Li Yanran was afraid that Bai Piao would not come, and pulled Wang Shiqi to leave.

After the two walked out of the restaurant, Bai Piao ran to the treasurer and found the second dog who checked out.

“Bai Gongzi, how dare I accept your money.”

The treasurer was surprised when he saw the two dogs paying for it, but on the surface he looked helpless.

Will the sow be tree? The Bai family boy will even give money when he eats?

“Erdogzi, check out!”

Bai Piao saw that the two dogs did not give it for a long time, and he was a little puzzled.

Seeing Bai Piao coming, Er Gouzi quickly pulled him aside and whispered: “Gongzi, we don’t have enough money!” ”


Bai Piao almost doubted his ears.

A rich second generation himself, can’t even afford to pay for a meal?

“Gongzi, the master has always withheld Gongzi’s money, afraid that Gongzi will spend lavishly outside, so Gongzi only has a thousand copper plates of pocket money every month.”

Ergouzi explained.

“How much is that meal?”

Bai Piao’s heart was cold, it seems that his rich second generation is not as beautiful as he imagined.

“Fifty silver coins, equivalent to fifty thousand copper plates.”

Ergouzi explained in a low voice.

Bai Piao’s heart was cold.

Bai Piao before the relationship did not eat the overlord meal, but there was no money to give ah! Bai Piao supported his forehead, how to pass this level in front of him?

Although the treasurer says that he does not accept money, it is not our style not to give money, right? How can eating overlord meals be something that a new youth like me in the new era does?

“Treasurer, since you said that you will not accept money, then I will receive your kindness for this meal, and I will come to you tomorrow!”

“Two dogs, withdraw!”

The treasurer looked at the back of Bai Piao and Er Gouzi in an instant, and did not come to his senses for a long time.

“Shock Point +5.”

Running far away to make sure that no one was catching up, Bai Piao stopped.

No, absolutely not.

I am a rich second generation, I must enjoy it, how can I have no money! 1000 copper plates a month, you can’t even afford a dish on the table, and your own cheap daddy is too picky, right? However, if he knew how wasteful the previous master was, he might not be so depressed.

“Ergouzi, is there any way to get money quickly?”

Money is not everything, without money, it is impossible.

Without money, do you come to the restaurant every day to eat? Bai Piao admitted that he did not have that cheek.

“Gongzi, the little one thinks that there are two fastest ways to get money.”

“One, go to auction valuable things, good things may be auctioned for hundreds of gold coins.”

“The second is to grab it!”

The words of the second dog, but Bai Piao was startled.

To grab? Is the world so chaotic? Also, I just punched that mouth on the street, and no one said anything.

“Shock points +10, +8, +6…”

“Shock Point +6, +4.”

Bai Piao was thinking of selling something good, when he suddenly received a wave of shock points.

Look left and right, no one around noticed him, where did the shock point come from? Bai family, study.

“Are you sure you saw that bastard open his mouth?”

Bai Sheng looked at the person below who reported the situation, and stood up from the chair with a rub.

His own waste son can actually beat the mouth of the warrior Yae? His own son has a few pounds and taels, and he knows this father very well.

To put it bluntly, any slave in the Bai family can beat him all over the ground to find teeth.

“Back to the master, the villain saw it with his own eyes, it is true.”

The man was also full of incredulity, but he still answered truthfully.

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