God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1326: Excalibur slaughter the devil!

What? !

I heard the devil ancestor say so!

Countless powerhouses in the three major realms were shocked!

When the cultivation base is above the sage, it will nurture the dantian whose origin replaces the previous martial artist.

The importance of dantian to warriors is self-evident.

Since the practice of martial arts, whether it is the guidance of Qi in the Yun body or the guidance of other energies, and the rotation of the week, it has been inseparable from the help of dantian.

If the dantian is damaged, it means that the road to martial arts is cut off!

Therefore, the origin after the evolution of the same principle is the foundation of martial arts above the saint realm powerhouse!

Losing a trace of the original power will have a lot of influence on the foundation of the strong above the Saint Realm, which will greatly reduce the strength and it will be difficult to exert the combat power in the heyday state.

However, after the power of the original source is depleted, it takes a lot of time and energy to recover, unless it is moisturized by the heavens, materials and treasures.

But this kind of heaven, material and earth treasure that can restore its origin, it is needless to say that it is rare for a large world to appear in a million years.

This has led to the fact that no strong person is willing to spend the power of the source, unless there is a certain extreme situation, such as...extreme hatred!

Although Su Ba was young, he was not even 500 years old.

But the fetters of hatred with the Demon Ancestor can be said to be out of control!

As early as when Su Ba was less than a hundred years old, in the world of Kyushu, Su Ba disdainfully provoke the clone of Demon Ancestor in Kyushu World, and then destroyed a trace of the origin of Demon Ancestor!

At that time, the Demon Ancestor deeply hated Su Ba in his heart!


A hundred years ago, Su Ba was in the starry sky of the small world outside of the Kyushu Continent, blessed by the mouth-cannon god, frantically bombarding the Demon Ancestor, almost vomiting blood for the Demon Ancestor!

The hatred escalates madly!

It can be said!

To talk about who the Demon Ancestor ranks first in the Ten Thousand Realms to be destroyed is not the old opponents of the Emperor, but the little **** Su Ba!

Although the power of the original source dare not squander freely, but the terrible strength of Su Ba caught the demon ancestor by surprise. The key is that the talent and potential of Su Ba make the demon ancestor deeply jealous. If you do not establish the chance of victory with a single blow, if you let Su If you ran away, you would regret it!

Therefore, even if you lose some of the origins and use immature moves, you must rectify Su Ba on the spot to avoid future troubles!

Anyway, after solving Su Ba, relying on his own strength, those few senior realm old creatures who still don't know how severe the injuries were definitely not able to beat him.

Thinking of this, the face of the demon ancestor suddenly became cold and sullen!

"Hoo——" "Hoo——" "Hoo——"

The surging black demon energy that spilled over three feet of the whole body was dragged, and quickly rolled up into the body of the demon ancestor, and then, under the shocking eyes of everyone, the demon ancestor's whole person burst into swelling!

"Crack, click..."

The bones are growing, the height is growing, and in just one short breath, the devil's ancestor has grown from a thin body that is less than eight feet, and has become a nine-foot strong man!

This is not over yet!

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** clam..."

The demon ancestor roared up to the sky, his mouth made an unknown voice, the voice was infiltrating and there was a shuddering feeling, and at the same time an unimaginable horror aura exploded from his body.

boom! boom! boom!

The demon ancestor’s aura continued to soar, and the black demon energy that originally contained within the body whizzed out. The demon energy was like a tide, surging wanton, and the blood-colored hair became a few feet long, dancing wildly in the air, like a swarm of snakes, evil spirits and evil spirits. Weird!

this moment!

The demon ancestor is like a demon roaring out of the forbidden land of the deserted ancient abyss, ferocious and fierce, terrifying!

"Su Ba!"

A sound like a roar of a fierce beast came from the throat of the demon ancestor, his fierce, bloodthirsty eyes stared at Su Ba, and he moved his neck slightly, making a crackling explosion.

"Do you think, what kind of threat can you pose to me now, little beast! Ho **** ho clam!"

While talking, the demon ancestor stretched his hands to both sides!


In an instant!

The whole body of the Demon Ancestor was ten feet away, and the vast void was easily shattered by the overflowing aura. After consuming the power of the original source and performing an unknown secret technique, the Demon Ancestor's aura was so deep and terrifying that it was indescribable!

"Crack, click..."

The shattered void was completely shattered into small pieces of space fragments, and then by an invisible strange force, the space fragments were crushed into powder!


People from all over the Three Realms who noticed this scene were all in an uproar!

Countless people are shocked!

"God! What kind of strength is this?! Even the shattered space debris has turned into powder?!"

"It's terrible! Is this the real strength of the Demon Ancestor!"

"The power of the supreme realm, the peak power, consumes the power of the source, and the increase in strength is unimaginable, I am afraid it will be ten times or even higher! Obviously, the devil ancestor has completely moved to kill the mind! It is necessary to completely kill Su Ba!"

"It is estimated that Su Ba can only deal with the burning source, otherwise, he may be in danger of life!"

"But, once the original source is worn too much, it will be abolished! Su Ba is the strongest arrogant talent in Xianwu Universe. If he can't restore his original source, he will suffer a heavy loss!"

"That's better than losing your life!"


In the three realms, six continents and nineteen places, countless strong people exclaimed.

And in the ultimate trial space of the Four Gods Beasts, the expressions of all the seniors above the Holy Land Saint Realm changed!

"what to do!"

There are demon world saints who are powerful in the late stage, "From now on, the strength of Su Ba is not necessarily worse than that of Demon Ancestor. The Demon Ancestor feels a deep crisis in Su Ba's growth rate, and he will kill on the spot at the expense of the origin. Su Ba!

Facing the demon ancestor in this state, there is no other way but to burn the original source!

After all, the demon ancestors with a strength increase of ten times or more, it is difficult to use other means to close the gap!

And if Su Ba burns the origin, even if he kills the Demon Ancestor, it will be a great loss for us Xianwu Universe!

But once the Demon Ancestor is not killed, and only loses out, and even if the Demon Ancestor has the advantage, then our Three Realms will not only lose a masterful prodigy against the sky, but the Demon Ancestor’s calamity will still exist!

With the wealth of the demon ancestor, there might be the kind of natural treasure that restores its origin! "

"Hurry up and send the emergency sound transmission note, and let Su Ba retreat temporarily! As long as Su Ba is here, there is hope for everything!"

Some experts in the underworld sage realm eagerly shouted.


Buddhism frowned and said in a low voice, "Lao Na just tried, but the current space over there has been affected by the aura of the demon ancestor, and the sound transmission talisman can't pass!"

What? !

Everyone was shocked!

Immediately, many strong men took out the sound transmission notes and tried it.


The sound transmission talisman couldn't reach Su Ba at all in the palm of his hand.

"Now, what should I do?"

Everyone is anxious!

No one would have thought that this demon could be so decisive and so cruel to himself!

at this time.

Tens of thousands of feet in the void near the Great Leiyin Temple.

The demon ancestor was surging with monstrous black devilish energy, his eyes were ferocious and ferocious, like an ancient demon, his black robe slapped, **** hair flying all over the sky, and he was holding a blood-colored halberd. He was outrageous!

Jinwata and Kurt had already retreated far.

they know!

The Demon Ancestor is about to launch the most powerful move to kill Su Ba!

If you don't hide far enough, the shock wave of the big move, even if it's them, is enough to eat a pot.

"The Demon Ancestor who burns the origin is really terrible, Su Ba will definitely die!"

At the same time as he retreated, Jinwata opened his mouth low and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

He was beaten up all of a sudden before, but fortunately, he took his life back. At this moment, he knew that he could not take revenge. As long as the Demon Ancestor could kill Su Ba, he would be very comfortable.

boom! boom! boom!

Tens of thousands of feet in the void!

The Demon Ancestor unbridledly exuded his monstrous horror aura, his blood-red eyes stared at Su Ba fiercely, grinning with cold teeth.

"Su Ba little beast, you are dead, Jie Jie Jie!"


The Demon Ancestor didn't want to talk any more nonsense, everyone didn't know what the Demon Ancestor had done, and his whole person instantly disappeared from where he was and came to the sky above Su Ba's head.


The scarlet halberd in his hand began to scream, and a terrifying aura that turned the universe upside down and galaxy swirled crazily from the scarlet halberd, and the scarlet halberd fiercely stabbed Su Ba out of nowhere!

"Su Ba, little beast! The demon uses the half-type taboo profound meaning while burning the original source, even if it can barely exert the power of the taboo profound meaning fragment, it will be more than enough to destroy you!"

That's right!

The ultimate trump card of the Mozu is this half-type taboo!

This is the taboo secret left by a certain shocking power in the era of the ancient universe at the price of almost falling into a Jedi by mistake!

Although the Mozu only got half style, it was fragmentary.

But its power still surpassed all the means of the Demon Ancestor!

Demon ancestors can barely display their magic power only by burning the origin and greatly increasing the strength of the magic power, which shows the terrible meaning of this taboo!

Even if it can only exert some power, it is still less than one percent!


A deep pillar of fire shot out from the blood-colored halberd. As soon as this deep pillar of fire appeared, all the elements of fire in the tens of thousands of miles in the void seemed to be drawn. The destructive power of the deep fire pillar instantly increased to an incredible level!

"Crack, click, click..."

The deep fire pillar blasted, and there was a seeping explosion in the void along the way, and countless space fragments agitated out. Before they splashed out, they were instantly burned into nothingness!

"How is this possible! The Demon Ancestor even held a half-taboo profound meaning?!"

In the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts, countless saint-level powerhouses have a look of astonishment!

Taboo Profound meaning!

The word ‘taboo’ alone shows the problem!

The complete taboo secrets can arouse heaven's jealousy, and even heaven will destroy it and prevent it from appearing!

Its power has surpassed the categories of ordinary exercises, supernatural powers, and so on, and it is not even as good as the top-level law and Tao!

Even in the ancient times, the forbidden secrets are in the hands of a few shocking powerhouses!

Everyone can't think of it when they break their heads, the demon ancestor has a forbidden meaning!

Even if it is half-form, it is enough to make people horrified and terrified!

What is even more frightening is that the Demon Ancestor can still exert this taboo profound power!

"It's over! Su Ba has been locked at this moment, and he can't hide it if he wants to!"

The complexion of the seniors above the sage realm became pale directly!

Under the taboo, any resistance is futile!

The gap is too big!

"how so……"

Wang Xiaoyi couldn't believe it with his beautiful eyes open, a pair of jade hands clenched tightly, his nails pierced into his palms and it seemed unheard of.


this moment.

The demon ancestor looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his eyes staring at the deep fire pillar triggered by the half-taboo profound meaning he had displayed, carrying the terrifying power of the subversion of the vast sea and the destruction of stars, and rushed towards Su Ba!

"Su Ba, give up resistance! This demon can still leave you a whole corpse!"

The arrogant voice of the Demon Ancestor's Yin Jie sounded in the void, spreading across the Three Realms through numerous simple communication arrays.

At this time, everyone's hearts were raised. From the exhilaration and hopefulness of the past to the despair of the present, the rapid change in emotions almost made many people's hearts collapse!

"Master Mad Emperor!"

"Crazy Emperor!"

"Brother Su Ba!"

Numerous mortals, warriors, and many Buddhist talents from the three realms, six continents and nineteen places exclaimed nervously!

"Su Ba!"

Wang Xiaoyi even screamed out of silence.

This time.

Standing high in the sky, Su Ba stands with his hands in his hands, his eyes are deep and indifferent. The deep pillar of fire that comes from the oncoming lasing has not yet got close. With Su Ba's elemental defense, the skin on the whole body feels blazing heat, almost eager. Melting hot!

Su Ba's eyes narrowed slightly.


He raised his hand and slapped a palm towards the sky.


The infinite power of thunder formed in Su Ba's palm, and the bright electric light burst out with a strange rhyme, quickly forming a mysterious pattern.

In the pattern is the endless blazing thunder flashing, the power of heaven sweeps through, and the terrifying thunder breath can suppress everything!


Lei Zhi Dao Tu rushed to the deep fire pillar in the distance. When the two met, the Lei Dao Tu did not agitate even a single wave, and was almost instantly engulfed by the deep fire pillar.

Su Ba frowned slightly.

Take two palms again.

In an instant!

Endless murderous intent is condensed in the palm of the left hand, and a deep and dark pattern appears, like a golden horse, and the terrifying killing intent seems to penetrate the sky!


Unmatched killing intent rages wildly in the deep and dark patterns!

There seemed to be several tornadoes of killing intent purely condensed from killing intent!



The infinite blood evil spirit shook the world, a crimson pattern appeared on Su Ba's right palm, red dripping blood, red infiltrating people, evil spirit permeated, like the vast sea overthrowing! A great deal of disaster! Destroy the Quartet!

Killing road map! Shura Road Map!

The two mid-stage top-level law road maps that made countless supreme realm powerhouses feel ashamed and awed, rushing towards the deep fire pillar above.


There is still no volatility!

That deep pillar of fire is like a terrifying fire dragon that regrets the world, roaring and opening its mouth, annihilating and devouring all obstacles!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The demon ancestor looked down on Su Ba from above, with a sullen and arrogant smile on his face, and his words were arrogant and arrogant, "This demon is invincible in the world. If you want to die, you have to die! Su Ba, a beast, just you? Oh, what are you fighting with this devil?!"

"Jie Jie Jie, Su Ba, little beast, don't you know how to be poor, don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?!"

The arrogant voice of the demon ancestor echoed across the three realms through the simple communication array, and the expression of words was beyond the limit.

The warriors of the three big and small sects, countless mortals, countless Tianjiaos of the Eight Great Sacred Lands, and the high-levels above the sage level, all showed desperate expressions.

The Demon Ancestor had already shocked the Three Realms as early as a million years ago. Such an old monster really has a background that ordinary people can't imagine. It is too terrifying and cannot be resisted. Even Su Ba...not even it. After all, he is too young to live.

Is it impossible to change the ending of this battle...

And at this time.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy? By you?"

A faint voice rang from Su Ba's mouth. In the sight of countless people, Su Ba is still as indifferently as before, with no panic on his face.

He held his hands in the void, his eyes were as deep and bright as the morning stars in the sky, and the black clothes on his body were constantly agitating in the wind, with an inexplicable and strange demeanor.

Then, Su Ba raised his head, looked calmly at the Demon Ancestor in the distance, and said: "Sorry, old Demon Ancestor, this emperor's hole card is more than that, let you see the emperor's strongest method. ."


When Su Ba's words fell, many people were stunned.

This means... Does Su Ba still have a hole card that can resist the semi-taboo? !

How can this be? !

The demon ancestor was startled, then smiled sullenly!

"Hahahaha, Su Ba is a little beast, and his mouth is still stubborn when he dies, then don't blame the demon for making you fly into ashes and annihilate, die!"


The terrifying deep pillar of fire rumblingly fell with the terrible power of destroying everything and destroying everything, and the emptiness along the way spread out endless traces of pitch black.

Su Ba was tall and straight, with a calm complexion, as if he didn't care about the horrible and deep fire column that had approached, but his eyelids were drooping, as if he had given up resistance.

The corner of Mozu's mouth showed a touch of sorrow.

He knew that Su Ba was pretending to be forced, haha!


This kid will be destroyed by him!

"Master Mad Emperor!"

"Crazy Emperor!"

"Su Ba/Senior Brother Su Ba!"

At this moment, countless people were horrified and screamed.

Everyone was sad and hopeless.

Is Su Ba really going to fall here...

The deep pillar of fire quickly approached, and the surrounding void of hundreds of feet was completely burned into nothingness, and the terrifying heat swallowed everything!

Just before covering Su Ba.

Su Ba's eyelids moved slightly, and he spoke lightly.

"I have a sword that can open up the sky, open up the earth, kill gods, kill immortals, kill demons, and kill demons..."

A calm and indifferent voice came from Su Ba's mouth, slowly echoing between heaven and earth.

Countless people are a little confused.

I don't know what Su Ba is talking about at this time.

"Silly beep, gibberish."

In the distance, Jin Wata and Kurt, two demon supreme realm powers, showed a grin on their faces.

As for the Demon Ancestor, he almost laughed.

"Hahaha, the little beast of Su Ba, the demon you said is so scared, come on, slay the demon, right? You have the ability to except the demon!"

"as you wish!"

Su Baburan raised his head, his eyes shot with blazing electric lights!

At this moment!

The Mozu and the others discovered with surprise that time seemed to have stagnated, and above Su Ba's head, there were circles of light golden radiant ripples, and then amidst the radiant ripples, there seemed to be a strange picture showing up.

In the picture, it looks like the eternal darkness, and the night sky does not even have the brilliance of the stars. It is faint, like the ancient and boundless singing, drifting slowly under the endless darkness of the night sky.

Deep, gloomy, and treacherous.

At a certain moment, the ancient music disappeared, the world began to tremble, the night began to twist, and a faint golden light lit up from the depths of the void.


The light golden brilliance grew more and more, until it filled the whole picture!


Between heaven and earth, something seems to be broken.

Immediately afterwards, countless people's eyes widened. They saw the void above Su Ba's head. The picture disappeared. Instead, a pale golden divine sword moved out from the depths of the void.

This is a three-foot-three-inch long divine sword, the whole body is pale gold shining with strange brilliance, and the hilt has exquisite and complicated patterns entangled, which faintly contains the truth of heaven!

What's more amazing!

At the moment the Excalibur appeared!

Overwhelming, the terrifying sharp aura spilled out of it!

Endless sharp sword energy hits the sky!

The sharp edge of the sword energy, even if it is separated from the projection, it will make countless people's souls pierced like a knife, and they will tear their souls to death!

"this is……"

Mozu's eyes widened. For some reason, this pale golden divine sword caused him a deep anxiety!


His pupils shrank!

On the central spine of this pale golden divine sword, Mozu faintly saw two sharp small characters ‘Zhu Xian’!

Zhu Xian?

Could it be...

An unbelievable thought rushed into my mind!

"Slot! Zhu Xian Sword! Su Ba Xiao Beast, you...you actually have Zhu Xian Sword?!"

The scream of horror broke out from the mouth of the demon ancestor!


At first, many powerful people thought this sword was terrifying, but the overwhelming sharp sword aura through the projection made them afraid to look at it!

But now the words of the demon ancestor came out!


The three major realms were in an uproar!

Countless people were shocked, and even many strong men fell to the ground in shock!

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

Everyone was shocked!

Oh my!

Zhu Xianjian!

The most famous artifact from the ridiculous ancient times—Zhuxian Sword!

Su Ba obtained this class of peerless divine sword!

Through the projection, countless powerful men forcibly endured the horrible sword aura spilled from the Zhuxian Sword, and looked at Su Ba standing in the void with a thick unbelievable color in his eyes!

The pride of heaven!

Really proud of heaven!

Not at the same level as other people!


The smile on Mozu's face had long since disappeared, and his body trembled slightly, not knowing whether it was shocked or angry.


Haven't waited for the demon ancestor to react.

Su Ba indifferently stretched out his hand and pointed upwards.

Above the void, the pale golden Zhuxian sword moved!


A sharp and unwavering sword cry!

The sword of Zhu Xian swept across the sky, and wherever it passed, the void exploded sharply. No matter what, all the elements contained in the air were instantly evaporated and annihilated!

The monstrous sharp sword aura suffocated everyone!


Under the gaze of countless people, Zhu Xianjian met the falling deep pillar of fire!


The incomparable sword aura violently stirs wantonly, as if it has turned into a sword light that breaks the ground and tears everything apart!

The deep fire pillar only persisted for a few breaths, and then he was severely torn apart from the middle by Zhu Xianjian!

Sword Qi is like a rainbow, fast as lightning!

The one who greeted the demon ancestor was the Zhuxian Divine Sword that tore through the deep pillar of fire!

Do not!

Today's Zhu Xianjian!

Coming soon, slaughter the devil!

"No, this can't!"

The face of the demon ancestor changed drastically, and he screamed in surprise.

The next moment-



At this point, I actually want to say that the big universe chapter behind the fairy world chapter, in fact...I haven't thought about it, because this big universe chapter is a temporary addition not long ago...

It just happens to be the end of the month, so let’s take a break and write about it.

Thank you everyone.

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