God Level Villain

Chapter 602: Terrible rhythm

"In other words, we can also be invincible in Jiaozhou. With such a unique advantage, why should we fear the night wind, Jiaozhou will always be our world."

The voice just fell.

There was a rush of reports floating outside the house.

He turned into a small official from outside, stumbled, looked flustered, and fell to his knees with a plop: "Lord... lord, big... big things are bad!"

Shi Xie was able to get up and said sharply, "Don't worry, you can speak slowly."

The clerk swallowed Luo Luoshui, calmed his mood, and said: "Master, there is a defeat in front of you. Zhang Wu led an army to attack Jingzhou. The thieves will be killed in Du Pangling, all the way to Yulin County. Now Xie Yongcheng has already been taken."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Shi Zhuan was stunned, his eyes were stunned, his heart seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer.

He couldn't believe that Zhang Wu's army had just set off and entered Lingling. How long did it take to obtain such a terrible battle report.

He suddenly turned around, clasped his fists and arched his hands: "Father, this battle report is absolutely false. How could the thief army attack Yulin? The miasma of Du Pangling is so strong, could they not fly over?"

Shi Xie also had this question. After all, the existence of Miasma prevented Liu Biao's army for nearly ten years!

They also rely on the existence of the miasma to remain invincible.

Otherwise, just relying on the so-called elite soldiers in Jiaozhou, you can't withstand Liu Biao's army beating, let alone the elite night wind soldiers.

In other words, once the miasma loses its due function, then Shi Xie has lost his greatest support.

He will become a piece of meat, and the Yefeng army is already approaching Guiyang County. As long as he wants to eat Jiaozhou, he can send troops to attack at any time, and his army can't stop it!


This is a terrible rhythm.

Shi Xie tried to stay calm.

However, Shi Ling could still see the fine beads of sweat coming out of his forehead.

His body seemed to be trembling slightly, his eyes were rolling back and forth in his eye sockets, his hands were tightly clenched with his fists, he was obviously extremely nervous.

Before Shixie opened his mouth, the soldiers cried and said, "Master, this is true. The defeated army stationed in Xiemu City has already retreated to Fuchuan County. This piece of information is Yulin's taxi, one eight hundred Liga. A battle report sent in a hurry."

After all, the soldier took out the letter paper from his arms and presented it to Shifan.

Shi Xie hurriedly received the information, and while browsing, the letterhead trembled in his hand, his eyes glanced over the defeat!

Take a breath.

Shi Xie's face turned pale, he only felt a tingling scalp and a cold back spine.

The information was sent by Shiyi, which is not wrong.

Then it proved that Xie Mucheng's had indeed fallen into Ye Feng's hands.

Damn it!

This time is too passive!

After all, it was his own soldiers who took the initiative to attack Ye Feng. Once Ye Feng made a fuss about this matter, he didn't have to think about it. His army would immediately kill him and easily level Jiaozhou.

What should I do?

Sweat beads on Shixie's forehead rolled down, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down forcefully.

This is a terrible rhythm.

Shi Xie's heart was awe-inspiring, and various methods flashed in his mind.

Zhang Wu's invasion of Lingling was not an order from him. He could completely push all the responsibility on Zhang Wu, who had already been killed.

Abandon the car to be handsome!

This should be the only way.

Shi Xie immediately ordered: "Zhuan'er, you immediately send someone to take Zhang Wu's family, don't run away alone!"

How could Shi Zhun not know what his father thought.

Moreover, at the first time, he had already determined that his father knew that he had sent Zhang Wu to attack Lingling, so he sent him to arrest people instead of destroying them!

Shi Zhuan rejoiced secretly, he hurriedly responded, bowed and exited the hall.

Shi Xie immediately turned his head to face Shi Ling: "Lin'er, you are the eldest son of your father, and your father’s family business will be passed on to you sooner or later. Now that we are in Jiaozhou at the time of life and death, you must do your best. Things that will be surrendered are completely handled."

Shi Ling was overjoyed, clasping his fists and clasping his hands: "Father, it's what you told me, my child should obey!"

Shi Xie hummed and said softly: "You immediately took your things and rushed to the post house, trying to stabilize Zhuge Liang as much as possible. Before his father had a bad attitude towards him, you try to reverse this impression."

Shi Ling's eyes rolled round: "Father, don't worry, leave this to the child!"

Shi Xie nodded, looking at the back of his son who turned and left, he beckoned and switched to Kuimu.

Kui Mu clasped his fists and arched his hands: "Master, what can you tell me?"

Shi Xie said immediately: "You immediately send someone to the Chengdong Post House to bring me back the Stallion."

Kui Mu didn't want to do anything else, and replied sonorously: "No!"

At this moment!

Shi Xie has made up his mind to take refuge in Yefeng.

At the moment in the post house. Zhuge Liang sat at the table, reading at night.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

A knock on the door sounded: "Military, it's me, Shi A."

Zhuge Liang whispered: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, Shi A came in with the flying pigeon in his hand and handed it to Zhuge Liang: "Military strategist, the battle report ahead, General Wei Yan has won a great victory. Now 30,000 soldiers and horses are all stationed in Xie Mucheng."

Zhuge Liang put down the scroll, oh with joy: "Wei Yan is a tough general, and he is not very old, he has a bright future."

Shi An nodded: "Isn't it! I thought that General Wei Yan would just defeat his opponent. I never thought that he would attack Yulin with an army and take down Xie Mucheng."

Shi A's face was full of admiration: "Oh, it's a pity, I am a ranger, I don't know how to fight, I don't know how to lay out troops, otherwise I would also want to command the Ten Thousand Army and wave Fang Dao!"


Zhuge Liang laughed loudly and whispered: "Brother Shijia, you are wrong to think that way. In fact, everyone has his own value. You can't do the work of the literary leader, and the literary leader can't do your work either."

"The reason why the lord can be victorious in all battles is due to the merits of a general like Wen, and even the attack of a ranger like Shi Ah, you must not belittle yourself!"

Think about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Shi A also played an extremely critical role in every military activity of Yefeng.

Without the help of a super ranger like Shi A, in many cases, Ye Feng would be extremely passive.

It is precisely because of their own success that the army will succeed, and the Zhen Guo Gong today can be created!

Shi A took a deep breath and nodded slowly: "The military division's words are extremely true. A Ming takes it in his heart."

Zhuge Liang Yufan shook lightly: "Okay, don't feel any more emotions. I believe it will not be long before the Shibian will send people to the post. Let's make preparations earlier. Don't lose the face of the lord."

Shi Awei was startled and scratched Sao's head: "Military teacher, it's so late, will Shi Xie send someone?"

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