“You mean there is a man who makes you tour the world in search of your other powers.”

“Yes, Master!”

After confirming with the door again, Wang Luo felt that it was still a little incredible, which was completely different from the Decade that Wang Luo knew.

The reason why Wang Luo knew that the Door Lost Shi wanted to travel the world was because at that time, the world where the Door Lost Shi and Guang Xia Hai were located was about to be destroyed, so they were forced to cruise the world.

However, he had just learned from the mouth of the Doorman that he was traveling the world because he wanted to regain his power.

This reason may not have moved the doorman in the DecadeTV series, but it is a fatal temptation for the current doorman.

Don’t forget what kind of world this is, this is the world of tokusatsu drama collections, this is a world where you can be killed at any time without the power.

“Got it, no problem.”

In the end, Wang Luo nodded and agreed to the door loser, and this time the door lost soldier they came to ask Wang Luo’s opinion.

They wanted to find the power of the Lost Soldier, if this was the case, it would be impossible to train here with Wang Luo every day, so they wanted to ask Wang Luo’s opinion.

And of course, Wang Luo will not stop the door from losing, not only will it not benefit him, but it will also destroy the relationship between master and apprentice.

Of course, one of the most important reasons is that just now the system suddenly released a task.

“Ding~, the apprentice who has detected the host is about to start cruising the world, and the mission is now released:

Task 1: Agree to the request of the door failure, reward: turn on the venue dimensional docking function.

Mission 2: Help the Door Breaker break through to the Beginner, Reward: Upgrade the Scout function.

Mission 3: Help the Lost Door Warrior travel through the Nine Knights World, Reward: Dimensional Wall! ”

There is a task issued by the system, Wang Luo now wants to refuse and there is no way to refuse, not to mention that Wang Luo has never stopped the idea of losing the door.

This trip was an indispensable experience in the life of the disciples, and it was good for him, and Wang Luo, as his master, would certainly support his apprentice.

“Thank you, Master!”

The door lost man heard his master agree and excitedly exclaimed, originally he didn’t have to tell his master about this matter, he felt that even if he didn’t go, he would gain great power from his master.

But it was Xia Hai’s words that reminded him.

Xia Hai said: “He can’t study with Master all his life, he should go out and meet the world, and this time he can also let him experience and experience.” ”

It was because of Guang Xiahai’s words that he decided to go, but he still came to ask Wang Luo’s opinion.

“Shi, you still have something to do, if not, go back and prepare!”

There are too many things that happened on this day today, not to mention the tasks that the system has just released, and Wang Luo wants to study it well.

Since the ultimate goal of coming this time had been achieved, the door lost a good say goodbye to Wang Luo and left with Guangxia Hai.

Seeing that the door was lost, they left, Wang Luo returned to the house, opened the task panel and looked at the task that the system had just released.

The first task is not difficult, and it has just been completed.

However, this second and third tasks are not so easy to complete, let’s talk about the second.

This second task is to upgrade the strength of the door loss to the elementary, this task can not be completed overnight, if there is no shortcut, it can be said that this task is the longest, but now there is the simplest way in front of Wang Luo.

That is the actual combat function, if you let the door lose the door pass the simplest initial mode, it is estimated that you will reach the beginner by then, and as long as you pass the initial mode, you can also let another task be completed.

“This is really killing two birds with one stone!”

Wang Luo thought of a solution in his mind, and finally silently said to the door loser:

“Apprentice, I’m sorry, for the task of Master, I will only have to wronged you next!”

Thinking of this, Wang Luo could already imagine the miserable days of the door loss in the next few days.

There is also the fact that this morning, the door loss has wasted an opportunity to enter the actual combat function, and there are only two times this month, so Wang Luo must practice the door loss soldier well, so that he can pass the initial mode of the flesh at one time.

Thinking of the solution to the second task, Wang Luo then looked down at the third.

When he saw the third task, Wang Luo already knew that there was no shortcut to this task.


Knowing what the task was, Wang Luo looked at the task reward again.

“The system introduces the mission reward!”

“It’s the host.”

“Space-time docking function: the host can allow the venue to dock any location, time and space, and the specific role of the host can refer to the dimensional wall.”

Hearing the introduction of the system, Wang Luo understood, in the final analysis, it was to place the function of a dimensional wall for Wang Luo’s house.

“Understand the next one, speaking of this one is what Wang Luo is most interested in.”

“Upgraded detection function: the host can detect the weaknesses of its own apprentices and teach them more effectively.”


Wang Luo’s eyes lit up when he heard the introduction of the system, how to say this function! Very powerful, very powerful, too powerful.

With this function, Wang Luo can formulate how to guide his apprentices in the future.

The function of the system is to make it more convenient for Wang Luo’s future disciples, and now Wang Luo really has nothing to teach his apprentices.

Now this function of the system reward came out, which immediately solved Wang Luo’s dilemma.

“It came in time.”

After understanding the task reward, the corners of Wang Luo’s mouth unconsciously turned up, as for the third reward, that is, the dimensional wall, Wang Luo said that the system does not need to say, people who have seen Decade can not know what the dimensional wall is and what it does.

If you don’t know, you don’t deserve to be called a tokusatsu enthusiast.

After getting everything done, Wang Luo went to the actual combat function, and he also wanted to try the specific role of this function.

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