In the silence, at a certain moment.

The sacred beast sacred palace shook violently, and two unimaginable two beams, one red and one gold, shot out from the top of the palace and rushed straight into the sky!


Wherever he went, the heavens and the earth kept making thunder-like sounds!

The entire space for the ultimate trial of the four mythical beasts was suddenly rendered into two colors of red and gold!

"What happened?!"

"what's the situation?!"

The several immortal experts who stayed behind the sacred palace of the sacred beasts were taken aback, one after another volleyed up, looking up at the amazing red and gold beams above!

A wave of majestic and vast coercion rushed to his face, even if they were separated by dozens of miles, they felt a huge pressure as heavy as a mountain!

"What a terrible pressure!"

"Hiss~ Such a change, could it be said..."

The complexions of several immortal experts changed, and then they blurted out in surprise, "It's Master Fengxuejian and Master Shitian, are you coming out?!"

The voice just fell!


The bright red and gold beams between heaven and earth disappear instantly!

At the same time, with the sound of'Boom Rumble,' the gate of the Holy Beast Palace slowly began to open to both sides.

The spirits of the few immortal experts who stayed behind were shocked, and in the wide-open eyes, two figures walked out from the depths of the sacred palace of the beasts.

The first thing that catches the eye is a young man in a red shirt, with an extremely cold face, sharp eyes like a sword, and a sharp aura that can't be seen, like a sword that opens the sky!

Another person has sword eyebrows and star eyes, thin nose and lips, and a pair of eyes as bright as stars. His eyes are clear without a hint of tackiness, and gentle as if to contain everything.

He walks steadily, with graceful demeanor, and there is a hint of lightness in his body.

It was Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian.

After more than a hundred years have passed, after absorbing all the powers of the essence, energy and spirit above the pinnacle of the 18 strongest saints of the Three Realms, earth-shaking changes have taken place in both aspects!

Originally, Fengxuejian and Shi Tian were the most arrogant of the Three Realms in terms of talent, potential, aura, understanding, and roots. Nowadays, it is impossible to describe their potential!

And their cultivation base has already soared from the peak of the Heaven-Breaking Realm to the latter stage of the Supreme Realm!

Such an improvement is really appalling!

In addition, all the essence of the eighteen powerhouses has not been completely absorbed by the two of them. In time, breaking through the peak of the Supreme Realm will be achieved!

Fengxuejian and Shi Tian were completely worried about the great troubles of the demon ancestors, so after they were able to resume their actions, they stopped absorbing the body essence of the powers and came out of the sacred palace of divine beasts in advance.

"Huh?! Here, where's the people?"

As soon as they came out, they saw the empty space for the ultimate trial of the Four Divine Beasts. Many disciples and high-level officials of the Three Great Realms and Eight Great Sacred Grounds were gone, and Fengxuejian frowned.

"Master Fengxuejian, Master Shitian."

At this time, several powerful people who stayed behind in the fairy world also hurried over to greet them and salute them respectfully.

Seeing the two people wondering, one of the immortal experts who stayed behind immediately said.

"Two adults, because the devil ancestor's catastrophe has disappeared, and the Three Realms have restored peace, so everyone has returned to their respective sites, leaving me to wait for the two adults to leave."

What? !

The Demon Ancestor's catastrophe has passed? !

Upon hearing this, both Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian were slightly surprised.

The Demon Ancestor's greatness is not just casual talk.

At the beginning, the three great realms and five supreme lords joined forces and all were killed and escaped. There was a risk of death first!

They couldn't think of anyone else who could fight the Demon Ancestor after the eighteen strongest powers of the Three Realms stood up and sacrificed themselves!

"Who repelled the Demon Ancestor?"

Shi Tian blinked.

The two of them didn't even absorb the essence, and the part of them contained in the body came out ahead of time because they were afraid that the demon ancestor would mess up the common people.

It's simply hidden.

"No, the demon ancestor and the other two demon realm supreme realm powers were all killed."


Shi Tian's eyes widened suddenly, and Feng Xuejian's face with a paralyzed face was also shocked.

"Who?! Killed the Demon Ancestor and them?!"

The two looked at each other, and they all felt unbelievable indescribable!

It doesn't matter if you kill the other two mid-level powers of the Demon Realm Supreme Realm, but the Demon Ancestor, this Demon Realm tycoon, the powerhouse who exists at the peak of the Super Supreme Realm, was also killed? !

The end is incredible!

In the past 100 years, has the world changed so much?


Fengxuejian and Shi Tianburan were shocked!

Immediately, Fengxuejian narrowed his eyes, and a sharp light flashed through his cold eyes!

Xianwu universe, the world is big!

Not to mention the peerless Tianjiao, it's not without it!

But at this juncture, the one who can fix the universe and create miracles, if there is, can only be one person!

Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian both had a domineering figure that looked like the world!

Before the opposing immortal world left-behind strong man could speak, Shi Tian said with bright eyes.

"Amituofu, the little monk thinks that Junior Brother Su must be back, right?"

Feng Xuejian thought of that person, and the glacier face that hadn't changed for thousands of years couldn't help showing a soft smile.

"Master Crazy Emperor did it, but..."

At this time, the immortal experts in charge of staying behind felt big for a while.

I hesitated in my heart, should I tell the news to Fengxuejian and the others, but with the relationship between Fengxuejian and Su Ba, if they know about the fall of Su Ba, I don't know what will happen on the spot. To them...

"Just what?!"

Fengxuejian keenly noticed the slight hesitation in the eyes of this immortal world left-behind strong man, and his cold mouth opened.

The immortal realm powerhouse sweated on his forehead, and turned his head to look aside subconsciously, as if he wanted other companions to speak, only to find that the few immortal realm powerhouses who stayed behind had their eyes drifted away and did not look at him at all.

And even quietly. Mi backed away a bit.


The immortal realm powerhouse is so angry, a group of unrighteous guys!

Fengxuejian's eyes were getting colder and colder, and the coercion belonging to the supreme realm was gradually released. The immortal realm powerhouse with a cultivation level of no more than half-sage could still bear it, and quickly said nervously.

"The two adults, Lord Mad Emperor and the Demon Ancestor...will die together..."

Quickly and concisely exploding the Demon Ancestor to destroy the immortal world, Su Ba burned all his efforts to bring the Demon Ancestor to the starry sky of the universe, and then said the explosion.

Su Ba... is dead? !

this moment!

Visible to the naked eye, a terrifying pressure began to rise from the Fengxuejian, and it burst out, like countless angry dragons sweeping across the sky!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The few immortal world powerhouses who stayed around had no time to run, and were directly impacted by the imposing momentum, vomiting blood and screaming and flew upside down.

Shi Tian waved his hand immediately, releasing the soft Buddha light to cover the people, protecting them, and at the same time healing their injuries.

If it weren't for Shi Tian's eyesight and quick hands, these few immortal left-behind powerhouses would be destroyed by the innards of the violent momentum in the next instant, and belch on the spot!

"Brother Feng!"

Regarding the news of Su Ba's death, although Shi Tian was also uncomfortable and painful, he still restrained his inner emotions for the first time, because he was originally a restrained personality, and his usual control of emotions and temperament had reached the top.

But Fengxuejian is different. It is usually full of aggressiveness. He is full of sharp edges and full of vigor. In addition, he regards Su Ba as a brother of brothers and feet. When he learns that Su Ba has fallen, his emotions are really like a landslide, like a tsunami. ,Uncontrollable!

"Junior Brother Su, how could you die?!"

Fengxuejian had a head of blood and no wind, and his eyes were full of sharp sword lights. The terrifying sword aura violently violently violently broke the ground within a radius of several meters!

This is still in the ultimate trial space of the Four Gods. The ground is made of special stones, and the hardness is amazing. If it is outside, I am afraid that the ground will be pierced directly.

Facing Fengxuejian's fierce muttering to himself, those who stayed behind in the immortal realm did not dare to let go, and were silent.

After all, if it agrees, the ghost knows whether it will be affected.

"Crack, click, click..."

The incomparable sword aura became sharper and sharper around the Fengxue Sword, a sharp scream resounded throughout the audience, and the void was drawn out in deep darkness!

Shi Tian shook his head and didn't say anything for the time being. Instead, he waved his hand to let the few immortal world powerhouses who stayed behind to go back first.

It seems that it will take some time before Fengxuejian's emotions come down.

"Thank you Lord Shitian."

Several immortal world left-behind powerhouses were relieved after hearing the words, and before the injury was completely healed, they quickly got up and fled.

However, those few immortal realm left-behind powerhouses just returned not long.



Fengxuejian turned into an extreme red light, and in a flash shot towards the exit direction of the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts!

"Hey, Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

Shi Tian was taken aback, just about to catch up.


A terrible red sword light shot out, tearing the void and rushing towards Shi Tian fiercely!

Shi Tian's eyes bloomed with golden Buddha light, and he stretched out his hand to push, and the Buddhist handprints pushed out horizontally, colliding with the red sword light!


Shocking explosion!

The red sword glow and the golden bergamot burst open one after another!

"Stop following me!"

From a distance, the cold voice of Fengxuejian came, and his figure disappeared in front of Shi Tian in the next second.

"Brother Feng, so angry and scary."

Shi Tian smacked his bald head. Although he didn't follow, he quickly moved towards the exit of the Four God Beast Ultimate Trial Space.

Also because this space is special, otherwise, with their current cultivation base strength, they can directly tear the void and shuttle across the void.

Soon, Shi Tian returned to Buddhism, which caused a great shock!

The newly born supreme realm power is born again!

Give countless strong people a powerful reassurance!


Among the Buddhism, even though Shi Tian was very reluctant, he finally took the position of Lord Buddha, inherited the great lineage of the Buddha, and became the leader of the new generation of Buddhism!

And after the Great Tribulation of the Demon Ancestor, the great sacred places of the Three Realms have become extremely united. Although other sacred places do not have the power of the supreme realm, the senior officials of the sacred places have no meaning to be jealous. Instead, they congratulate the Buddhism and wish the Buddhism to return to its peak Dawn!

Seven days later, Fengxuejian returned.

He came back with blood stains all over his body and full of evil spirits.

The strong evil spirit and the terrifying killing intent have made countless powerful people fearful and frightened!

After Shi Tian asked, I found out!

Fengxuejian disappeared without a trace in the past seven days, and went to the Demon Realm, bloodbath!

Hundreds of millions of children of the demon clan left behind from the demon world, none of the ten who escaped the demon world!

That is the dark sky and the dark earth that kills, the sky is turned upside down, and the blood is flowing into a river!

In the end, the Fengxue Sword was fighting against the huge risk of backlash, using superb swordsmanship and the profound meaning of it, and it was abruptly and sleeplessly for three days to destroy the core of the Demon Realm!

The Demon Realm plane completely collapsed!

At this point, the four major planes of the Xianwu universe, the devil world disappeared and became history!

When this news came out, the world was shocked!

Demon Realm, it's just... so gone? !

The return of Fengxuejian meant that Tiangong had regained its backbone.

Ascend to Taoism and become a new emperor of heaven, codenamed——

Sword Emperor!

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