God Level Villain

Chapter 618: Surrender will not kill

Da da da!

The sound of horseshoes, accompanied by a long hiss of hope, exploded in the ears.

In the oblique stabbing, a valiant roared out from the night, holding a gold-backed sword into the sky in his palm.

The eyes of the pair of copper bells were wide open, as if thousands of fierce lights splashed in and out.

"Thief, take your life!"

Huang Zhong slapped his horse with a sword and hurriedly arrived like a yellow lightning.

The blade rises. Cold light flashes! Blood light flutters away!

A **** head fell to the ground.

Huang Zhong raised the knife and pointed angrily, and said sharply: "The thief is dead, and those who descend will not kill!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison: "He who descends will not kill!"

In the city of Chaisang at night.

At this moment, there are more than ten pairs of eyes staring at the war in the distance.

The lieutenant frowned and muttered to himself: "I hope there will be no trouble!"

As soon as the voice fell, I just heard someone shouting next to him: "Who?"


Hundreds of hard bows were erected on the spot.

More than a dozen personal shadows sprang out from the city: "Don't shoot arrows, it's your own!"

The lieutenant asked hurriedly: "How is General Chen Wu?"

Someone in the city responded: "General, shortly after he left the city, General Chen encountered the thief army stationed outside the city. The thief army has too many troops. Our general is afraid that it will not be able to withstand it. I have come to request reinforcements."

The lieutenant groaned for a moment and nodded, "Okay! I will lead the army to support General Chen!"

After that, the lieutenant turned and greeted: "Brothers, immediately follow me to support the general. Chaisang City will be led by Wang Hui for the time being. Remember to stay on guard, don’t lose, understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "No!"


City gate exhibition.

The lieutenant led the army and galloped out, and said sharply: "Get on the horse and lead the way!"

But the man not only failed to mount, but instead wielded a steel knife to fight him.

At the same time, a sturdy man came out on the left of the city gate to defend a veteran. It was General Huang Gai.

I saw him holding two iron whips, slashing left and right, as if entering a man's land.

At the right side of the city gate, a humiliation came out to defend a Titan, but it was the general Ling Cao under Huang Gai Teng.

Ling Cao played with an iron spear that was airtight, like a dragon playing in the water, cutting directly at the gate of the thieves' army city.

Two people, left and right, cut off the thief army on the spot!

The lieutenant gritted his teeth and screamed: "Zhejiang, it really is a bunch of zhejiang, Huang Gai, didn't you say that you don't have a gangster!"

Huang Gai shouted sternly: "This general is like this, all of you are forced by your gang of ministers. Presumably General Wentai also has unspeakable difficulties. If you sell your life, it is better to let me die!"

Ling Cao even opened his mouth and cursed: "Lao Shizi, you scumbag, you dare to help you be abusive. I have already had enough of your bird-men's aura, and today I will wait for you to smash the corpse!"

The lieutenant was so angry that his eyes were not eyes and his nose was not his nose.

When he was about to ride a horse back to fight, a teenager came out in front of him.

The young general was holding a steel knife, riding a horse hurriedly, the steel knife whizzed past, and a crescent moon flashed by, immediately bursting out several blood, and one by one heads were thrown out on the spot.

"Thieves, your opponent is me!" The person who came was no one else, but Huang Xu, the son of Huang Zhong.

Huang Xu yelled, this was the first time he had done a good job, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After hearing his father's words, he shouted boldly, and it was really effective.

He widened his eyes, with a steel knife in his palm, and directed at the lieutenant, his head smashed Huashan!

Howling sounded in my ears.

It was as if a silver dragon fell from high in the sky, with a long hiss, and a splash of blood was suddenly splashed.

Huang Xu was holding a steel knife and gasping for breath.

He couldn't believe it until now that he was able to perform meritorious deeds on the battlefield for the first time!

He is so excited!

I was so excited that my body was trembling!

He turned around to alert his sister and smiled at her!


A divine arrow flashed past Huang Xu's face.

A soldier who rushed behind Huang Xu fell down.

And Huang Xu?

The same stunned, recovered from the surprise.

Huang Wudie said indifferently: "Xu'er, remember to be calm, the generals are not the usual thing, and the heart is normal, otherwise the only thing waiting for you is a steel knife. Have you forgotten it?"

Huang Xu was a little ashamed, and he actually left his father's teachings behind him.

He nodded humbly: "Sister, got it."

Rein, turn around.

Huang Xu held up the steel knife and screamed: "Brothers, rush into the city and capture the city."

Huang Gai sighed in secret, smiled indifferently, and said in his heart: "It's really a tiger father and no son!"

Ling Caobi glared and praised: "The future of this son is unlimited. He is even a few years younger than his son. There are capable people under the government of Zhen Guo.

The fire in the night burned for two hours before it stopped.

When the sky was bright, Chaisangcheng had all fallen into Huang Zhong's hands.

In this battle, Huang Zhong's army directly changed from 30,000 soldiers to 100,000 troops.

By fighting to support the war, the troops are fighting more and more!


Royal official.

Chongde Hall.

With the ringing of bells and drums, Emperor Liu Yao, wearing a Nine Dragon robe and a beaded curtain crown, sat on Longhu, and the court meeting officially began.

Xiao Huangmen squeezed his throat and said: "If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to do, retreat."

His subordinate flashed out Lu Su, leaning over and arching his hands: "Your Majesty, the minister has an emergency report."

Liu Yao said softly: "What's the matter with Ai Qing?"

Lu Su didn't cover up: "Your Majesty, this morning, a small official sent back news that Jiang Xia's night wind started, and Huang Zhong led the thirty thousand naval forces to storm the Poyang Lake naval camp!"

"Huang Gai and the Sun's old tribe all rebelled and surrendered to the thieves, General Chen Wu was killed, and Chai Sang took advantage of the situation. Now the thieves have already begun to come east."

When Liu Yu heard the words, his eyes widened, and he fell off Long Hu with a thump.

"This... how is this possible?"

Liu Yu couldn't believe this consumption at all. He quibbleed and said: "Didn't I have sent Chen Wu to take over the Poyang Lake Naval Camp? How could Huang Gai surrender the thief army!"

"What the **** did Chen Wu eat?"

"How could he be captured by the thief army and conquer the Poyang Lake naval camp?"

"Duyang Lake has one hundred thousand navy! That's one hundred thousand navy! There are also the latest warships. It is our killer copper. How could the thief army conquer the Poyang Lake navy?"

"how is this possible!"

Liu You's face flushed with anger, as if a red boiler might explode at any time.

Lu Su was calm. He snorted and said softly: "Your Majesty, if all the Sun's old tribes join the thieves, it would be really easy to win the Poyang Lake Water Army Camp!"

"Sun Jian, Sun Ce, the Sun clan..."

Liu Yao didn't fight, he gritted his teeth and roared with anger to the sky: "I treat you not badly, why do you want to hack into thieves, surrender to the enemy and treason? Why do you shit! Shosh!"

Liu You gasped heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, as if cracked.

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