"Dad, Dad is coming back! Dad is coming back!"

"Great! Dad is coming back, hahahahaha!"

Su Qin was the first to come back to his senses, and his stern handsome face suddenly showed excitement, and he shouted loudly.

"Okay, it's Dad's voice, it's definitely Dad! He is still alive, people know that Dad is the best, how could he die!"

Su Xi's pretty face was full of joy, and she jumped up in excitement.

The voices of the two people were like the fuse, the next second, instantly detonated the audience!

Everyone woke up, everyone was excited!

"Hahaha! I'm stuck, cowhide! The mad emperor deserves to be a mad emperor, and he won't die like this!"

"Just kidding! Who is the mad emperor! That is the first arrogant recognized by Xianwu Universe! Oh, still the number one strong! How can such a powerful character fall so easily!"

"That is to say, such a person who is against the sky, with great luck and shocking fate, can definitely turn danger into a breeze!"

"666, everyone shout 666 with me!"



"No, I want to call 666666..."

"Hahahahaha, just your skin!"


Excitement, cheers, like a tide, resounded everywhere!

"Quiet everyone!"

At this moment, a cold voice fell to the ground, the sword of wind and blood stood in the void, sharp eyes blazing the audience.

All of a sudden, everyone was quiet.

"Everyone present at the Three Realms, do this emperor a favor, and this emperor will use the simple phantom formation that was left by the demon ancestor to cover the three realms.

At present, those formations have no energy, so everyone needs to replenish energy as quickly as possible.

Then, the emperor will notify everyone in three days, that is, the news of the return of the mad emperor!

Of course, don't disclose this news first. At that time, this emperor will set off a climax! "

Speaking of this, Fengxuejian's cold face inevitably showed a slight arc.

Knowing that Su Ba is still alive, Fengxuejian's mood is suddenly so good, but the human set can't collapse yet, so it just shows a little smile.

But this picture is already stunned by everyone, and everyone doesn't know that it turns out that the sword emperor Fengxuejian will laugh when stepping on the horse, it's not facial paralysis!

"Yes! Sword Emperor!"

"got it!"

Everyone took their orders one after another, and then excitedly flew in all directions under the distribution of Fengxuejian.

They also had a hunch that countless people in the Three Realms heard the news that the mad emperor was alive, and even saw the appearance of the mad emperor's return, they were about to explode!

That scene, thinking about it, I feel passionate!

Three days passed quickly.

this day.

It's just dawn.

People and warriors from all over the Three Realms who got up early suddenly noticed that the huge projection that had appeared in the sky appeared again.

Immediately afterwards.

In the huge projection, a bald figure was revealed.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, nose and lips thin, with a pair of eyes as bright as stars, their eyes are clear without a trace of tackiness, and gentle as if they can contain everything.

Um? !

Who is this? !

Among the Three Realms, countless ordinary people and ordinary warriors did not know this bald head at all, and felt a little puzzled and puzzled.

But in light of the lessons learned from the past, they were a little scared in their hearts.

No way.

Has there been another demon?

It's just that this big demon doesn't look scary at all.

And other three realms powerhouses, seeing this bald head, directly shocked!

Although he didn't know what Shi Tian was going to say, all the powerful men who saw him subconsciously stopped their actions, paying attention to the past one by one.

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