
The white fluttered upside down, but the golden light and earthy yellow light kept flickering, and it was hard to rely on the high-level flesh martial arts of the heavenly rank that reached the pure green of the furnace, and the bright yellow did not extinguish the body, and carried it down! And Uncle Na Luo also took a few steps back in the air, and only then could he barely stand firm.

This one belongs to the duel between Wu Zun and Wu Huang, although Bai Piao seems to be a little behind, but everyone knows that Bai Piao is not a loss at all! A Martial Emperor actually fought with Wu Zun, who used martial arts with all his strength! They were shocked.

“Shock point +35, +26, +25…”

These 36 points are provided by the Wang Guard!

“You two, stop here! If you dare to fight in Li Shengcheng again, shoot and kill! ”

Wang Guards glanced at Bai Piao heavily, but looked at Uncle Na Luo with a sense of warning.

“Sorry, we’re just talking.”

Uncle Luo’s face was very ugly, but he still hugged his fist to Wang Guard.

Bai Piao also nodded and did not speak.

Huang Yueyue hurriedly came over, this look at that touch, her little face was a little anxious, and asked Bai Piao if there was anything wrong.

“Uncle Luo, that’s it?!”

Luo Jin couldn’t believe it and yelled at Uncle Luo.

Uncle Luo really wants to slap this Sabi to death, the six stars of the special Wuzun are here, what else do you want? Let Lao Tzu go to death? Go to Nima’s.


Wang Guards snorted coldly, and Luo Jinwa spat out a large mouthful of blood.

His eyes warned Uncle Luo again, and then he turned around and prepared to leave.

“Let’s go!”

Uncle Luo said, and he went over to help Luo Jin.

Luo Jin’s eyes were full of resentment and glanced at Wang Guard, and there was deep hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a crisis and came with a bang.

Saying that it was too late and fast, seeing that Uncle Luo was about to leave with Luo Jin, Bai fluttered! Stepping on the swift boots, the Heaven-level intermediate martial arts stepped into the sky to reach the bonus of entering the hall, coupled with the all-out speed of the Martial Emperor’s five stars, he rushed straight to Luo Jin!

“Shaft, Er dare!”

Uncle Luo was shocked and hurriedly rushed forward, about to stop Bai Piao.

Luo Jin saw Bai Piao rushing towards him like crazy, startled and retreated one after another.

Bai Piao accelerated madly, but he always had to be a little worse than Uncle Luo to reach Luo Jin’s side.

Suddenly, his eyes crossed, and a pair of huge wings bloomed from behind.


The Great Angel Wing doubled the speed bonus, and Bai Piao was like an off-string arrow, and he arrived in front of Luo Jin in the blink of an eye.

There was no extra fancy, directly relying on the powerful physical power, a punch slammed into Luo Jin’s chest!



Luo Jin was hit hard by this, directly vomited more blood, and only collapsed to the ground after breaking countless pillars halfway, his life and death uncertain.

At this time, the attack that belonged to Uncle Luo also arrived.

Bai Piao was defenseless, and could only barely leave the fatal point, and resisted this blow with Ming Huang’s body.


Bai Piao also flew upside down and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he did not fall unconscious, and after flying out tens of meters, he stabilized his figure.

“Boy, why are you doing this!”

Uncle Luo rushed to Luo Jin and quickly gave him pills, hoping that Luo Jin would not die.

With puzzlement, he looked at Bai Piao.

After the Wang Guard had already warned, why was Bai Piao so impulsive? Bai Piao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his long hair fluttered in the wind, and he glanced at Huang Yueyue, who was looking at him worriedly in the distance.

“He, just had stupid thoughts about my woman.”

“Whoever offends my woman, die!”

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