God Level Villain

Chapter 615: Right in the middle

"Come on!"


"Let me shoot all the choppy bits and pieces that were surrendered to the enemy and traitorously in the river!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Arrows are in the air, attacking indiscriminately, covering the audience!

Huang Zhong was overjoyed and sternly shouted: "Liu Yao is innocent, brothers, let's turn against him together!"

The small Poyang Lake military base is completely messed up at this moment!

"Flush me!"

Huang Zhong let out an angry roar, raised his knife and slammed in front of a battleship, then opened his mouth and asked, "You are the old soldiers of the Sun family?"

It seems that if they say no, they want to catch it all at once.

The battleship replied sharply: "Yes again..."

Before he could finish his words, Huang Zhong immediately intercepted him and said: "Since it is the Sun Clan's old tribe, then we are allies. Don't worry, Zhen Guo Gong has sent seven soldiers and horses to attack Jiangdong. In Yuzhang, there are two soldiers. The horse is coping!"

The man thought for a moment.

It was this moment of hesitation that caused Huang Zhong's warship to go around directly, raising his sword and shouting: "All generals, victory or defeat is today. Come with me to slay the imperial emperor, and return the world to the world!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The soldiers of the three armies, roared like thunder, shocked the world, and surprised ghosts and gods.

What Chen Wu didn't expect was that in this strong voice, there were even some voices that were the voices of his own soldiers.

He really saw that some of the Sun Clan's old tribes really followed Huang Zhong, turned the bow, and slew towards his army. This is really outrageous!

Chen Wu's face turned red, like a boiling boiler, which might explode at any time!

He gritted his mouth full of steel teeth, making a gurgling sound, and clenched a pair of iron fists tightly, as if to crush the air, extremely angry.


"It's all choppy!"

"Sure enough, the Sun family rebelled!

"Come on! Shoot this group of thieves to me in Poyang Lake!"

Chen Wu gave an order.

On the river bank, thousands of hard bows were immediately erected.

They did not distinguish between enemy and us, and they shot at the battleship in Poyang Lake with a dense rain of arrows!

Huang Zhong was overjoyed, the more they were like this, the more conducive to his victory in chaos.

Huang Xu's eyes widened. He really couldn't believe that his father could have such a huge power with just a word.

Could it be that the Sun family really rebelled?

Huang Xu is not clear, but what he knows is that the current situation is developing on the positive side. If the warship can rush to the river bank and attack Chen Wu in the district, it will simply be caught.

And what about the old Sun family?

Some of them were disdainful of Chen Wu and others, and even more meant to surrender.

Now that Huang Zhong gave an order, they really thought that the Sun family was ready to take refuge in Yefeng according to their wishes.

This is in their arms!

Turning the bow, they followed Huang Zhong and slew directly towards the river bank.

Some warships that were ambiguous were attacked by Chen Wu indiscriminately.

My heart shuddered and burned with anger!


Similarly, he turned the bow directly and followed Huang Zhong to attack the river bank.

"Zhi Niang thief, it's the opposite, I'm also the opposite!"

"I'm really fed up with it, Liu Yao is unkind, so let's not blame us for making his mother!"

"Brothers, break into the river bank, kill Chen Wu, kill me!"

The situation is great!

Huang Zhong was overjoyed, lifting a knife and shouting: "Liu Yao is a single husband, cruel and unkind, cronyism, not discerning loyalty and traitor, such an emperor, I am waiting for him to do anything, such as today's soldiers, it is precisely to overthrow the false emperor and recreate the world. opportunity!"

"All the soldiers listen to the order and kill with me!"

Some words resonated with the rebels.

They raised their knives and shouted, as if they had really become the soldiers and horses of the night wind at this moment, and followed Huang Zhong, whistling toward the river bank.

On the river surface!

The giant ship also began to change direction.

This is also normal. The main general here is Huang Gai, and Huang Gai is Sun Jian's loyal subordinate. Such a magic weapon will naturally be controlled by his family.

Now that the general situation is under Huang Zhong's control, the direction of the giant ship's attack will naturally follow.

Huang Xu was shocked to the extreme, he hurriedly shouted: "Father, look!"

Huang Zhong followed the direction of Huang Xu's eyes and looked over, finally letting go of the hanging heart.

He turned his head back suddenly, with a sense of heroism like a tiger!

Poyang Lake Military Base!

It must be caught by hand!

On the river bank!

Chen Wu panicked for a while, and he immediately greeted: "Damn, stop the pirates quickly, and don't let them board the river bank."

"Quick! Shoot me in the line, shoot me in the line!"

After all, the opponent's momentum was like a rainbow, and the battleship screamed, facing the arrow rain, without the slightest fear, and rushed forward.

The lieutenant next to Chen Wu leaned over and said, "General, the culprit has already fornicated with Sun Jian, then we might as well use Huang Gai's life as a threat to see what they want!"

Chen Wu's eyes lit up: "It's really a trick! Quickly, drag Huang Gai up to this general."

The lieutenant leaned over and handed over: "No!"

Not for a while.

Then a small official dragged Huang Gai over.

Chen Wu shouted fiercely, "Huang Gai, what can you say now?"

Huang Gai was shocked. He really didn't expect that his soldiers would attack Jiang An with Huang Zhong.

A voice rang from the battleship.

"Old General Huang, don't worry, we will come to rescue you!"

"Don't worry, General Huang, Lu Fan is here too!"

Chen Wu was furious, and sternly shouted: "Rebel, if you dare to take a step forward, I will kill Huang Gai. You are not Sun Jian's old department, Huang Gai is his general!"


Loud laughter!

Chen Wuyang shouted: "Come on, let me punish Huang Gai on the spot in front of these traitors!"

The two halberd soldiers shouted sharply: "No!"

The blade rises! The cold light flashes! On the occasion of a thousand fishing shots.


Two divine arrows pierced obliquely.

From an extremely tricky angle, he whizzed in, unbiased, and hit two soldiers with halberds extremely accurately.

These two arrows were exactly the two arrows used by Huang Zhongqianli to kill the enemy!

His voice came from the surface of the river: "Don't worry, General Huang, you are the old ministry of Sun Jian. I, Huang Zhong, will definitely not let a thief hurt you a single hair."

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The sound was thunderous, shocking the world.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In mid-air, several divine arrows struck again.

One magical arrow directed at Chen Wu, and two magical arrows aimed at the thieves beside Huang Gai!

It's just that Chen Wu is also a titan at any rate, and with such a distance, he can naturally dodge easily.

However, the two soldiers were not so lucky and were killed by Huang Zhong with one arrow!

Chen Wu was shocked and couldn't help but praise: "Thief archery is so powerful!"

As the distance drew closer.

The arrows of Huang Xu and Huang Wuyin followed, and the soldiers next to Huang Gai nearly cleared the field.

The river bank is close at hand!

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