{"Code": 0, "Data": {"Bookinfo": {"Bookid": 1018069605, "BookName": "The God of the Emperor", "Authorid": 429578534, "Authorname": "

Carp "," id ": 21," ame ":" fantasy "," url ":" // xuanhuan. "," Auditstatus ": 19," Checklevel ": 15," Subcateid ": 73," Subame ":

"Different World", "UnitCategoryid": 20001, "Unitsubcategoryid": 20003, "ISVIP": 1, "BookType": 1, "Form": ETYPE ": 1," TotalPrieLayout ": 0," BookStatus ":"

"Ben", "SIGNSTAS": "Signing Works", "DESC": "Luo Feng crosses to the other world, there are not only a whistle card, but also a female emperor!

Here, there is a professional name of the star card division. They use the material to synthesize the star card to form a card group to fight!

[Sword]+[Defense Tower]+[Flame] = Be careful.

[Ape Monkey Essence]+[Mysterious Iron Stick]+[Stone] = Qi Tian Dasheng.

[Variety of Eye]+[Sword]+[Thunderbolt]+[Hamster] = Uchiha Pikachu.

At the beginning of the game, the two star card artists started the display card group:

Other people's card group: wooden tree, fire python tiger, spray dragon, lightning bird.

Luo Feng's deck: cautious, SpongeBob, Tang three burials, Iron Man, Angel Beast.

Other people's routines: a wave of streams, four preservation, seamless control flow.

Luo Feng's routine: retirement flow, sacrifice flow, war roar, explosion stream, resurrection flow.

Audience: "The brain is clear! What did he think of these star cards?"

As a result, the vast global civilization has become a star card in the hands of Luo Feng, fighting a different world.

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I'm sorry for the elders who invest in all the big old, koi is too guilty.

As for the reason ...

Hope everyone,

Drive without drinking,

Drink without driving.

I think about the new book, changing the subject matter, the theme of the star card seems to be repeated, how about changing to the Royal Heroes. "," Authorwords ": {" t ":" "}," updateTimeStamp ": 1615530395," isbuy ": 1,

"Limitfree": 0, "EFW": 0, "ARK": "", "Ispubliode": 1, "Fens": 0}, "reWardi": 2, "todayt": 0}, "refo": {{

"Weekt": 0, "Disforward": 0, "DisBackward": 0, "Rank": 0}, "Moinfo": {"Montht": 69, "Disforward": 1, "Disbackward": 0, "Rank

": 6351}," Checklevel ": 15," Ispubliode ": 1," Hassubscrip ": 0," Settings ":" "," Haslite ": false," BookActreward ": {" Hitu ": 0," Subscripc ""

: OTF ": 0}," Abinfo ": {" AbtextGroup ": 1}}," msg ":" Success "}

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