
was a loud bang, and the second stunned man jumped up in fright, and was smashed on the head by the cage.


A murderous aura rises! The

second stunned man opened his mouth widely, and his face was confused, this special meow just relied on it?

"Second stunned!

" "You saboteur!"

The two masters had the heart to kill it.

The two stunned men hid in the cage and defended the line, screaming and screaming, this was all done by the shameless panda!

Amy didn't say a word, and took the soles of her shoes to be tortured through the cage.

"Hey, young ladies, what's the matter?"

Ye Chen picked a good time to walk out of the room, rubbed his eyes, and asked curiously.

"Chenchen, you're awake, you're hungry, my sister will do it right away, oh no, it's to order takeout.

Wang Xin'er's tense face immediately softened, and Amy also put on her slippers, probably for fear of scaring Ye Chen.

"Okay, I want to eat fish, chicken legs, barbecue, wontons........."

Ye Chen felt hungry when he heard what he was eating.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's really my sister's negligence, Chenchen, you are a national treasure, you haven't eaten breakfast, and you have lost a lot of weight.

At this time, the mood of the two stunned people almost collapsed, and they couldn't sob.


While the two of them were tidying up the living room and buying new furniture, Ye Chen once again took Amy's tablet to surf the Internet.

Sure enough, after a night of fermentation, the first level of Weibo's hot search ranking has changed.


And click on it, it is the video of Ye Chen being forced by the people of the Yamen to jump off the building!

This video has sparked a large-scale heated discussion among netizens.

"The death of Panda Chenchen is thought-provoking, do we have enough tolerance for mutated creatures?"

"If there is a mutation of a lower creature, and the IQ is on par with that of humans, can humans still treat it as an animal?"

"Panda Chenchen is no longer such a simple animal as a national treasure......" "

The freedom that Chenchen yearns for may only be obtained in heaven, rest in peace, Amen!"

Doesn't anyone think that there is a problem with the law enforcement methods of the people in the Linhai Yamen? Everyone can see that Chenchen has no intention of hurting people, they are deliberately forcing Chenchen to a dead end

!""Deliberately harming a rare animal like a national treasure, don't you have to be held legally responsible@Linhai Yamen!"

From Ye Chen's death, public opinion triggered a big discussion on the right to life and freedom of mutant creatures in advance.

Of course, there are those who disagree.

"Mutant animals have an IQ that is not inferior to that of humans, and their strength is terrifying, if they are given freedom, who can guarantee that they will not harm innocent people?"

"The essence of human society is still composed of people, do you want to issue an ID card to the giant panda?" "

It's one thing to be free or not, but the approach of the Linhai Yamen is very problematic." "

Report, here is the unknown information about the director of the Linhai Panda Pavilion @ Huaxia Wildlife Conservation Association!" "

For 24 consecutive hours, Panda Chenchen has become the biggest hot news in the country.

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with this.

Once his particularity is exposed, it will definitely attract the attention of too many people, and instead of running around, it is better to take the initiative to meet it.

The more eyes he stared at, the safer and more comfortable he would be to survive in the sun!

Ten minutes later, the hot search was refreshed again, and the third became "Linhai Yamen Publicity".

Staff member Zhao Xin was dismissed for improper law enforcement methods.


The author has something to say:

four more

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