is a huge test of human nature!

But what is unusual is that when facing Su Ba at the moment when he is fighting between heaven and man in his heart, the system ‘looks’ at Su Ba very quietly, seemingly waiting for Su Ba’s final decision.

After a few breaths.

Su Ba exhaled a suffocating breath and asked in his mind.

"System, since this super-titanium-grade A-grade metal is something in your super-tech top-level universe, is there a way for you to open it safely?"

"Oh? Host, listen to what you mean, are you ready to give up the game?"

The system said calmly.

"if not."

Su Ba looked calm, "Although Su Ba asks myself that he is not a good person, I am definitely not a bad person. I have a clear conscience."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the system smiled in relief.

Before Su Ba could say anything, the system said.

"Anyone who is growing up, is exposed to more and more information from the outside world, and when his age, strength, and other aspects are constantly changing, he himself will be imperceptibly affected.

When encountering small things, you may not see much.

But when something big happens, a person's potential character and behavior can be truly exposed.

Yes, Su Ba, you are very pleased with this system.

All along, in addition to your pious awe of martial arts and the innocent heart of pursuing the peak of martial arts, you can still stick to your heart as always. Integrity, magnanimity, and clear love and hatred are the reasons why this system looks at you.

Congratulations, you have passed the test of this system. "


Su Ba frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple."

The system smiled faintly, "Growing to a stage like the host you, this system does not need to urge you to promote you, but this system, I especially want to know if you are the same you used to be.

So, have been waiting for an opportunity!

The former Ling Bingzong also has the Xiaoyao faction's way of dealing with things. Although it also reflects the host's conduct of not killing innocents indiscriminately and being fair and upright, the intensity of this ‘stimulation’ is not strong enough!

but now!

The Zhu Xianjian incident is an extremely important part of the host's interests!

The value of a top-level Heaven-Spelling artifact is enough to surpass that of the entire Ling Bingzong, not to mention that the Zhuxian Sword will be the main sword of the Heavenly Dao's first killing array in the future!

This is a huge temptation!

Especially for the strong, and it is the ultimate temptation for those who want to pursue the peak of martial arts!

In this case, the humanity test encountered is the most real!

Whether you choose to participate in the competition or ignore the lives of a large number of people is all in your mind!

Fortunately, the host can stick to your heart and not let the system down. Here, you must like it.

This system doesn't want to, because its host is the kind of selfish and profit-seeking people. This kind of people is very easy to behave for personal gains, fake public interests, and even if they are strong, they are not the people needed by the organization! "


Su Ba said calmly, "Then if I choose to participate in the competition, kill Na Bei Dong or smash this gray metal room, what would you do?"

"Hey, that means the test failed. As a result, this system doesn't want to talk about it for the time being."

The system ignored this topic lightly, "Anyway, from the perspective of this system, it must be correct, hahahaha."

Su Ba's eyes flashed with a strange light, and then he laughed.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, you haven't told me, is there any way you can open this super titanium A grade metal room."

"A way, of course there is. When the host is about to smash this super titanium A grade metal room with your fists at the beginning, this system will scan all of it."

"Damn, there is a way, didn't you say it earlier?!"

Su Ba stared.

"Isn't this to test the host, to see if the system has selected the wrong person."

The system said grinningly.

"It's done, you can tell me the method quickly, how to get out?!"

Su Ba urged.

"Uh, there is a way, but this system hasn't thought of it for the time being." The system was a little embarrassed. "This knowledge, this system seems to have not been activated yet..."

Your sister!

Su Ba almost vomited blood in depression.

After a long time, he was still happy.


It seems that the matter of Zhuxianjian needs to be discussed in the long term.

Su Ba shook his head and sat cross-legged on the ground.

On the opposite side, seeing that Su Ba seemed to be compromising, Bei Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly, the corners of his mouth showing a trace of triumph.

He was right!

Since he heard about Su Ba's various deeds in the Saint Ruins Realm, he knew that Su Ba was very principled and could not do indiscriminate killing of innocent behaviors, even if it was caused indirectly.

Therefore, he put the super-titanium-grade A-grade metal room in the gap of the space above the street, in order to make Su Ba cast a mouse!


What is the use of justice? !

The weak are all ants! Kill it!

Self-interest is the most important! This kid still doesn't understand this.

Be Dong shook his head and thought with a laugh.

at this time!


The entire super-titanium-grade A-grade metal room shook violently, and then it seemed to hear the sound of ‘pop’, as if flying out of a gap in a certain space.

Ok! ?

what's the situation!

Bei Dong was surprised!

Su Ba also stood up directly.

Next moment!

I only felt that a white light enveloped the two people, and then the sky revolved.

When Su Ba opened his eyes again, he was slightly startled.

at this time.

He was in the air, and there was a crowded street below. Many people looked at him with wide-eyed eyes, and then someone exclaimed!

"I'm going! Isn't this Su Ba?! Why is he here!"

"Su Ba, what are you doing! How about playing?! Go to the game now!"

"Go, it's too late!"

"Look, Sai Lei is here too!"

"What's the matter? It's just strange, why Sai Lei suddenly disappeared from the fighting arena, and appeared here after a few breaths!"

"Today's affairs are quirky everywhere!"

"By the way, Sai Lei left the game without authorization, and the countdown to the end of the game is over. If there is no one on the fighting field, wouldn't it all be considered abandonment?!

Below, the crowd is noisy and noisy.

Su Ba listened to the voices of all parties, and after a glimpse, he saw the figure of Monkey Sai Lei in the sky not far away.

Beside him is the young butler Be Dong, and Monkey Sai Lei is holding a small gray cube of metal on his right hand.

"Master Sai Lei, why are you here?!"

At this moment, Bei Dong stared at Monkey Sai Lei.

"What do you mean, why did I come?"

Monkey Sai Lei threw the gray cube metal in his hand to Bei Dong, and said displeased, "Who makes you mess up all kinds of things? You are my housekeeper. Do you think I can't find you? That's too small for me. !"

Bei Dong counted the time, and said in surprise, "The countdown to the incense stick is about to end, Lord Sai Lei, are you stupid? You are like this, didn't you waste my effort?!"

"I'm Selei doing things, I have my own measures! From now on..."

Sai Lei the monkey is here.

The organizer's surprised voice came from the five-party virtual shadow light curtain.

"Unbelievable, there was a dramatic scene in the competition! Just before the end of the countdown to the final incense stick of the competition, the Sai Lei players disappeared from the fighting arena!

At this moment, the countdown has officially ended, no matter whether it is Sai Lei or Su Ba player, none of them have appeared in the fighting arena!

This means that the two prospective champions have all abandoned the game! "


The whole city was in an uproar!

"Ah, this..."

Countless people are dumbfounded!

They never expected such a thing to happen.

The two prospective champions have all abandoned the game? !

And where Su Ba and Hou Sai Lei were, the crowds in the streets below were a sensation!

"I'm going! What are these two people doing!"

"Play, I report, two people are here! There is also a strange third party!"

"Are you blind, did you hear Sai Lei and the others talking? How do I feel that it was the strange third party with the instrument who calculated Su Ba, and then Sai Lei came to the door?"

"Damn, it feels like you are close to the truth."


The streets are noisy, no, the whole city is noisy.

But at this time.

Su Ba had arrived in front of the monkey Sai Lei and frowned slightly.

"It seems that it's really not your ghost."

Su Ba looked at Monkey Sai Lei and said lightly.

"Brother Su Ba, don't get me wrong, the people under me are ignorant, please forgive me."

Monkey Sai Lei quickly said, "I am also very interested in playing against you. After all, before becoming my person...oh no, before becoming my teammate, I should know more about it, and it should be."


Su Ba frowned.

"Yes, yes, I originally wanted to tell you after the game, now that I have asked, let's just say it."

Sai Lei the monkey chuckled and cast a wink at Su Ba, "Brother Su Ba, I attach great importance to you. I am going to form the strongest team to go to a cosmic battlefield and experience it there. It will definitely improve my strength quickly. Yes, how is it, are you interested?"

Space battlefield? Form the strongest team?

Su Ba's eyes moved, but he quickly shook his head and faintly refused.

"Sorry, I still have something to do, so I won't go."

There is still the scourge of the Demon Ancestor on his side that has not been resolved, so how can Su Ba have time to go to the cosmic battlefield.


Su Ba always felt that the look in his eyes was something wrong with Monkey Sai Lei.

Thinking of a guy who seems to have a special habit always staying next to me, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Something? What is it, do you need help?"

Sai Lei the monkey enthusiastically said, "It doesn't matter, I can wait for you."

"No, I think I should be able to solve it by myself."

Su Ba said coldly.

This time, the meaning of rejection is already obvious.

Bei Dong immediately spoke to Monkey Sai Lei.

"Let's see! Lord Sai Lei! I said, this Su Ba will definitely not agree. If you don't believe it, this is all right, even the champion has given up, and it is for nothing!"

Sai Lei the monkey immediately became angry and said, "It is not a good thing you did!"

"Me? What am I."

"If it weren't for you, you had calculated Su Ba at the critical moment and made him lose the finals. He would definitely be annoyed in his heart. Otherwise, according to the normal process, with my personality charm, how could Su Ba reject my kindness?"

Your personality charm?

Bei Dong looked speechless.

In other words, Lord Sai Lei, you have selectively blocked Su Ba's dislike of you.

Monkey Sai Lei didn't want to pay attention to Bei Dong, just when he was unwilling to say anything.

far away!

A white streamer flew quickly, and came to the front in an instant!

So fast!

Both Su Ba and Hou Sai Lei were shocked!


In the air in front of the two, a figure appeared.

This is an old man with coarse cloth who is no more than six feet tall and slightly squat. What is shocking is that this person's eyes are completely black, even the white of the eyes are black, and they look terrifying.

An old man who appeared suddenly made the chaotic streets quiet.

Immediately, someone seemed to recognize the old man, shocked all over, and exclaimed!

"God! This is... Master Charlie! The celebrity next to Sect Master Illusion Sea!"

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