But when he really put on twice the gravity, he couldn’t say it.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Looking at Yusuke Onodera’s actions, Wang Luo said that he could start.

In the field, Yaji and Yusuke Onodera dragged their slow pace and slowly approached.

This movement alone already made the two sweat.

“I’m going, it’s so uncomfortable! But…”

Onodera Yusuke chanted, but he felt as if something was pounding in his body.

“It’s really useful!”

In fact, this is just that he is about to break through, and this gravity is a catalyst, as long as he can stick to it, it is estimated that he will soon be able to break through to the intermediate level, which is the same level as the current Wang Luo.

“Look at the fist!”

Monyaji grabbed this gap in Onodera Yusuke’s distraction, raised his fist and hit Onodera in the abdomen.

“You’re taking advantage of people’s danger!”

Fortunately, Yusuke Onodera reacted and hurriedly blocked it.


Monyaji did not pay attention to Onodera Yusuke’s words and continued to launch his own attack.

Because of gravity, the movements of the two seemed very funny, and seeing that Monyaji did not stop, Yusuke Onodera also came to temper.

“In that case, then you don’t blame me!”

Yusuke Onodera was also not polite, and rushed towards the door Yaji with his fists in his hands.

Wang Luo looked at the scene of the two fighting each other in the field and felt very exciting, although the action was very funny, but it was the pleasure of punching to the flesh.

A moment later, the two were lying on the ground panting, while their bodies were blue and purple, and Wang Luo saw this and revoked the gravity that was blessed on the two of them.

Now the situation of the two is no longer suitable to continue in the gravity environment, they have to take a break, otherwise they will be injured.

Taking advantage of the two of them to rest, Wang Luo said to them:

“You guys take a break first, and then continue when you’re rested, but then I will slowly increase the difficulty of your training, and when you can move freely in your respective gravity environment, then your training can be over!”

The two people lying on the ground heard Wang Luo’s words, and for a moment they seemed to feel that they had made a rash decision before, whether they had made a mistake.

But now they have no way back.

“Rest well, now continue!”

After stopping for a while, Wang Luo saw that the two were almost resting, and put gravity on the two again.

However, this time instead of letting them attack each other, let them chase each other, as long as whoever can run into another person then he can rest a little longer, and the one who fails can only be punished.

The two were a little surprised to hear the rules announced by Wang Luo this time, but then they looked at each other, and both of them saw the raging fire in each other’s eyes.

Wang Luo saw that the fighting spirit of the two came out, and said with a big wave of his hand


As soon as Wang Luo’s voice fell on the door, the two of them set off, and the two did not run as Wang Luo imagined, but stood in place to test each other.

However, the movements of the two of them seemed to be in Wang Luo’s eyes, two old men in their eighties were moving.

At this time, although the two can see each other’s movements, their bodies will not be as they think in their minds.

Speaking of this gravity environment, this gravity environment is different from the heavy acceleration in Kamen Rider Drive, which seems to delay other people’s time and does no harm to the human body.

The gravity released by Wang Luo through the venue is to exert a load on the human body itself, if the load is exceeded, it will cause indelible damage to the human body, and if it is heavier, it will directly cause death.

Of course, if it is used reasonably, it will also make people exercise and strengthen their physique, just like the doormen.

Now Wang Luo wanted to make them break through the boundary through the pressure of the gravity environment, and they were all enhanced by the knight’s belt, otherwise it would be impossible for Wang Luo to break through them.

Both of them showed amazing will this time, and neither of them wanted to lose to the other.


Onodera Yusuke shouted, although his physique was better than that of Monyaji, but the longer it was, the more unfavorable it was for him, because he was subjected to twice the gravity, and the greater his physical exertion, the more difficult it would be to withstand it, so he wanted to fight quickly.

Monyaji also heard Onodera Yusuke’s voice, and he also understood that although he is now on a par with Onodera Yusuke, this is based on unfairness, and the longer it is, the better it is for himself.

However, if you give Onodera Yusuke double the gravity, it will be unfair to yourself.

Menyaji thought that what he wanted was a fair fight.

“Come on, quick fix!”

Onodera Yusuke was stunned, he didn’t expect Monyaji to say such a thing, but this was just as he intended, of course he would not refuse.

In the end, both of them were very strong, and Wang Luo could also see that they were already much stronger than before.

Seeing this, Wang Luo knew that his conjecture was not wrong, gravity was indeed their catalyst, and now they can better use their power.

At the end of the battle, it was still Monyaji who touched Yusuke Onodera’s back, at this time Yusuke Onodera was already in the stage of declining physical strength, and Monyaji’s victory was already inevitable, and if Yusuke was desperate at the beginning, it was possible to succeed.

“Very good! Snap! ”

Wang Luo stretched out his hand and applauded a few times.

“Yusuke, don’t be discouraged, you can feel your current state!”

Wang Luo’s words made Onodera confused for a moment, but he did it anyway.

“This, this is!”

Onodera Yusuke listened to Wang Luo’s words and felt it, he didn’t expect that he felt that he was better than ever now, as if he could control his body at will, although he could also dominate before, but he always felt that something was blocking him, but now he couldn’t feel it.

“Senior Wang Luo, what’s going on with me!”

Yusuke Onodera looked up and asked Wang Luo.

“There is nothing, that is, although your body has strengthened the belt before, it has not been fully developed, and now you can use your power better through the catalysis of the gravity environment.”

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